Klee is, without a doubt, one of the most adorable characters in Genshin Impact. Her gameplay revolves around her love for explosives, where Klee will be throwing out bombs at her enemies (and occasionally, fishes).

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While appreciating Klee being cute may be easy, playing her is more difficult. She has some complex mechanics that force people to practice if they wish to get the most of her damage dealing. Here are some important things to know before pulling for Klee in Genshin Impact.

Is It Worth Pulling For Klee In Genshin Impact?

klee questioning in genshin impact

Pulling for Klee is an investment in a lone Genshin Impact DPS carry. The good news is that Klee is not weak, but the bad news is that she needs a lot of practice and understanding of how she operates to be able to fully use her potential.

Klee Is Hard To Master

klee is hard to master in genshin impact

Klee is difficult to play because of her exclusive playstyle, which focuses more on using her kit as a whole instead of focusing on one aspect of her kit. For example, Hu Tao’s main theme is to Charge attack enemies for a few seconds over and over again during her Paramita Papilio state while Klee must stay on field using her Elemental Burst, Skill, and Charged attacks in harmony.

There are several things players need to practice before they can fully master Klee's gameplay. First, people have to know how to properly animation-cancel her Normal and Charged Attack. Afterward, Travelers need to know how to stun-lock enemies via Klee's Charged Attack. Players should also know how to estimate Klee's range while keeping her safe from incoming attacks.

Another difference between her and other Genshin Impact Pyro users is that she doesn’t need a Support to carry her damage. Klee performs better without Elemental reactions, so her best team composition consists of a mono-Pyro comp.

Klee Has Good Constellations

klee constallations in genshin impact

Each Constellation Klee acquires helps her make one step towards her Sub-DPS role. Her second Constellation gives her one of the rarest abilities in Genshin Impact, reducing enemies' DEF%, which will significantly raise her and her team's DPS. It is not a hard Constellation to unlock, even for F2P players.

On the other hand, C4 Klee gets the ability to inflict massive damage when she leaves the field while her Burst is still active. Finally, C6 Klee gains the effect of quickly regenerating all her team’s energy.

Klee’s DPS Is Overshadowed By Other Pyro Characters

disappointed klee in genshin impact

Although Klee is young, her mechanics are rusty. After her first banner, many new characters were introduced, and they overshadowed the Spark Knight. Some of these Genshin Impact characters aren’t even new, they just found themselves a new shiny team that carried their DPS to the next level. All these reasons made Klee an unpopular choice in the endgame.

Klee’s Strengths And Weaknesses

strong klee in genshin impact

Klee’s Strengths

  • Doesn’t need Xingqiu like other Pyro characters
  • Elemental Skill and Burst can Snapshot
  • Easy to build
  • Can stagger enemies easily

Klee’s Weaknesses

  • A good buffer like Bennett is required
  • A good Sub-DPS in her team is essential
  • Players must learn to master her movement and Skills
  • Doesn’t have a specific artifact set that crazily boosts her damage

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

MORE: Genshin Impact: Best Build for Klee