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"The Tale of Sensei Ishikawa" is one of two possible missions that Jin Sakai can take on when first released into the open world of Ghost of Tsushima. Along with "The Warrior's Code," this quest marks the first step in "Jin's Journey," the name given to Ghost of Tsushima's main quest line. These quests together can be seen in the menu as the main goals of Act 1. Once completed, these missions will supply Jin with everything he needs to set out on his journey to becoming the Ghost.

Unlike Yuna, who encourages Jin to use every technique at his disposal to free Tsushima of the Mongol invaders, Sensei Ishikawa still believes in following a strict code of honor to accomplish victory. Jin will learn the art of the bow and arrow from his new Sensei, adding a ranged combat mechanic to the player's tool set.

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How to Start "The Tale of Sensei Ishikawa"


According to Ghost of Tsushima's lore, Sensei Ishikawa did not fight with Jin and Lord Shimura in the opening battle. In fact, Jin does not even know where Ishikawa is. Because of this, Jin is tasked with visiting the town of Hiyoshi Springs to ask around about the former warrior.


However, if a player desires to do so, it is possible to go directly to Sensei's dojo, bypassing the first section of the mission entirely. Doing this will not cause Jin to miss any major story moments, though he will miss the general introduction to the village of Hiyoshi Springs. Players wishing to skip directly to the dojo should visit the area on the map above.

Players wanting to complete the entire mission as intended should start by visiting the town of Hiyoshi Springs on the eastern coast of the island.

Entering Hiyoshi Springs:

Remember that the wind never accounts for twists and turns in a path or for high or low elevation. It guides Jin as the crow flies: in a straight line. He must account for everything else.

The path that leads to Hiyoshi Springs from the west has a decent amount of loot. Supplies and flowers, one of Ghost of Tsushima's many upgrade materials, can be found in several areas as Jin makes his way down. For this reason, it's worth getting off the horse and taking the scenic route.

Haiku, Hot Springs, and Bamboo Strike:


For many players, Hiyoshi Springs will introduce them to several of the game's activities. Jin will discover Ghost of Tsushima's Bamboo Strikes, which increases his resolve meter. At the valley's rim, Jin will find a peasant who teaches him the calming effects of composing Haiku.

Near the inn, Jin will spot an NPC with a small wooden tub icon over her head. She will introduce him to the healing effects of the hot springs, which increase Jin's maximum health level. Each of these activities can be found several times throughout Ghost of Tsushima's massive open world.

Locate Hiyoshi Inn and Ishikawa's Dojo:Ghost-of-Tsushima-Hiyoshi-Inn-Main-Marker

Mission Objectives:

  • Ask about Sensei Ishikawa at the inn

Follow the wind to locate the inn. The correct NPC to speak with will have a mission marker directly above his head. The man will offer to lead Jin to Sensei Ishikawa's dojo. Follow him to continue the quest.

  • Go with the innkeeper

The innkeeper will take Jin up a narrow path that leads out of the small valley and up toward Ishikawa's dojo. Once at the top of the path, look up the hill to see the compound.

  • Look for Ishikawa's Dojo
  • Travel to Ishikawa's Dojo

Head towards the cliff and look for the clear sign of climbing holds on the face of the rock. Jin can head straight up to the dojo from here.

Meeting With Sensei Ishikawa


Players who skipped straight to the dojo will meet up here.

Mission Objectives:

  • Investigate the dojo

Once Jin makes it up the cliff, turn to enter the first building he encounters. While investigating the dojo, he will see what appears to be the signs of a bloody struggle. The game will notify Jin when he has examined every possible area.

  • Find Sensei Ishikawa

Follow the trail of footsteps and blood up to the small home behind the practice area. Sensei Ishikawa will be waiting inside. He will inform Jin that he was attacked by bandits as he was headed to Ghost of Tsushima's opening battle on Komoda beach and that he cannot yet help Jin as his student is missing. Jin will offer to help, setting the mission into motion.

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Search For Sensei Ishikawa's Student, Tomoe


Mission Objectives:

  • Go with Sensei Ishikawa
  • Defeat the Mongols
  • Speak with Sensei Ishikawa

As Jin and Ishikawa set out, they will quickly run into a group of patrolling Mongols. Make sure and remember to dodge the archer's arrows. They will call out just before shooting. Speak with the Sensei after the brief fight, then continue on.

