After working on the Infamous franchise for almost a decade, Sucker Punch Productions took quite a departure on its next project, a samurai open-world action-adventure game titled Ghost of Tsushima. While it may not have won the most coveted trophies at the 2020 Game Awards, it did walk away with both the award for the Best Art Direction, and the Player's Voice award, showing just how popular Ghost of Tsushima ended up being by the end of its first year.

Ghost of Tsushima's popularity has only continued to grow since its 2020 debut, and though an official announcement is yet to come, fans are desperate to see some form of Ghost of Tsushima sequel appear soon. If recent rumors and Sony's recent track record for its first-party franchises are anything to go by, then Ghost of Tsushima 2 could be a lot closer than some fans might think, with a golden marketing opportunity ahead of itself in the form of a live action movie.

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Ghost of Tsushima 2's Golden Marketing Opportunity Can Help it Find Success

Ghost of Tsushima Jin in field of flowers

The first Ghost of Tsushima had a bit of an unfortunate release window. After its official announcement in 2018, Ghost of Tsushima was set for a June 26, 2020, release date, but following the pandemic, it was delayed a few more weeks to July 17 2020. Unfortunately, this landed the game just one month after The Last of Us Part 2's launch. While the two games are very different both in terms of gameplay and narrative, there was simply no escaping The Last of Us Part 2 for a while before and after its release date, with loud discourse hanging around the game for the rest of 2020.

Because of its close proximity to The Last of Us Part 2, and Sony's limited marketing for the game, Ghost of Tsushima didn't quite make the impact it otherwise would have on launch. Despite this, Ghost of Tsushima still managed to garner positive reviews, and gradually over the course of the rest of the year, it gained a great deal of popularity. By the time the Game Awards rolled around in December 2020, Ghost of Tsushima had become many fans' underdog contender. Thankfully, Ghost of Tsushima has only continued to grow in popularity over the last few years, with the Director's Cut on PS5 and the Iki Island DLC playing a major part in its continued success.

Now, in 2023, Ghost of Tsushima is widely considered to be one of the best open-world action-adventure games in recent years, boasting an incredible art style, a compelling main story, and extremely satisfying combat mechanics. And though it may feel like Ghost of Tsushima was only released yesterday, it's actually been out for almost three years, and it's about time Sony and Sucker Punch made a sequel. While a potential Ghost of Tsushima 2 would already have a great deal of fan hype behind it, Sucker Punch and Sony have a unique marketing opportunity that they can't pass up on.

Announced just a few years ago, Ghost of Tsushima is getting a live-action movie adaptation. Set to be directed by Chad Stahelski, the main director behind the John Wick franchise and an avid lover of classic samurai cinema, the movie seems to be in good hands, and according to recent reviews, it seems as though Sony is letting Stahelski make some bold filmmaking decisions. Ghost of Tsushima 2 has the perfect opportunity to market itself around this new movie, and vice versa, with both projects being able to build hype for each other. The only downside to this is that the Ghost of Tsushima movie is allegedly still a ways off, with it not having left pre-production just yet, which means that Ghost of Tsushima 2 would also have to take its time in order to release alongside it.

Ghost of Tsushima is available for PS4 and PS5.

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