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While a player will need to call upon their katana frequently as they make their way through Ghost of Tsushima, there are plenty of times when it is best to leave this deadly weapon sheathed. However, some fans may not know how to put their sword away in Ghost of Tsushima once it has been drawn, and this guide is being written with those players in mind.

Fortunately, it is very easy to put away the sword in Ghost of Tsushima, as all a player must do is swipe to the right on their controller's touchpad. Indeed, this will prompt Jin to clean his sword with a slick maneuver before he puts it back in its sheath, and fans can then continue on without fear of falling onto their katanas. Additionally, players can swipe right when the sword is put away to draw it again.

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To note, sheathing the sword is not the only reason to use the touchpad when playing Ghost of Tsushima, as it can trigger several other actions as well. As examples, pressing on the touchpad will cause Jin to use his Focused Hearing technique, while swiping left makes him pull out his flute and play a song. Additionally, players can swipe up on the touchpad to stir up the Guiding Winds or down to perform a gesture like a bow.

For some fans it may feel slightly unusual to have so many different things assigned to the touchpad, and it may take some time to adjust. That said, players will certainly get accustomed to this particular aspect of the controls as they work to beat Ghost of Tsushima, and by the end they will undoubtedly be drawing their flutes and sheathing their swords like true masters.

There is something about Ghost of Tsushima's controls that may prove a bit more problematic, though, and that is that there is no way to lock-on to an enemy in battle. A bit unfortunately, this can lead to some less-than-ideal situations with the game's camera, which has been noted by a number of Ghost of Tsushima reviews and is further exacerbated by the fact that attacks are all on face buttons rather than on triggers.

Ghost of Tsushima is available now on PS4.

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