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After a twist of events in Genshin Impact's Archon Quest where Lyney somehow manages to lose both Lynette and Freminet, he panics and runs to Wriothesley to confront him. In this scene, the Duke will ask Travelers about the hidden rules in the Fortress of Meropide and the secrets that it holds.

Wriothesley will give three questions that players must answer, although the final one will be interrupted by Lyney, so there are only two questions about the two hidden rules that have to be solved. People will also learn about the truth of the ridiculous rules, and they will all make sense. Here are the answers to Wriothesley’s questions in Genshin Impact for Travelers that haven’t connected all the dots yet.

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The Answers To Wriothesley’s Questions In Genshin Impact Archon Quest

strange meat in welfare meal production Zone hidden rule
  • Question: What happens if you violate the production zone’s hidden rule?
  • Answer: If you break the hidden rule of the Production Zone, your Welfare Meal might contain some strange meat…
who will see it if you keep working continuously in Genshin
  • Question: Who will see it if you keep working continuously?
  • Answer: We often see Miss Sigewinne observing the prisoners at work near the production zone. It seems like she can perceive the general state of a person’s health just by looking at them.
under what circumstances does the strange meat appear
  • Question: Under what circumstances does the strange meat appear?
  • Answer: I’ve been told that the infirmary is always empty for the half hour just before lunch. But what could Sigewinne be doing during that time?
why does the strange meat appear the way it does
  • Question: Why does the strange meat appear the way it does?
  • Answer: The research notes said that the Melusine race perceives the world very differently from humans. Because of that, the Melusines have also developed a sense of aesthetics that appears rather strange and alien to humans.
what happens if you break pankration ring hidden rule
  • Question: What happens if you violate the Pankration Ring’s hidden rule?
  • Answer: If you violate the hidden rules of the Pankration Ring, you will receive a bag containing a strange blood-colored fluid.
who sent the package containing the strange blood colored
  • Question: Who sent the Package Containing the Strange Blood-Colored Fluid
  • Answer: According to Collins, the Pankration tournament only took place because the Fonta company sponsored it. The company must want a return on their investment as well.
why does strange blood colored fluid look the way it does
  • Question: Why does the Strange Blood-Colored Fluid look the way it does?
  • Answer: Fonta’s internal reports suggest that they’re starting a new trial of an unnamed and unpackaged product. But the product has to undergo a trial because even Fonta’s own employees have a lot of reservations about it.
why do only those who buy tickets to support both fighters
  • Question: Why do only those who buy tickets to support both fighters receive the package?
  • Answer: The Fonta promoter has been struggling because he doesn’t recognize the real value of coupons. Meanwhile, the Duke believes that only idiots who don’t understand the value of coupons will spend them on Fonta.
genshin impact
Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is an open-world RPG made by MiHoYo. Focusing on the interactions between seven elements, Genshin Impact is a free-to-play gacha game with a host of characters, weapons, regions, and more.

Mobile , iOS , Android , PC , PS4 , PS5
September 28, 2020
T for Teen - Fantasy Violence, Alcohol Reference