
  • Ghost of Tsushima 2 is rumored to be in development, with fans requesting more engaging side quests and new gadgets for the sequel.
  • Ghost of Tsushima Legends, the first title's multiplayer mode, also didn't reach its full potential and could be improved in the sequel.
  • The best thing another Legends mode could do is launch alongside the main game so that more players are around to give it a chance, while incentives like exclusive cosmetics could encourage players to try Ghost of Tsushima 2's Legends mode.

While it hasn't been confirmed in any official capacity, it seems extremely likely that Sucker Punch is currently working on a sequel to the now-beloved open-world action adventure, Ghost of Tsushima. Against all odds, Ghost of Tsushima was able to step out of The Last of Us Part 2's colossal shadow and become a must-play game upon its July 2020 launch. The game's glowing reputation has only continued to grow in the years since, with it coming to PS5 in 2021 and then PC earlier this year.

When it comes to creating the inevitable sequel, there's no shortage of fan requests. From filling the open world with more engaging side quests and optional activities to introducing even more Ghost weapons, gadgets, and unlockable skills, there's a lot fans want to see in a potential Ghost of Tsushima sequel. And with all of that pressure already on Ghost of Tsushima 2, it would make sense for the sequel to start cutting the fat. But Ghost of Tsushima's Legends mode shouldn't be left in the dust.

Ghost of Tsushima 2's Exploration Could Easily Take The Assassin's Creed Route, but It Shouldn't

Ghost of Tsushima 2 has reason to adopt an Assassin's Creed approach to exploration, but it might hinder the experience defined by the first game.

Ghost of Tsushima 2 Should Launch with a Legends Mode

Ghost of Tsushima Legends Never Reached Its Full Potential

A surprisingly extensive multiplayer mode, Ghost of Tsushima Legends includes three separate game types: a Story mode that sees players complete narrated missions and raids, a 4-player Survival horde mode, and a Rivals mode that has two teams of two compete for the highest number of kills in a Survival match. A major highlight of Ghost of Tsushima's Legends mode was its class system, where players could select one of four distinct character archetypes, each coming with their own designated skill tree, equipment, and moveset.

Ghost of Tsushima's Legends mode was packed with engaging content, but unfortunately, it never really reached its full potential. It was released a few months after the base game, and by this time, many early adopters had likely already had their fill. Completionists had already spent 60+ hours in Ghost of Tsushima's base game, and while Legends offered plenty of unique additions and quirks, at its core it still offered the same gameplay that fans had already experienced in the months preceding its release.

Ghost of Tsushima Legends, while offering some unique additions, failed to deliver a fresh experience to the players.

Ghost of Tsushima's Legends mode managed to gain more popularity through the game's Director's Cut release on PlayStation 5 in 2021, but it still feels like a mode that never achieved all it could have. Fortunately, that's an issue Ghost of Tsushima 2 can fix right out of the gate. If Ghost of Tsushima 2 launches with another fully-fledged Legends offering, the multiplayer mode stands a much better chance of capturing a sizable player base straight away. But keeping its day-one player base is where Ghost of Tsushima 2's Legends mode might struggle.

Ghost of Tsushima 2 Should Encourage Players to Try Legends

In an attempt to retain a large player base post-launch, Ghost of Tsushima 2 could incentivize players to check out its multiplayer mode by offering some exclusive cosmetics. If players completed certain milestones in one half of Ghost of Tsushima 2, they could unlock cosmetics for the other half. For instance, completing all of Ghost of Tsushima 2's side activities could reward players with a unique skin to use in its Legends mode, and completing a certain number of missions in Legends could reward them with a skin to use in its single-player campaign. These incentives don't need to be anything major, just enough to encourage fans to at least dip their toes into Ghost of Tsushima 2's Legends mode. From there, the quality gameplay could keep them invested long term.