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Thanks to Ghost of Tsushima Legends, players can now explore the more mystical aspect of Sucker Punch's stealth-action masterpiece. Players can organize teams of up to four members as they take part in legendary stories and tales. In turn, players can face off against foes that folks in Feudal Japan would only classify as mythical and legendary. Moreover, players participate as one of four legendary Classes as they fight to defend the realm from various waves of enemies.

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However, unlike the core Tsushima experience, these legendary Classes don't have access to Jin Sakai's full repertoire of skills and techniques. In fact, the Samurai, Hunter, Ronin, and Assassin each have their special abilities that can contribute to the team's overall performance. However, to newcomers of the multiplayer mode, just which abilities shine among the rest?

10 Assassin: Light Step

About to assassinate a target - Ghost of Tsushima Legends Techniques

The Assassin reinforces their DPS superiority not just with their base damage, but their base damage potential. Whereas the Samurai does this by securing their melee attacks, the Assassin maximizes their damage with incredible stealth. With Light Step, Assassins become silent while running - essentially allowing them to reposition themselves in the battlefield without arousing suspicion. In turn, Assassins can pull off assassinations much faster, and much easier.

Interestingly, by the time Assassins get Light Step by Rank 9, they may have unlocked other Perks that complement their stealthy potential. For instance, Light Step allows Assassins to position themselves just right to use Rank 5's Shadow Storm to enhance their Ult Shadow Strike. Additionally, doing so with Rank 2's Critical Hit enables their assassinations to deal more damage - essentially transforming Assassins into silent killing machines.

9 Hunter: Pinpoint

Aiming an arrow - Ghost of Tsushima Legends Techniques

Hunters in Legends might want to train themselves to transform into sharpshooters as the need arises. After all, they're the ones best-equipped with abilities that enhance their potential as ranged combatants. Thanks to Rank 5's Pinpoint, Hunters get more leniency when missing headshots as this Perk essentially gives all body shots a 50-50 shot of dealing headshot damage. This Perk essentially lets Hunters even tear through tough armors in the game.

Moreover, Pinpoint becomes extremely useful when combined with a Perk like Rank 2's Executioner. After all, Executioner gives headshots 50-percent more damage if the target is around 12 meters away. In essence, thanks to Pinpoint and Executioner, Hunters get a 50-percent chance of dealing empowered headshots!

8 Ronin: Soothing Breath

The Ronin - Ghost of Tsushima Legends Techniques

Thanks to the Ronin's Breath of Izanami, entire parties can get back to the battlefield with and focus on the objective a handy revive. However, this revive doesn't immediately restore the party's health back to normal. As such, allies need to have healing items at the ready. However, with Rank 5's Soothing Breath, the Ronin's Breath will now add constant healing to revived players that last for eight seconds.

For some, the eight-second heal might not seem much. However, for teams in a pinch, the eight-second heal can give them just enough time to plow through surrounding enemies and regroup. Soothing Breath easily becomes a great healing ability in the earlier stages of the Ronin's progression.

7 Samurai: Lightning Reflexes

Performing a powerful strike - Ghost of Tsushima Legends Techniques

In the base game, the best way to get rid of archers would be to dodge them. With the Samurai's Lightning Reflexes, players can deflect incoming arrows provided they're pressing the block button. In essence, this Perk provides the Smaurai with the extra defensive ability of defending against arrows without taking too much damage.

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At first glance, this Perk might not seem extremely useful. However, this Perk does eliminate the need for Samurai to change their position in the middle of a stand-off, a difficult duel, or even against groups of enemies. In turn, this Perk lets them maintain position and pull off their combos without worries.

6 Assassin: Toxic Vanish

An Assassin about to assassinate - Ghost of Tsushima Legends Techniques

Thanks to the Assassin's Group Vanish, entire teams can zip out of the battlefield in times of danger. However, Assassins who prefer solo incursions would appreciate Toxic Vanish, an alternative Class Ability. Unlike Group Vanish, Toxic Vanish enables the Assassin to vanish - this time, leaving a poison gas cloud in their wake. In turn, enemies near the Assassin get Stagger damage. Assassins can capitalize on the Stagger to deal quick assassinations. Likewise, they can simply reposition themselves while enemies get weakened by the poison.

