
  • Ghost of Tsushima offers a unique blend of history and storytelling, making it a standout in the action-adventure genre.
  • The upcoming sequel could explore the second Mongol invasion via a time jump, showcasing a wiser and stronger Jin Sakai.
  • Ghost of Tsushima 2 could focus on man vs. nature, highlighting the role of a typhoon in bringing an end to the Mongol invasion.

Ghost of Tsushima was a great look into not only the world of the Samurai, but the fascinating history of Japan in general. When it comes to titles in the action adventure genre, Ghost of Tsuhsima is one of the best in recent memory, and it's balance of story telling and historical detail makes it a special experience. The upcoming sequel could go in many directions after the events of the first game, but a time jump to the second Mongol invasion of Japan may be the best story to explore.

The story of Ghost of Tsushima is filled with great historical moments that bring the first Mongol invasion to the forefront. As players take on the role of Jin Sakai, an honor-defying Samurai working to free Tsushima Island from the threat of the Mongols, Ghost of Tsushima is a fascinating historical exploration wrapped up in a video game. For the next game, the second Mongol invasion that hit Tsushima several years later is the perfect recipe for a sequel.

The Case for Love in Ghost of Tsushima 2

There is a strong case for Jin finding love in Ghost of Tsushima 2, both from a character development standpoint and a friendship he already has.

The Second Mongol Invasion In Ghost of Tsushima 2

The first game's setting of Tsushima Island in 1274 showcased the arrival of the Mongols in their first invasion of Japan. However, many may not know that the Mongols attempted a second invasion seven years later, in 1281. Once the second invasion was underway, Japan and the Mongols fought for weeks until one fascinating stroke of luck for Japan became the defining moment that ended the war.

A Wiser Jin Sakai

There is plenty of historical material to work with in regard to the second Mongol invasion, but one interesting facet of using this battle as inspiration for Ghost of Tsushima 2's story is getting to see an older version of Jin. Although his age isn't confirmed in the first game, he's estimated to be somewhere in his mid 20s, and it would be intriguing to see how seven years of time has changed him. Not only would it be compelling to see a wiser, more mature Jin, but seeing the character face off against the Mongols after now having experience dealing with them in the past means that Jin would be an even stronger fighter.

Jin is now filled with a great amount of wisdom when it comes to resorting to any means necessary in order to defend one's home. The main conflict Jin faced in Ghost of Tsushima was his decision to defy the Samurai code of honor in order to be a more effective protector of Tsushima Island. Now that Jin has made peace with this choice, seeing him unapologetically fight the Mongols in whichever way he deems necessary would be a great avenue to explore.

Ghost of Tsushima 2 Could Become A Story Of Man Vs. Nature

A defining moment of the second Mongol invasion ended the war in an unexpected way. On June 9, the Mongols brought their forces to Tsushima Island again, but this would not be a long invasion. Merely weeks later, on August 14, a major typhoon hit Japan, signaling the demise of the Mongols. Although this was detrimental to the Mongol hoards, the typhoon was also horrifying for the people of Japan.

Featuring the typhoon that swept away the majority of the Mongols would be an interesting twist in the story that is actually historically accurate. This could also present some incredibly challenging gameplay that not only pits Jin against the remaining Mongols who survived, but also has him fight through unstoppable forces of nature. Sucker Punch could make extreme weather part of the gameplay by having Jin fight Mongols in horrible weather conditions that make fights even harder. What makes the second Mongol invasion so interesting is that the power of nature brought the hoards to an end, and it would be fascinating to see how Ghost of Tsushima 2 approached this moment in history.

ghost of tsushima poster
Ghost of Tsushima

PS4 , PS5 , PC
July 17, 2020
Sucker Punch
Action , Adventure