
  • Jin Sakai rethinks samurai honor in the face of a Mongol invasion, and becomes the elusive "ghost" in Ghost of Tsushima.
  • Ghost of Tsushima 2 could introduce new characters taking on the role of the ghost, rather than reusing Jin.
  • A sequel to Ghost of Tsushima could explore moral dilemmas of warfare and the legacy of the ghost through a new protagonist that takes up the ghost's mantle, inspired by Jin Sakai's deeds.

Regardless of what culture one lives in, there are codes and norms to live by that dictate what is honorable and what is dishonorable. In Ghost of Tsushima, Jin Sakai is raised by the samurai code that insists upon certain rules of combat and conduct. All that is brought into question with the arrival of the Mongol invasion into Jin's homeland.

His opponents don't play by the rules, and soon he learns that perhaps he shouldn't either. Both Jin and players are left to decide if there is any value in the samurai code in such a situation, leading Jin to take on a new style of combat that has him becoming the "ghost". However, in future Ghost of Tsushima games, it does not need to be Jin who takes on this role.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Could Hold The Key To Deeper Mounts in Ghost of Tsushima 2

Assuming Ghost of Tsushima 2 allows players to ride horses, it might consider taking a cue from Red Dead Redemption 2's horse-bonding system.

The Birth of the Ghost of Tsushima

Ghost of Tsushima blends both ninja and samurai gameplay within one character who has to choose which path he will take as he tries to stop the incoming Mongol invasion. Though he was raised to value the nobility of being a samurai, he quickly learns that he will need new tactics for a new enemy. Thus, he becomes the "ghost", using tricks that render him unseen as he takes down his opponents.

This leads to the creation of the legend of the ghost who cannot be seen but strikes with deadly precision. From this, it becomes apparent that the "ghost" of Tsushima is not merely a person. Instead, it is an idea and a legend. With that comes the chance that others besides Jin could take on the role of the ghost, should Tsushima and Iki Island need to be defended once again.

Would it be a Good Idea to Replace Jin Sakai?

Theoretically, anyone could be the "ghost" if they have good enough ninja skills. However, some players have formed a bond with Jin Sakai specifically and would be disappointed to not see him in the sequel. Hence, it would be a risky move for Sucker Punch to replace the original ghost of Tsushima.

The Potential Disciples of Jin Sakai

Jin was taught how to be a samurai by Lord Shimura. In much the same way, Jin could pass on the role of the ghost to a disciple of his that he deems worthy. Alternatively, there could be multiple ghosts striking at the same time, all of them inspired by Jin and his ninja tactics.

Whoever decides to take on the role of the ghost would have to deal with the same moral conundrum that Jin faced. They would need to consider whether being a ninja is dishonorable and whether a true warrior faces their opponents head-on without any sneak attacks. It's a question with no concrete answer, which is why it deserves to be investigated more in a sequel.

Is a Ghost of Tsushima Sequel on the Way?

Sucker Punch has yet to confirm whether Ghost of Tsushima will be receiving a sequel. However, after its success, it would be hard to imagine it wouldn't. Fans of the franchise needn't worry about not getting their ninja action fix, however, as there is a Ghost of Tsushima movie in the works.

Ghost of Tsushima leaves players pondering moral questions regarding whether there is any sense of fairness in war, or whether one should be free to use whatever tools are at their disposal. Likely, it's not the last time players will engage with Tsushima's ghost, though it does not have to be Jin behind the legend.