
  • Ghost of Tsushima: Legends still has an active player base in 2024, making it worth playing for both veterans and newcomers.
  • Quickplay is the best option to quickly find matches in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, offering cooperative and competitive modes that provide hours of entertainment.
  • While designed for multiplayer, solo players can still have a rewarding experience in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, although acquiring experience and gear may be slower.

After the massive success of Sucker Punch's Ghost of Tsushima in July 2020, fans couldn't get enough of its brilliantly crafted world, engaging combat, and memorable characters. So, it was much to their excitement when Sucker Punch released a multiplayer cooperative mode called Ghost of Tsushima: Legends just a few months later. In Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, players participate in various activities as one of four different classes — Samurai, Hunter, Ronin, and Assassin — earning experience and gear along the way to strengthen their character and prepare them for more difficult content.

Entering 2024, players may wonder whether Ghost of Tsushima: Legends is still worth playing. After all, it has been over three years since its initial release, so one might think it was at least reaching the end of its lifespan, if not at its end already. Thankfully, the popular multiplayer mode still holds up in 2024, with plenty of reasons for veterans and newcomers alike to play one of the best multiplayer experiences in recent memory.

What to Expect From The Ghost of Tsushima Franchise in 2024

Right now, Ghost of Tsushima is just one great video game, but it has the potential to be so much more, and 2024 could be just the start of that.

How Ghost of Tsushima: Legends Holds Up in 2024

It's Still Possible to Find Ghost of Tsushima Legends Players in 2024

As Ghost of Tsushima: Legends is meant to be played cooperatively, whether it's still worth playing in 2024 ultimately comes down to its current number of active players. While a lower player count than it had in 2020 is to be expected, Ghost of Tsushima: Legends still has a surprising number of active players. As Legends can be rather challenging to play solo, this makes it all the more worth it to play in 2024.

Current matchmaking times are inconsistent and fully dependent upon players' chosen activity. Quickplay is probably the best choice for players who want to get in on the action quickly, as the game will match them with players queueing for one of three of the game's activities — Story, Survival, and a PvP mode called Rivals. Quickplay isn't enabled for Story mode until players have completed all nine Story missions initially, but Survival and Rivals are both exciting cooperative and competitive modes that can bring dozens of hours of entertainment.

While a lower player count than it had in 2020 is to be expected, Ghost of Tsushima: Legends still has a surprising number of active players.

Matchmaking for a specific activity generally doesn't take very long either, even if it is a bit slower than Quickplay. On average, players will likely be required to wait thirty seconds before being queued with a full team of players when selecting an individual activity, which means there are still plenty of active players in 2024. Even Legends' Raid mode has a decent number of active players, though newcomers will need to complete every Story mission and spend some time strengthening their characters before they can access it. It's worth noting that although Legends' Raid mode did not initially include matchmaking, it has since been added.

Ghost of Tsushima: Legends Is Still a Rewarding Experience for Solo Players

Despite being designed for multiplayer, Ghost of Tsushima: Legends can still be a rewarding, if difficult, experience for solo players. Matchmaking is enabled by default for each of the game's activities, but it can be turned off at any time, allowing anyone desiring to go it alone to do so. Players should be aware, however, that playing Legends strictly solo will make acquiring experience and gear a much slower process. Furthermore, some of the game's activities may require the use of certain classes, simply because playing as one Legends class or another may not be viable for what the activity demands.

Although it is now over three years old, Ghost of Tsushima: Legends still holds up as a memorable and worthwhile experience in 2024. As it can be played either cooperatively or solo, it continues to prove itself as one of the best multiplayer modes in recent memory. At the very least, players should consider jumping into Legends and using it as a placeholder until Ghost of Tsushima 2 arrives.