
  • Feudal Japan is a hot trend in gaming, with Ghost of Tsushima paving the way for more games in this setting.
  • Ghost of Tsushima 2 is likely on the horizon, following the success of the original game and demand for a sequel, and faces major competition in its historical setting.
  • New games like Assassin's Creed Shadows and Rise of the Ronin are riding the success of Ghost of Tsushima, but might exhaust the topic of Feudal Japan.

There has certainly been no shortage of games lately set in feudal Japan, and it seems that trend isn't close to ending. The recent announcement confirming the same setting for Assassin's Creed Shadows (formerly Assassin's Creed Codename Red) only further proves the increasing popularity of Japan's feudal era as a backdrop for storytelling. This all most likely started when Sucker Punch released Ghost of Tsushima on the PS4 in 2020, though it isn't the first game to use feudal Japan as its setting. Whether it was the lucky timing of its release, the exceeding quality of its visuals and gameplay, or both, Ghost of Tsushima's success created waves in the gaming industry that are still being felt today.

When considering the success of Ghost of Tsushima (and even more so now because of its recent PC release), it makes sense to expect a sequel from Sucker Punch. While nothing has been confirmed yet, Ghost of Tsushima 2's existence has been teased through rumors. Since Sucker Punch would be leaving money on the table and disappointing countless fans without developing a sequel to its critically acclaimed 2020 title, Ghost of Tsushima 2 is likely going to happen. However, if the sequel does happen anytime soon, it may face an uphill battle for recognition in an oversaturated market. On the other hand, the market might actually help it.

Predicting the Main Antagonist of Ghost of Tsushima 2

The next Ghost of Tsushima will have its work cut out for it with its villain, but looking to history could give clues of who it will be.

Games Like AC Shadows and Rise of the Ronin May Either Help or Hurt Ghost of Tsushima 2

Assassin's Creed Shadows and Rise of the Ronin Are Riding on the Coattails of Ghost of Tsushima's Success

Whether some would like to admit it or not, both Assassin's Creed Shadows and Team Ninja's Rise of the Ronin are at least somewhat riding on the coattails of Ghost of Tsushima's success. This can be further seen in the number of comparisons that have been drawn between Ghost and its spiritual successors, with Rise of the Ronin labeled a placeholder for Ghost of Tsushima 2 until it arrives. Assassin's Creed Shadows hasn't been compared to Ghost of Tsushima nearly as much, but seeing another game featuring feudal Japan sparks memories of Sucker Punch's instant classic.

It's unclear whether even more games set in feudal Japan will grace the industry anytime soon, and that includes Ghost of Tsushima 2. However, with the market becoming increasingly bogged down by games that serve as such natural opponents to one another in their settings, gameplay, and visuals, Ghost of Tsushima 2 may find itself greeting a tired audience. On the other hand, all of this attention being drawn to games like Ghost of Tsushima may only help its sequel succeed in the long run.

Ghost of Tsushima 2 May Be Flipping a Coin When It Launches

Currently, there has still been no official confirmation of whether Ghost of Tsushima 2 is in development. In fact, Sucker Punch has played its cards so close to its chest that it has yet to say anything about a sequel, leaving Ghost of Tsushima 2 overdue for an update. As such, should Ghost of Tsushima 2 ever happen, it could be greeting an audience of gamers who have had their fill of feudal Japan games and garner a lackluster reception as a result. That being said, as many other games like Ghost of Tsushima are relentlessly compared to it, there is likely a large remnant out there who would remain faithful to Ghost of Tsushima 2 regardless of the timing of its arrival.

With Assassin's Creed Shadows releasing this November, and Sony all but confirming that Ghost of Tsushima 2 won't be launching until at least next year, the highly anticipated sequel may still want to distance itself enough from AC Shadows and Rise of the Ronin to escape potential consumer exhaustion. That being said, perhaps releasing as close to them as possible would help shine a spotlight on it.