Only three short weeks remain until Ghost of Tsushimareleases on PS4, and Sucker Punch Productions is doing what it can to keep fans satiated during the wait. In that vein, a recent Twitter post by the gaming studio's official account has released a number of new pieces of concept art that show the stunning origins of some of the game's locations, as well as an early view of Jin on his horse.

These high-quality images are sure to delight fans who are anxious to finally get their hands on Ghost of Tsushima and begin roaming around Japan's Kamakura Period. Sucker Punch Production's take on a ninja/samurai Assassin's Creed has already made waves thanks to gameplay footage featuring stunning visuals and fluid animations, and the latest released concept art follows that same trend.

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One of the more impressive pieces of concept art in this latest release will likely go well with Ghost of Tsushima's black and white mode, since it shows bright white snow with accents of dark buildings and stone underneath. Apart from the snow piece, the others cover some of the masterful uses of color that the game will use to bring world to life for anyone playing the game on standard settings. If this art is any indication of what the rest of the game will look like, which some gameplay trailers have shown to be the case, then players are in for a visually appealing experience at the very least.

Of course, the gorgeous landscapes and impressive visuals aren't the only things that players are interested in for Ghost of Tsushima, with many fans hoping to see some more of the nail-biting action from the parry and deflection-based combat. While that's unfortunately difficult to convey in concept art, the developer has already given in-depth explorations of combat, and at this point, the only thing that might satisfy is trying it out in person. Fortunately, with the release coming next month, players will soon be able to get that one-on-one time with the game fairly soon.

Concept art for games is often one of those behind-the-scenes looks at game development that players tend to become enthralled in. Of course, it is also the type of thing a studio releases while trying to keep community engagement and fan anticipation high in the lead up to release. To a degree, it works, because looking at those pieces certainly sparks excitement to Ghost of Tsushima.

Ghost of Tsushima is set to release on July 17, on PS4.

MORE: Ghost of Tsushima Has Tranquil Feature

Source: Twitter