Ghost of Tsushima’s combat is one of the highlights of the game, with how closely it emulates the samurai fantasy depicted in the iconic Kurosawa films. However, despite the heavy focus on combat, players might feel that at least one aspect has been overlooked: healing.

Healing in Ghost of Tsushima is achieved by using Resolve points to restore the HP bar. But what happens when players run out of Resolve? The only easy way to restore it is to cut down some more enemies, but with low health, that seems like a bad idea. Luckily, there is a solution: The Charm of Okuninushi, a charm that heals Jin back to full HP outside of combat. Here is how to get and use it.

Ghost Of Tsushima: The Best Techniques

Ghost of Tsushima offers a wide variety of techniques for players to choose based on their playstyle, but there are a few must-haves.

Charm of Okuninushi Location

Players can find the Charm of Okuninushi by completing the Mending Rock Shrine on the northeastern coast of Izuhara, the first region of the game. This shrine is accessible as soon as players unlock free roaming on Tsushima Island. Using Castle Kaneda as a point of reference, move south while hugging the eastern coast, and players should be able to encounter the Torii Gates leading to the shrine on the main road.

Mending Rock Shrine Guide

mending rock shrine path in ghost of tsushima

The Mending Rock shrine lies on a sheer bluff a little ways out into the ocean, and the only way to reach it is by platforming along the cliff-face until reaching the wooden bridge leading to the shrine.

The easiest way to do that is to find the path marked by the Torii Gates, starting from one on the main road leading to the coast:

  1. Follow the Torii gates to a small gap in the rocks and squeeze through.
  2. Jump over the gap to the stone stairs and crawl under the next obstacle.
  3. In the next section, use the tree branch sticking out the stone to reach the handholds on the other side. Use the handholds to get to the lower level with the broken wooden bridges.
  4. Cross the bridges quickly to avoid getting thrown down when some of the sections collapse.
  5. Keep using the handholds to shimmy along until you see a wooden bridge leading to the main shrine.
  6. Honor the shrine to complete the Mending Rock Shrine and obtain the Okuninushi Charm.

To return to the mainland, go back to the wooden bridge and use the interact button when the ‘Descend Shrine’ icon pops up. This will deposit Jin at the first Torii Gate.

How to Use the Charm of Okuninushi

The Charm of Okuninushi’s special effect is Slowly recover health while out of combat’. The way it works is simple. Once equipped, if the player has any health missing, the lost HP will gradually come back to the player after a short delay. There are two conditions for the effect to trigger.

  1. Jin should be outside the combat state.
  2. Health should be below 100%.

Sheathing the sword does not change the combat state.

If both conditions are met, the Charm of Okuninushi’s effect will trigger, and players will see Jin’s HP bar slowly ticking upwards until it’s full. Despite the charm’s description saying otherwise, the healing it provides is actually fairly quick, healing Jin to full health from 1/3rd of his HP in about 20 seconds. However, there is a delay of about 8-10 seconds after combat ends before the charm’s effect kicks in, meaning if Jin is taking damage over time (like Fire), it may tick down to his death before the charm triggers.

Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT
Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut

PC , PS5 , PS4
August 20, 2021
Sucker Punch
Sony Interactive Entertainment
Action-Adventure , Open-World