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Electro Hypostasis is one of the first available bosses in Genshin Impact’s initial release. While fighting the boss, it has a Rock-Paper-Scissor move where the cube transforms into the corresponding shapes and attacks the players with it. Once the sequence is over, the Hypostasis’ core will be revealed and players can finally attack it.

Electro Hypostasis in Genshin Impact TCG also has this feature, where instead of a normal Elemental Skill that costs three Dice, the boss instead demands five whopping Dice. Fortunately, the investment will be worth the price as a total of seven damage will be dealt by this move alone. Considering the strength of this opponent, it’s no surprise some players may have a hard time fighting the Tavern Challenge for this character card. Fortunately, it’s actually easy to beat Electro Hypostasis in Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG as long as players are equipped with proper knowledge of the boss’ movement pattern.

RELATED: Genshin Impact TCG: How To Beat Ms. Bai (NPC Adventure Challenge)

How To Beat Electro Hypostasis In Genshin Impact TCG

how to beat electro hypostasis in genshin impact tcg

The simplest way to beat Electro Hypostasis in Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG is by using Noelle or Arataki Itto. Both characters can easily protect themselves using Crystallized reactions and shield/damage blocks while also dealing massive damage with their Geo-infused Normal Attacks. Overloaded from Pyro is also decent, but it’s not an all-rounder offense and defense like Noelle or Itto.

To beat the boss, one thing players need to keep in mind is the Electro Crystal Core. This Core allows the boss to revive when players defeat it the first time. If duelers fail to beat the Electro Hypostasis before the next round starts, the Electro Crystal Core will return, and the revival state will trigger again (this can occur twice per battle). Basically, this means players must beat the boss twice in a single round, so managing the boss’ HP is as important as the dueler’s own HP.

Electro Hypostasis Talent Overview

electro hypostasis talent in genshin impact tcg

Overall, Electro Hypostasis has a rather interesting mechanic. Its Normal Attack is a simple 1 Electro DMG hit, but Skill, Burst, and Passive are all unique.

After casting Elemental Skill, the boss will hit three times; each hit consumes a turn. The damage sequence goes like this:

  1. 2 Electro DMG
  2. 2 Electro DMG
  3. 3 Electro DMG

So don’t be fooled by the Electro Hypostasis’ intent as one Skill cast means three instances of damage. This slow mechanic also allows players to switch around freely while still ending the round first, but only before the boss uses Elemental Burst.

RELATED: Genshin Impact TCG: How To Beat Atiyah (NPC Adventure Challenge)

With its Burst, Electro Hypostasis deals 2 Electro DMG and summons Chains of Warding Thunder. This chain deals 1 DMG in the End Phase and causes a character switch to cost one extra Dice, which means switching around may be costly without a cost-down card.

Finally, the Electro Hypostasis has two passives. The first is Electro Crystal Core which revives the Genshin Impact boss when it’s downed the first time (this state will return at the beginning of the next round, up to twice per battle), and the second is Elemental Sedimentation: Electro, which causes the boss to always be affected by Electro. This makes it trivial for characters to trigger Elemental reactions.

Best Deck To Beat Electro Hypostasis In Genshin Impact TCG

best deck to beat electro hypostasis in genshin impact tcg

The best deck to beat Electro Hypostasis in Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG is something like Arataki Itto + Noelle + Yoimiya. Focus mostly on Itto and Noelle to shield and build up their Elemental Burst. Only go to Yoimiya if the Dice roll forbids the Geo duo to move.

Yoimiya is here not only for the Pyro Element but also for the Inazuma Resonance with Itto. Inazuma Resonance card can convert all Dice into the Element of the active character, which will be great when players need Geo Dice.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: How To Beat Iniquitous Baptist (& Where To Find Them)

Notable cards for this Deck are:

  • Thunder and Eternity (Inazuma Resonance card)
  • Jade Chamber
  • Knights of Favonius Library
  • Vanarana
  • Kid Kujirai
  • Elemental Resonance: Woven Stone (Geo Resonance card)
  • Elemental Resonance: Enduring Rock (Geo Resonance card)
  • Bestest Travel Companion
  • Toss-Up
  • The Legend of Vennessa
  • Mondstadt Hash Brown
  • Northern Smoked Chicken
  • Minty Meat Rolls

Electro Hypostasis Tavern Challenge Task

electro hypostasis tavern challenge task in genshin impact tcg

Electro Hypostasis comes with two versions of Tavern Challenge in Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG. In the Friendly Fracas, the boss will revive with 6 HP, while in the Serious Showdown, the boss will return with 10 HP. Other than this and their HP count, the rest of the Hypostasis’ kit remains the same.

Friendly Fracas (Easy Mode)



Achieve Victory

Electro Hypostasis Monster card

Win in 7 rounds

Electro Hypostasis Talent card

Win with characters defeated less than twice

Electro Hypostasis Talent card

Monster List

  • Electro Hypostasis - 30 HP

Serious Showdown (Hard Mode)



Achieve Victory

1000 Lucky Coins

Monster List

  • Electro Hypostasis - 45 HP

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

MORE: Genshin Impact TCG: How To Beat Master Lu (NPC Adventure Challenge)