Fans of Ghost of Tsushima have wasted no time telling the world how much they love the game, and a recent statistic showing that players have pet over 8 million foxes supports this. Despite its positive reception, there are still a host of suggestions fans have that could make the game that much better. These suggestions range from quality of life changes to entirely new modes, but the community pretty much unanimously agrees that they would better the game. Sucker Punch is aiming to be active in the subreddit, so hopefully it sees some of these suggestions and considers implementing them.

Despite only coming out less than a month ago, many have already earned Ghost of Tsushima's platinum trophy and are looking for more to do in the game. On average, it takes around 50 hours to get everything in the game, so it is no surprise that some of the more dedicated players have already achieved this. These suggestions would breathe a little new life into the game, giving those players that have already done all there is to do something else to strive for.

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New Game +

Ghost of Tsushima Mongol Invasion

Without a doubt, the most commonly requested feature in Ghost of Tsushima is the addition of a New Game+ Mode. This would allow players that have already beaten the game to replay it without losing all of their progress and collectibles. Ideally, if players are able to keep all of this stuff, they will be able to focus more on the story and less on following Ghost of Tsushima's golden birds and foxes. Sucker Punch has a lot of freedom in figuring out how it would like to implement this regarding increased difficulty, whether or not there would be new armor and collectibles available only in New Game +, and what exactly the player would get to keep.

Armor Presets

Players customized their appearance in Ghost of Tsushima.

Armor presets are more of a quality of life change, but fans agree that they would be incredibly useful. Ghost of Tsushima allows players to switch armor at will, even mid swing in combat, but nothing breaks the immersion more than constantly entering the inventory and swapping out armor and charms. Players wanting efficient builds will need to synchronize their armor sets with Ghost of Tsushima's best charms, and having a quick button do change all of that at once would encourage players to try more than one combat style out and get creative with builds.

Armor Glamour

Ghost of Tsushima infinite flying technique

This change is purely cosmetic and wouldn't require any sort of re-balancing at all, but many players would love to see some kind of glamour system added to Ghost of Tsushima. Essentially, this would allow players to wear a specific armor set, gaining the stats and perks associated with it, while using the appearance of another. This is ideal for players that love optimizing their stats but still want to look a specific way. Though some feel it might break the immersion if one can wear Jin's secret Fundoshi armor while having the stats of the Samurai Clan Armor, it is up to each player how they would use a feature like this.

Duel Mode

ghost of tsushima combat

Ghost of Tsushima's duels are its take on classic video game boss fights, as they pit the player against an admirable adversary and restricts Jin to only using his sword techniques (ie. no Ghost Weapons). Many players have voiced that a duel mode that allows them to either replay certain duels at any of the various dueling grounds available in the game or even customize enemies to fight in duels would be a lot of fun, providing longevity to the game beyond what it is currently capable of. There are a ton of stunning dueling grounds already in Ghost of Tsushima, so allowing the player to experience these moments again would be a great idea.

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Arena/Survival Mode


Given the way Ghost of Tsushima's enemies steadily get more and more difficult as the player progresses through the story, one thing that fans think would be a lot of fun is the introduction of an arena or survival type mode. This would pit Jin against waves of increasingly difficult enemies, tasking the player with surviving for as long as they can or for a set number of waves. The combat system in Ghost of Tsushima is one of many things fans love about the game, so a more readily available way to fight hordes of enemies seems like an obvious improvement to the game.

Ghost of Tsushima DLC


The biggest question fans have been asking since the release of this highly anticipated game is "Will Ghost of Tsushima get DLC?" There's a lot to consider about adding a DLC to the game, and fan speculation has run wild online. For one, the ending of Ghost of Tsushima leaves things in a somewhat uncertain spot, leaving fans needing to get creative with what type of content the DLC would include. Sucker Punch currently has no plans to release a story DLC for Ghost of Tsushima, but the studio hasn't shot the idea down either. If one does come, it would likely be in a few months.

Ghost of Tsushima Sequel

ghost of tsushima

Along the same lines of the previous entry, fans would love to see a sequel to Ghost of Tsushima eventually. Obviously, the game is still fresh off the press, so no one is expecting anything anytime soon, but with how beloved this game ended up being it would be a shame if it didn't become a franchise. Similar issues arise here as with the DLC, as there aren't a ton of places that Jin's story can still go, but Japanese history is rich and full of potential inspiration for a future installment.

All of these changes or additions would do wonders to keep Ghost of Tsushima alive for fans, but of course they are all just suggestions and none of them have been confirmed by developers. Sucker Punch did recently add a lethal mode as a free update, so it seems that the studio plans on continuing to support the game. Furthermore, it has made a statement claiming it hopes to be active in the community's discourse about the game, so fans may hear from the company soon. Until then, players may need to look for other action games for those that like Ghost of Tsushima.

Ghost of Tsushima is available now exclusively for PS4.

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