Developed by Sucker Punch, Ghost of Tsushima takes players to Tsushima Island in 1274, where Jin Sakai must defend his homeland from the Mongol invasion. The Mongols are well prepared and they have been studying the ways of the inhabitants of Tsushima Island. Because of this, traditional forms of combat must be reconsidered, and Jin must come up with new combat methods to deal with the Mongol invasion.

When it was released, Ghost of Tsushima wowed gamers with its sublime depictions of nature and its tense combat that can have players dying from just a few sword strikes. The game has been successful enough to sell over eight million copies and earn the Player's Voice Award at The Game Awards 2020. It seems like Ghost of Tsushima will not be an IP that Sucker Punch will abandon soon, as the game will be receiving a movie adaptation. If Sucker Punch does release a sequel to Ghost of Tsushima, there are a few ways it could improve on the foundation laid down by the first game.

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NPCs Should Be More Interactive


Ghost of Tsushima employs a lot of tricks to make the game more immersive. For most of the game, there is no HUD, and players can find their way to the next checkpoint by simply following the wind. Instead of using artificial arrows or compasses, players can follow birds and foxes to find places of interest. On the hardest difficulty, sword fights feel much more realistic when a single swipe from an enemy's sword can kill Jin.

When players come across NPCs, the immersion breaks. The variety of interactions is very limited, and Jin can only bow to NPCs. Their lack of reaction to Jin's actions quickly reminds players that they are playing a game. For a Ghost of Tsushima sequel, NPCs should be far more interactive. Giving more dialogue options to players would make following NPCs to the next destination less boring. NPCs should also react to Jin's use of weapons or Jin running through a settlement. Lastly, enemies should be smarter when dealing with Jin. Instead of storming towards him in hordes, enemies should strategize and work together against players.

Players Should Have More Opportunity To Bond With Their Horse

ghost of tsushima horse armor dlc

At the start of the game, players must choose a horse that will be at their side for most of the game. Having a horse is useful, as Ghost of Tsushima's map is huge, and it would take forever to travel to distant locations on foot. Players do not have to worry about losing their horse because they can always call it back with a whistle when they need it.

Although having a horse around is extremely helpful, players do not have many opportunities to bond with their horse. Players do give their horse a name and it is possible to change the horse's saddle, but that is about as far as horse customization goes.

A Ghost of Tsushima sequel could improve on this by giving the horse stats that players should tend to. Having a horse that needs to be fed and cleaned would help to make horses feel more alive instead of just being a convenient form of transport. Players should also have more interactions options that allow them to pet their horse, teach it tricks, or play games. A bond could also be created by increasing the horse's stats if players feed their horse regularly and spend time with it. Players who neglect their horse should be punished by lowering the horse's stats.

Hunting Should Be More Engaging

Ghost of Tsushima works with tourist board

As Jin explores Tsushima Island, he comes across splendid fauna and flora. The animals he discovers sometimes lead him to interesting sites. Other animals are less friendly, and they may have Jin pulling out his sword to fight for his life. Hunting animals is useful, as Jin can use the hides to upgrade his equipment.

Hunting does add a new layer to the gameplay, but it is not fun after it has been done a few times. Animals can be taken down using a few arrows, and their attacks are rather basic. This could be improved by including a wider range of animals to hunt. Instead of limiting it to bears and boars, players should be able to hunt other animals for their hide too. Different animals should require different types of arrow or sword strikes to take it down. Making the wrong move should result in a spoiled hide that cannot be used.

Jin's story is an enthralling one, and it should not end with Ghost of Tsushima. There are many features Sucker Punch could implement in a Ghost of Tsushima sequel that would enhance gameplay and have players ready to return to Tsushima Island. With a few tweaks of Ghost of Tsushima's formula, the studio could have another masterpiece on its hands.

Ghost of Tsushima is available now on PS4 and PS5.

MORE: Days Gone and Ghost of Tsushima Sales Controversy Explained