Genshin Impact 2.2 brings another addition of dark stories in Inazuma. This time, the quest is focused on Tsurumi Island, the foggy area south of Seirai Island. Here, Genshin Impact players will meet Ruu, a young boy who's looking for someone to help with a Thunderbird ceremony.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Thoma Hangout Guide

However, on the second day of the questline, Ruu will disappear. Therefore, the Travelers need to find the young lad. In this journey, players have to finish several stone puzzles, where one of which involves restoring some stones. Players will also learn about Ishine Script in this quest. Ishine Script is a language used on Tsurumi Island, and it can be found in some stone carvings.

How To Restore The Stones In Genshin Impact

Restore the stone puzzles hint

To restore the stone and solve the puzzle, players have to move the stone to the matching flat rock. To do so, players can follow these steps:

Blocked stone route

First, it should be noted that a stone can't be moved when there's a stone blocking the route. Therefore, the first step players need to do is to move the blockage.

1. First move

Move the blocking stone to its proper place by choosing the second option.

2. Move the blocked stone

Now, move the stone with circle carving to the matching flat rock.

3. Move triangle stone

For the third step, players have to move the triangle stone twice. Choose the second option to move the stone northeast.

4. Restore triangle stone

After that, move the triangle stone to the correct spot by choosing the second option.

5. Move the stone near a tree

Now, players simply have to move the other two stones inwards.

6. Move the last stone

If all the steps are done correctly, all the carvings will light up, and the quest will continue.

Restore the stone puzzle completed

This time, the illusion of Sayo will appear. She appears to be talking to Ruu, asking the little boy to come with her outside Tsurumi Island. However, Ruu refuses the offer and chose to stay in the foggy land.

In the next part of the quest, Traveler witnesses the meeting of Ruu with the Thunderbird (albeit the bird was invisible). The Thunderbird was fond of Ruu's singing and asked Ruu to do so more often. Ever since then, the two became friends.

Seeing the bird's fondness for the boy, the inhabitants of Tsurumi decide to sacrifice Ruu in a sacred ceremony. However, this enrages the Thunderbird and causes it to destroy everything. Ruu was ready to be sacrificed for the Thunderbird, but the bird was unaware.

Thunderbird is seen as the guardian deity for the people of Tsurumi, the same as Orobashi for Watatsumi Island. However, similar to the giant serpent, the Thunderbird eventually got slain by the Raiden Shogun. The beast was slain in Seirai Island, and Asase Shrine was built to suppress the Thunderbird's fury.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

MORE: Genshin Impact: Sayu Hangout Guide