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  • Using the right ranged weapons in Ghost of Tsushima can make a big difference in combat strategy and effectiveness.
  • Each ranged weapon serves a specific purpose, from distraction to devastating damage, allowing players to tailor their approach.
  • Players must consider the situation before choosing a weapon, whether it's for stealth, crowd control, or taking out armored enemies.

Ghost of Tsushima features plenty of projectile weapons to aid Jin Sakai in his liberation of Tsushima from the Mongol invaders that ravished his home and put his honor to the test. The best-ranged weapons in Ghost of Tsushima will give players plenty of power, whereas the worst will seem ineffective against the masses.

Ghost Of Tsushima: Best Ghost Techniques To Get First

If players want to embark on some cunningly stealthful tactics, then these Ghost Techniques are perfect for Ghost of Tsushima players.

Every weapon has its advantages, and players can master them all if they know what they are in for. With Ghost of Tsushima featuring 12 ranged weapons, there are some that deserve more attention than others, but each of them still serves a solid purpose.

13 Wind Chime

A Small Bell That Creates An Enticing Sound When Thrown

wind chime
  • Unlocked by: Spend 1 Technique Point in the Wind Chime Ghost Weapon

The Wind Chime is nothing special to those who seek a higher form of combat, but it is a weapon that harbors an artistry to its use. The Wind Chime cannot be used to damage enemies, but it can be used to provide them with a new path in stealth since when thrown, an enemy will investigate the sound of the Wind Chime and move position.

It’s a good weapon to have for stealth segments, as players can manipulate their enemies into entering compromised and vulnerable spots so Jin can attack in the shadows. Yet, if players are caught, they are otherwise useless, and a patient item even in stealth.

12 Firecracker

Thrown Mongolian Firecracker That Can Attract Several Foes

  • Unlocked by: Spend 1 Technique Point in the Wind Chime Ghost Weapon Tree

The Firecracker acts a lot like the Wind Chime, except its loudness can attract more than just one curiously spooked guard. The Firecracker is a very situational weapon, and players should only throw it if they want to amass an audience for their killing spree.

The best way to use the Firecracker is probably to throw it, gather an audience of enemies, and then throw an explosive bomb to eliminate them. Or, gather a sizable crowd just to add challenge to the death spree. Either way, the Firecracker is too loud to be used for stealth.

11 Flaming Arrow

Ignites Enemies, Cloth, and Dry Grass

flaming arrow
  • Unlocked by: Complete The Way of the Bow Tale

A weapon of truly destructive power, the Flaming Arrow can set many things ablaze to the point where potentially too much damage and chaos has been caused. The fact that the Flaming Arrow ignites things on fire, surrounding the area with destructive flame, means that players could get themselves caught in a wildfire that is unpredictable and untamed.

Players might be able to set enemies on fire, but some might stop, drop, and roll, preventing them from a fiery death. The only real advantage this arrow has is the use of distraction and separating the hordes, and its quick rate of fire from the Half Bow.

10 Heavy Arrow

Pierces Helmets and Can Knock Enemies Backward

heavy arrow
  • Unlocked by: Complete The Curse of Uchitsune Mythic Tale

If players need a weapon that will truly punch through all, then the Longbow’s Heavy Arrow might just do the trick. With this weapon in hand, and the Heavy Arrow at the ready, players can easily pierce enemy armor to the point where it might send them flying backward, causing even more damage, especially if they are shot off a cliffside.

Ghost Of Tsushima: Best Samurai Techniques To Get First

As an honorable samurai at the start of Ghost of Tsushima, players need to seek out these techniques if they are to beat the Mongol forces.

The Heavy Arrow does suffer from the fact it’s fired by the heavy Longbow, but during stealth, firing this at those who block their crushable skulls with a helmet will cause them to die, easily taking care of those annoying enemies that prepare for the worst.

9 Explosive Arrow

Explodes Moments After Impact, Igniting Bystanders

explosive arrow
  • Unlocked by: Complete The Curse of Uchitsune Mythic Tale

Used by the Longbow, the Explosive Arrow is surprisingly mediocre, due to its fairly low arrow capacity, and the modest explosion caused by firing it. Whilst players can deal some deadly damage, the Longbow is rather heavy and slow to fire, so players aren’t going to be able to pull this one off effectively in the middle of battle.

It’s also not that great in stealth, as it’s highly alerting due to the damage and sound, meaning stealth players will likely be caught when just one arrow is fired. Either way, if there is a crowd of enemies, feel free to shoot one with an explosive arrow and watch the damage rise.

