Many fans of Genshin Impact were looking forward to the game's Version 1.2 update primarily for its promise of an entirely new region to explore. Dragonspine, a vast Cryo-themed mountain range, was introduced as part of the update, and with it, came many new enemies, characters, quests, and even features.

If Travelers venture out into Dragonspine, they'll find that the new Genshin Impact region is particularly dangerous simply because of its climate. The so-called Sub-Zero Climate in Dragonspine slowly inflicts players with the Sheer Cold status, which when in full effect, can defeat even the strongest players.

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Genshin Impact's Sub-Zero Climate

So far, Sub-Zero Climate is the first and only specialized form of weather in Genshin Impact. Of course, there are rainy moments in-game, but rain itself only applies the Wet status, which bears no inherently negative or positive consequences. Sheer Cold, however, has rather dire consequences if allowed to accumulate.

To counter Sheer Cold, players must simply do the obvious: find a way to keep warm. Some sources of warmth include standard fires, like those from torches and generated by Pyro magic, Warming Seelie, a new red type of Seelie, and Scarlet Quartz, which repels Sheer Cold altogether. This is only a handful of the options available, so players really can stay safe if they're thoughtful before venturing out into Dragonspine.

mihoyo sheer cold weather effects

The Cost of a Sub-Zero Climate

Players may now be wondering, well, "What's the big deal?" if Sheer Cold accumulates. The big deal is that players will immediately begin to constantly lose HP, until they die. Simply put, the Sheer Cold status inflicted by Dragonspine's Sub-Zero Climate will slowly kill players over time. As such, adventuring in Dragonspine is particularly cumbersome.

Naturally, many Nintendo fans are associating this feature with that of the "tundra" biome found in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. However, while players in that game can counter the cold with neat armor and the like, Genshin Impact Travelers must rely on bare-bone basics. That is, raw fire, food, some rocks, and a single gadget.

Specifically, the existing ways to combat Sheer Cold in Genshin Impact are currently as follows:

  • standing near a fire (fire)
  • eating Goulash (food)
  • striking deposits of Scarlet Quartz (rocks)
  • crafting a Warming Bottle (gadget)

While standing near fires is obviously easy, it means that players' movement is severely restricted. And seeing as players can't carry a torch, there aren't really any to-go options. However, players can rely on a Warming Bottle if they've unlocked the diagram. Once the Frostbearing Tree reaches Level 4, players will be able to claim a diagram for Warming Bottles as a reward. These simple gadgets will emit heat for a short period of time, allowing players to shirk off the Sheer Cold. Goulash, when consumed, has similar protective effects.

Scarlet Quartz, on the other hand, is a new sort of mineral found throughout the region. Once hit, it will orbit the player in small fragments, repelling Sheer Cold.

genshin impact strange tooth

What Does Sheer Cold Mean for the Future?

Between Scarlet Quartz and the three aforementioned alternatives, players have a fair degree of flexibility in countering the game's new Sub-Zero climate, but this whole update still begs the question: what other weather features should players expect in Genshin Impact?

The fact it's so heavily inspired by Breath of the Wild alone is enough to suggest that Travelers might justifiably be able to expect thunderstorms, treacherous lava pits, and searing desert sunlight, in Genshin Impact's future. Not to mention, the game possesses so many different, yet-to-be-introduced regions, each associated with a different Element.

While Mondstadt and Liyue represent Anemo and Geo, respectively, Dragonspine represents Cryo. If miHoYo finally introduces a Pyro region, or the Electro-affiliated Inazuma region for example, should players expect a dangerous volcanic climate, or awe-inspiring thunderstorms? Moreover, if these new climates enter the game's world, will they bring about dynamic new status afflictions, similar to Sheer Cold? Unfortunately for Travelers, only time will tell, but at least there's an entire new region to explore in the meantime.

Genshin Impact is available now on Mobile, PC, and PS4, and is currently in development for PS5 and Switch.

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