Ghost of Tsushima: Legends' new Tale of Iyo raid only released two days ago, and yet there's already a group of players capable of beating its raid boss, Iyo, in under ten minutes. It usually takes a lot of coordination to take down a raid boss, as they're typically the culmination of all their raid's mechanics and more, so the fact that some players are already finding ways to speedrun Iyo is certainly impressive.

YouTuber LowKeyValkyrie uploaded a video of her Tale of Iyo raid team confronting Iyo, and it shows that the group managed to beat her in only 6 minutes — 6 minutes and 34 seconds, to be exact. For the sake of clarity, the video doesn't cover the entire raid; it just covers the whole of the raid's Chapter 3, which is the final section and where Iyo spawns. That said, it's still impressive that people are already close to destroying Iyo in five minutes, especially without resorting to cheating or the like.

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Before moving forward, there are minor spoilers ahead for those who haven't had the chance to take on the Tale of Iyo just yet. Sucker Punch implemented one of the best things about Ghost of Tsushima into the raid. Many factors go into beating Iyo, but the primary one revolves around the duel players have with her. One player duels with Iyo at a time, while the rest of the team helps in their own way. The better at duels the player is, the faster they'll be able to defeat Iyo.

The two videos show the raid from both Valkyrie's point of view and the view of her duelist, Lord_Troglodyte. Ghost of Tsushima: Legends had over 2 million people playing it when it first launched, so it's certainly possible that there are teams with better times than Valkyrie's, but Valkyrie's deserves props for their feat nonetheless.

It'll be interesting to see what kind of completion times the Ghost of Tsushima community will pull off as the raid gets a little older. A lot of players would definitely like to see speed runs of the Tale of Iyo's Chapter 2, as it's widely considered the most challenging part of the raid to complete thanks to its obelisks and the crystals. Overall, though, players will be speedrunning the raid in its entirety soon enough. Many are probably already thinking about the next thing Sucker Punch has in store for Ghost of Tsushima: Legends.

Ghost of Tsushima is available on PS4.

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