
  • Wriothesley, the newest character in Genshin Impact, plays a crucial role in Acts 3-5 of the Fontaine Archon Quests, showcasing his serious leadership in the Fortress of Meropide.
  • Wriothesley's troubled past and willingness to get his hands dirty make him particularly notable among Genshin Impact's characters.
  • Through various sub-quests, Wriothesley reveals his knowledge and secrets, ultimately leading to his crucial involvement in saving Fontaine from the Primordial Seawater crisis, and allowing the Traveler and Paimon to freely come and go from the Fortress.

Genshin Impact's newest Fontaine character, Wriothesley, plays an important role in Acts 3 through 5 of the Fontaine Archon Quests. As the leader of the Fortress of Meropide, Wriothesley takes his job seriously, but also has a lot of free time on his hands. A man with a troubled past, he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, and he sports a cryo vision and a pair of gauntlets that aren't just for show. Although he's helpful to the protagonist of Genshin Impact, he has a ruthless streak that player's shouldn't forget.

Archon Quest Involvement

Wriothesley's first appearance is in Act 3 of the Fontaine Archon Quests, during the sub-quest "Fortress of Meropide". The player's first impression is that, despite his friendly greeting and hospitable behavior, he probably knows more than he lets on. After giving the Traveler and Paimon a tour of Meropide, he actually takes a backseat in the Archon Quest in favor of Lyney, Lynette and Freminet.

Genshin Impact Releases Impressive Wriothesley Story Trailer

Genshin Impact released a new character demo featuring their upcoming Cryo catalyst user Wriothesley who is confirmed for the second part of 4.1.

He doesn't return to the spotlight until Act 4, during the sub-quest "The Truth Shrouded in Shadow," when the Traveler and Lyney come to the conclusion that he has been aware of their plans the entire time. This eventually turns into a confrontation in the Duke's office between himself, Lyney, Traveler, and Paimon. When Clorinde brings an unconscious Freminet into the office, the group faces a new problem: Primordial Seawater is leaking into the waters of Fontaine from an unknown source.

Wriothesley is the main focus of the sub-quest "Secret Keepers and Forbidden Zones," where the Traveler and Paimon ask him for more information on the Fortress' secrets. He enlightens them by answering any questions they present, but dodges the question about the existence of the forbidden zone. When asked what he plans to do about the coming crisis, Wriothesley brings them to a massive ship that he will use to save the Fontainians from disaster.

In the sub-quest "Calamitous Tread," the Traveler and Paimon rush to Wriothesley and Clorinde's aid as the Primoridal Seawater breaks free of its containment in the heart of the Fortress. Wriothesley manages to subdue it with his cryo abilities, but he sends the Traveler and Paimon to the surface to retrieve Neuvillette. Players are then presented with a unique cutscene of Neuvillette joining up with the older duo and sealing off the Primordial Seawater.

The final interaction with Wriothesley is in the sub-quest "A Moment's Respite," where the Traveler and Paimon return to the Fortress and check in with everyone to see how they're doing. Wriothesley fills them in on what happened and lets them know they're now free to come and go from the Fortress as they please. Wriothesley also appears briefly in the end of Act 5, finally putting his large ship to use and rescuing the people of Fontaine from the rising waters.

Personal Story Quest -- Cerberus Chapter: Act I

Wriothesley's story quest is actually more personal than it appears on the surface. The Traveler and Paimon team up with him to investigate the "Beret Society," a branch of the Fortress known for having the most well-behaved inmates. After learning Dougier, the leader of the society, is torturing his members, they find the society's secret headquarters and confront him. The confrontation proves Dougier did it in the name of power, and after a tough fight, Wriothesley takes Dougier down.

Two days later, the Traveler asks Wriothesley about his past. Wriothesley tells them a disturbing narrative, saying his foster parents put up a cheerful front, but treated their children like livestock. He ends the story by saying he killed his foster parents, and was convicted of his crimes and sent to the Fortress. Thus, the situation with Dougier was very personal to him.