8 Smoke Bomb

Unleashes A Dense Cloud Of Smoke At Your Feet, Causing Enemies To Lose Sight Of You

smoke bomb
  • Unlocked by: Spend 1 Technique Point in the Smoke Bomb Ghost Weapon

Mainly used as a backup for when stealth goes wrong, the Smoke Bomb will allow players to throw a cloud of smoke at their feet, ensuring enemies are confused and blinded for a moment as Jin either retreats or regains ground above, hiding from his foes so he can pick them off one by one.

The Smoke Bomb is really only a reserve weapon to be used when there are too many overwhelming enemies, and players need to catch their breath and assess the situation from a hiding spot, but it’s always good to have the option to head back into stealth rather than a checkpoint restart.

7 Black Powder Bomb

Thrown Explosives That Deal Damage Across A Large Area

black powder bomb
  • Unlocked by: Spend 1 Technique Point in the Black Powder Bomb Ghost Weapon

If players are looking for some bang for their buck, then the Black Powder Bomb is quite useful. This device is an explosive, and when players throw it, they won’t have to wait for long until it explodes, damaging anyone who is within the area.

The range of the explosive is pretty good, and those within are going to be dealt a harsh amount of damage, which could even be fatal depending on the enemy type. However, enemies might avoid it entirely due to its fuse time, and it shouldn’t be thrown directly close to players.

6 Poison Dart

Passes Through Armor and Poisons Enemies

poison dart
  • Unlocked by: Scavenge Purple Flowers After Completing Ghosts From The Past

A powerfully dark weapon used by the Blowgun, players can shoot this out to anyone, armored or not, to poison them. The dart is a much more subtle weapon, but equally as powerful, and those shot with it will see a fate worse than death as they struggle to stand, taking their last breaths witnessed by friends who only grow in terror.

Ghost Of Tsushima: 6 Things You Should Not Buy From Merchants

Ghost of Tsushima features plenty of items and resources to purchase from merchants, but some are best ignored.

The Poison Dart hurts those unsuspecting, and Jin will remain undetected with its use. Some guards may even become terrified, and run away at the sight of someone poisoned, fearing a similar fate that will not be avoidable when it comes to the Ghost.

5 Hallucination Dart

Sends Enemies Into A Violent Rage Where They Attack Friend And Foe Alike

hallucination dart
  • Unlocked by: Scavenge Orange Flowers After Completing Ghosts From The Past

Used by the Blowgun, the Hallucination Dart is a great choice for those who like hiding in the shadows, waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack. With the Hallucination Dart, players can shoot it at any enemy of their desire to turn them violent and confused, allowing them to use their rage on their own allies, dwindling their numbers greatly.

Players should always aim to shoot this dart at the biggest and worst enemy in the field so that they can take out plenty of enemies before they themselves are killed, thinning the herd of enemies that Jin himself needs to fight.

4 Arrow

3 The Archer’s Standard Weapon

  • Unlocked by: Complete The Tale of Sensei Ishikawa

With a maximum capacity of 16, the Half Bow’s Arrow is devastating to the true archers out there. This Arrow can instantly kill enemies who have their heads exposed, so paired with the correct techniques to slow time while aiming, players will be able to kill multiple enemies, even if detected, due to the fact that they can just shoot their heads as they charge, as easy as fish in a barrel.

On top of being effective in combat, players can also use this weapon during stealth to remain undetected as they slowly pick off the enemy numbers, leaving them scared as to where the arrows are coming from as heads are pierced in the dark.

2 Sticky Bomb

A Pitch-Covered Bomb That Sticks To An Enemy Before Exploding

sticky bomb
  • Unlocked by: Spend 1 Technique Point in the Sticky Bomb Ghost Weapon

Explosives are a great friend to Jin Sakai, and the Sticky Bomb has a grand use when enemies cluster together. There’s no way to prevent this deadly power from being used, as players simply need to throw it in order for it to stick to an enemy or the ground, exploding on them whilst they desperately try to remove it.

The sticking power is unavoidable, and the explosive deals a nice set of damage to enemies. Players should mainly use it when groups are close together, or on larger enemies that require more than just a few slices of the katana to help chip away at their health.

1 Kunai

A Small Blade That Can Be Quickly Thrown At Nearby Enemies To Stagger Them

  • Unlocked by: Spend 1 Technique Point in the Kunai Ghost Weapon

A quickfire gadget that can be used in the midst of combat with absolute ease, the Kunai devastates due to its small size and sharp blade, staggering enemies and causing damage to them. Players can throw multiple in quick succession to open their opponents up to a devastating attack with their katana.

While players might not have an arsenal of Kunai to use, they are great when used correctly, as players can time their throws for when enemies are vulnerable and in the middle of an attack to mess them up and create even more power in Jin Sakai’s own counters.

Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT
Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut

PC , PS5 , PS4
August 20, 2021
Sucker Punch
Action-Adventure , Open-World