Following some strong series like Sly Cooper and Infamous, Sucker Punch released what was arguably its most successful game, Ghost of Tsushima, where players were able to experience an action-packed samurai story with some immense detail. From the island of Tsushima to the time of the invasions, Ghost of Tsushima got so much right in terms of historical accuracy, which allows players to speculate about the seemingly confirmed sequel. Fans are wondering if they will once more take control of Jin Sakai as he defends his land and people from the second Mongolian invasion, or if there is a different route the game could take to expand on the rich history and lore it has already established.

The second Mongolian invasion seems the more likely route, but it could also open the door for further exploration into Japan and its traditional culture. Following the events of the first game, Jin will likely need to once more rebuild his own forces to prevent Tsushima from falling into the hands of the Mongols, and this could lead him to Mainland Japan and the Shogun. However, there are many more ways in which the sequel could expand on the first game, from introducing a student of Jin Sakai to having the Ghost travel to meet the Shogun and discuss strategy for the upcoming invasion.

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Second Invasion of Tsushima

Ghost of Tsushima

Historically, there were two major invasions of Japan from the Mongolian forces, one set in the first game’s timeline, and the other taking place a few years later. The second invasion was a much bigger one with more numerous Mongolian forces along with warriors from China and Korea going up against a united Japan. This is the most likely course for the sequel to take and would include much larger battles and a lot more enemies for Jin to take out.

With Jin essentially being exiled by the Shogun following the events of the first game, following this storyline for the sequel will also mean that Jin may act alone once more when fighting off the new Mongolian invaders. It could mean more stealth combat and a bigger need for Jin to win over certain NPCs to gain the trust of the Shogun’s forces. Historically, the second invasion was also met by a larger Samurai force, so it is likely that Jin will be working alongside other samurai from mainland Japan.

Ghost of Tsushima 2 Could Include Mainland Japan

ghost of tsushima vertical world map

There are two reasons why the sequel could expand past the island of Tsushima and include Mainland Japan as one of the locations for players to explore. The first is that Jin will need to win over the Shogun once more to effectively aid the Japanese forces as they combat the invading Mongolian army. Further, the second Mongolian invasion also included a force pushing through to the mainland, where they were defeated, so having the players controlling Jin during this battle could mean that Mainland Japan could be included in the sequel.

The second reason why the sequel may include Mainland Japan is that the Shogun will likely play a much bigger role. In the first game, the Shogun was only mentioned, and his forces were seen from time to time. However, with most of Tsushima’s samurai killed, Jin may need to venture out to find new allies to assist in the upcoming invasion. Iki and Tsushima were instrumental in the eventual Japanese victory, and they were assisted by Samurai from all over Japan, so it is possible that Jin will travel to Mainland Japan to ensure the islands get the protection they need.

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Jin May Get A Student


With the depleted samurai forces on Tsushima, and Jin being the last of his family, fans may get a chance to see Jin’s successor in the sequel. Jin was trained to be a samurai by his uncle, and following the events of the first game, when picking one of the options, Jin kills his uncle upon his request. So, it seems plausible that following this, Jin would seek out a new student to pass along the teachings he received from his uncle and ensure that the future of Tsushima’s samurai is maintained.

Having a student appear in the sequel can also help set up future games and DLCs while furthering the story of the Sakai clan and giving fans an insight into the type of man Jin is. Watching him interact with his student would be a great way to humanize him and bring back some of the teachings that Lord Shimura taught Jin when he was a child. Furthermore, Jin’s student could be a contrast of what he was as a child when he was not fearless enough to save his father, showing fans the lessons that Jin wished he had learned.

Ghost of Tsushima is one of the best PlayStation exclusives in recent times and pays homage to the historical events that took place in Japan in the 13th century. With Jin ready to make a comeback in the sequel, and his allies preparing for a second invasion, Ghost of Tsushima 2 could be much larger and give players more traditional Japanese culture to explore. While nothing has been confirmed about the plot of the sequel, it is more than likely that players will face the second Mongolian invasion and may need to venture into Mainland Japan to stop the invaders from taking over Japan.

Ghost of Tsushima is available for PS4 and PS5.

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