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Usually, it’s hard to get Constellations for 5-star characters in Genshin Impact. It requires a demanding amount of money (or savings, in the F2P case). The unbalanced odds force the majority of the player base to use 5-star units without any Constellations.

However, characters’ reruns provide people with more chances to get their favorite characters’ Constellations, including Xiao. So if players are considering getting copies of Xiao, they should first assess the power of Xiao's Constellations in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact: 16 Top F2P Friendly Characters

Not all of the best characters in Genshin Impact require players to spend money, as evidenced by these fantastic F2P-friendly units.

Updated on February 27, 2024, by Nahda Nabiilah: Xiao is mostly known for his C1 and C6 since they are his most important Constellations in Genshin Impact. With the recent characters, weapons, and artifacts added to Genshin Impact, Xiao got much better and a lot deadlier. For players that want to collect Xiao’s Constellation, now is the best time to fully improve and build the Bane of All Evil, and getting his sixth Constellation is the best way to make him an absolute terror for every opponent in Genshin Impact.

Are Xiao Constellations Worth It In Genshin Impact?

are xiao constellations worth it in genshin impact

Sadly, a small investment for Xiao's copies isn't worth it. His C1, C2, and C4 provide more utility than damage. Luckily, his final Constellation makes up for it. Xiao's C6 is one of the best Constellations in Genshin Impact. Therefore, since Xiao is already amazing at C0, the best advice is to either go for C6 or not at all.

C1 - Dissolution Eon: Destroyer Of Worlds

xiao c1 constellation in genshin impact
  • Effect: Increases Lemniscatic Wind Cycling's charges by 1.
  • Importance: Medium

At zero Constellation, Xiao has two charges of Elemental Skill. With C1, he will have three charges. This Skill provides damage and mobility. Although it’s cool to dash three times, it doesn't really add much damage to Xiao's already impressive damage output. However, the extra Elemental Skill charge allows Xiao to regain his Elemental Burst more often, which is the most important ability of his kit.

C2 - Annihilation Eon: Blossom Of Kaleidos

xiao c2 constellation in genshin impact
  • Effect: When in the party and not on the field, Xiao's Energy Recharge is increased by 25%.
  • Importance: Low

Not only is Xiao's C1 already a decent addition for his energy regeneration, but if players are doing rotation to regain his energy, it's best to switch to Xiao every time elemental particles are flying, especially if it is Anemo particles. Since you generally want to funnel the energy directly to Xiao, his C2 is not that useful.

C3 - Conqueror of Evil: Wrath Deity

xiao c3 constellation in genshin impact
  • Effect: Increases the Level of Lemniscatic Wind Cycling by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
  • Importance: Medium

While Xiao’s Elemental Burst is more important, his Skill is still an essential part of his kit. So, having three levels added to Xiao’s Lemniscatic Wind Cycling adds a decent amount of damage to his kit.

C4 - Transcension: Extinction Of Suffering

xiao c4 constellation in genshin impact
  • Effect: When Xiao's HP falls below 50%, he gains a 100% DEF Bonus.
  • Importance: Skippable

It’s completely useless for Xiao to have his DEF stats buffed in Genshin Impact. While using his Elemental Burst, he'll spend his time jumping, barely being touched by an enemy. In addition, Xiao should be played with a healer or a shielder since his Elemental Burst continuously depletes his HP, which means getting hit isn’t really an issue for him. This 100% DEF addition only works if there is a weapon that allows Xiao to scale his Plunges with DEF, which still isn’t that useful.

C5 - Evolution Eon: Origin of Ignorance

xiao c5 constellation in genshin impact
  • Effect: Increases the Level of Bane of All Evil by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
  • Importance: High

Bane of All Evil is Xiao’s Elemental Burst, which is his most important way to deal damage. Adding three levels to his Burst from Xiao's fourth Constellation in Genshin Impact adds a notable amount of damage to each one of his Plunges.

C6 - Conqueror Of Evil: Guardian Yaksha

xiao c6 constellation in genshin impact
  • Effect: While under the effects of Bane of All Evil, hitting at least 2 opponents with Xiao's Plunging Attack will immediately grant him 1 charge of Lemniscatic Wind Cycling, and for the next 1s, he may use Lemniscatic Wind Cycling while ignoring its CD.
  • Importance: Priority

C6 Xiao is one of the best DPS in Genshin Impact. As soon as the sixth Constellation is unlocked, Xiao can use his skill up to six times in one second, dealing a massive amount of damage. However, this effect is unavailable for most bosses or single enemies because its limitation needs two opponents to trigger.

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