  • Go with Sensei Ishikawa
  • Investigate the camp
  • Speak with Sensei Ishikawa

The two men will come across a small camp, which the Sensei believes is where the Mongols ambushed Tomoe. He recalls that the Mongols recently took a fort near Hiyoshi Springs and that they probably plan on taking the town next. Search the site for any clues. Speak to Sensei to go over the findings thus far.

  • Go with Sensei Ishikawa

After covering a small distance, Ishikawa will stop to address Jin, eventually giving him an extra bow and arrow that he had been carrying...somewhere. This will be how Jin acquires one of Ghost of Tsushima's main weapons. The Sensei simply asks Jin to prove he can shoot straight before letting him 'borrow' it.

  • Shoot the candle

Jin must shoot three small lanterns to prove he is capable of wielding the bow. There is not much challenge here; simply aim and shoot.

  • Go with Sensei Ishikawa

Clearing Fort Nakayama With Sensei Ishikawa


After finally arriving at the fort, the two samurai decide to wait until the Mongols send out a search party to find out what happened to the patrol. Jin must survey the area to find the best strategy for attacking.

Mission Objectives:

  • Survey Fort Nakayama

Jin will discover several areas and items that are vulnerable to attack by bow, including lanterns, hornets nests, and powder kegs. This mission serves as something of a tutorial for how to use the bow for the rest of the game, as these items will appear throughout Ghost of Tsushima.

  • Ambush the Mongol patrol

If Jin waits until the right moment, he can take several Mongols out with the powder barrels before they even notice he is there. This will make the battle much more manageable, especially on Ghost of Tsushima's higher difficulties.

  • Rid Fort Nakayama of Mongols

If done right, the Ambush will take out nearly all the Mongols outside the fort. Be careful not to be too hasty, as there are a few Mongols on the right side, which should be taken out before storming the fort.

Once all the enemies outside the fort have been dealt with, Jin can head inside. Even after killing all the enemies outside the fort, many remain. If Jin is struggling to defeat them all at close range, use the bow and the remaining traps around the fort to deal with them.

  • Speak with Sensei Ishikawa

When all the enemies have been cleared, Jin and Ishikawa will realize that Tomoe is not there, but they do find her pendant near a large pile of dead prisoners. Sensei Ishikawa orders Jin to search the fort.

  • Investigate Fort Nakayama

Jin and Ishikawa discover some unexpected things while searching the fort. First, there are Japanese arrows in a target which the Sensei claims belong to Tomoe. Ultimately they decide it had to have been Tomoe who shot the arrows, as Mongol archers are not skilled enough.

They also find a scroll that appears to be a transcription of Japanese archery methods meant for the Mongols. Sensei Ishikawa is worried that Tomoe is teaching his Way of the Bow, a secret technique he himself shared with his student. It also appears that Tomoe had her own personal quarters and was not being held in a cage.


Finally, the two men find a prisoner who is still clinging to life. He claims that Tomoe didn't just do what she had to to survive; she is actively working with the enemy. She is teaching the Mongols Ishikawa's Way of the Bow and murdering Japanese civilians to prove her skill to her new allies.

  • Go with Sensei Ishikawa

Jin confronts Ishikawa with the fact that nothing about what they are learning makes sense. Eventually, Ishikawa admits that it was Tomoe who attacked him at the dojo, not the bandits. Though he feels he's been lied to, Jin agrees to help his new Sensei track down his student, as long as Ishikawa agrees to help free Lord Shimura when the time comes.

Ishikawa also suggests that Jin find and recruit Lady Masako Adachi, a fierce warrior that can no doubt help their cause. With everything agreed to and any further questions put on hold for the moment, the mission ends.


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A Note on Continuing Storylines


While "The Tale of Sensei Ishikawa" was a part of "Jin's Journey," when players look at the next mission in the series, "The Sensei and the Student," they'll see it's now one of Ghost of Tsushima's side-quests under the "Tales of Tsushima" banner.

This will happen with many of the character-based main-story missions, but this does not mean they are any less important. These storylines are vital to the overall narrative and should definitely be completed.

The next missions in "Jin's Journey" are "Blood on the Grass," "The Tale of Lady Masako," and "The Broken Blacksmith."

Ghost of Tsushima is available on PS4 and PS5.