Interestingly, Assassins get Toxic Vanish on the get-go, unlocking this at Rank 1. Meanwhile, Group Vanish gets unlocked at Rank 10. Players with battle-hardened allies may not even need Group Vanish, which leaves the Assassin with the much-deadlier Toxic Vanish in their arsenal.

5 Hunter: Explosive Arrow

Aiming a flaming arrow - Ghost of Tsushima Legends Techniques

Hunters specialize in dealing with distant threats before they even reach the rest of the party. As such, the Class Ability Staggering Arrow gives the team an edge as Hunters stun them for a short duration, leaving them open for attacks and special tools. However, Hunters can capitalize on their alternate Class Ability, Explosive Arrow, for deadlier combos.

This Technique, unlockable at Level 10, lets Hunters unleash an arrow that explodes after a short time. Unlike the Staggering Arrow, the Explosive Arrow enables the Hunter to time disastrous shots to explode when enemies reach defense points. Hunters working with Samurai can use Explosive Arrows to pepper through an enemy team's health. Afterward, the Samurai can finish them off in close range.

4 Ronin: Healing Incense

A player recovering - Ghost of Tsushima Legends Techniques

Players who become the Ronin would definitely appreciate the additional support the Spirit Animal provides for the entire party. After all, the absolutely-pettable Spirit Dog adds extra manpower to aid the team. However, the Ronin further cements their role as a support Class with the Healing Incense, an alternative Class Ability. Unlike the Spirit Animal, Healing Incense would instead have the Ronin deploy a small incense pot that can restore the Health of nearby allies.

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Ronin can unlock this Class Ability at Rank 10 and easily becomes a worthwhile investment for support builds. After all, Healing Incense can lead to more support-related Perks such as Quick Regen (Rank 16) that can enhance healing effects.

3 Samurai: Explosive Blade

A flaming sword - Ghost of Tsushima Legends Techniques

One can't deny that the Samurai's Spirit Pull allows them to last longer with its inherent lifesteal capabilities. Moreover, getting this Class Ability on the outset lets Samurai cement their position as melee powerhouses early on. However, sometimes killing enemies faster works better than stealing health from them. In this regard, the Rank 10's Explosive Blade might be the better tool for the job.

More offensive Samurai might appreciate the straightforward melee edge the Explosive Balde provides. After all, the Explosive Blade augments all melee attacks with explosions when hitting enemies. In turn, surrounded Samurai can rip through enemy teams faster with this weapon. Moreover, Explosive Blade becomes extra deadly with the swift strikes of Hachiman's Fury.

2 Hunter: All-Seeing Eye

The Hunter in Legends - Ghost of Tsushima Legends Techniques

Hunters who get acquainted with their sharpshooting potential would appreciate the Eye of Uchitsune. After all, this instant-headshot Ultimate also targets three enemies at once. However, All-Seeing Eye enhances this further by allowing players to target two more enemies. In turn, Hunters now become capable of eliminating entire squads about to engulf defense positions.

Granted, Hunters gain access to this Perk by Rank 11. However, Eye of Uchitsune paired with All-Seeing Eye plus Executioner transforms Hunters into killing machines. After all, the 50-percent increased headshot damage of Executioner means Hunters can almost always get five one-shot kills with the Eye of Uchitsune plus All-Seeing Eye.

1 Ronin: Weakening Burst

Player surrounded by enemies - Ghost of Tsushima Legends Techniques

At first glance, the Ronin seems to only provide a bit of healing as a supporting character. However, players who stick with their Ronin long enough can reap the benefits of faster combat with Weakening Burst. This Rank 7 Perk gives Ronin the ability to debuff enemies around them. In essence, weakened enemies now deal 25-percent less damage and receive 25-percent more damage for the duration.

With this ability, Ronin essentially opens enemies for more damage from the party's main DPS. For instance, Assassins and Samurai can capitalize on Weakening Burst with Shadow Strike and Hachiman's Fury, eliminating opponents in quick succession. Likewise, the Hunter can take advantage of this Perk with Eye of Uchitsune, as its guaranteed headshots may essentially one-shot enemies.

NEXT: Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Mistakes Newbies Make (& How To Fix Them)