Razor is the claymore-wielding wolf boy of Genshin Impact. Despite his small frame, he’s a powerful fighter, making use of both his weapon and his Electro Vision.

That said, Razor is unique among the playable Genshin Impact characters, particularly when it comes to his childhood. He wasn’t raised within the walls of Mondstadt and didn’t even have human parents. Instead, Razor was raised by the wolves of Wolvendom.

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Razor’s Strange Upbringing

razor from genshin impact

Sometime before the Traveler arrived in Mondstadt, rumors of a strange boy began to spread across the city. This boy supposedly prowled the forests of Wolvendom. Though he avoided other humans, he roamed with a pack of wolves. This strange boy was Razor, a playable character in Genshin Impact. Some say he was an orphaned child, while others believe him to be a wolf spirit in the body of the human. Whatever the case, Razor saw the wolves as his true family.

Before the events of Genshin Impact, a young Razor somehow wound up in Wolvendom, where he was taken in by the wolf pack that roamed the forests. The wolves raised him as their own, teaching him how to track scents and make use of different herbs. Later, Andrius, the wolf leader, taught Razor the word “lupical,” which means “wolf family.” Thus, despite having no recollection of his biological parents, Razor felt at home with the wolf pack.

One day, Grand Master Varka of the Knights of Favonius traveled to Wolvendom and met Razor. The knight greeted him with kindness and offered to bring him back to Mondstadt. Razor was confused by this, and his wolf companions didn’t take too kindly to the human interloper. They reacted with hostility, wanting to protect their lupical from the knight. This was when Razor began to question his identity — was he human or wolf?

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Learning to Be Human, Somewhat

razor wolf

As Razor mulled over the question, Varka continued to visit him. The knight was persistent, and he eventually managed to gain Razor and the wolves’ trust. Varka was the one who gave Razor his human name, the one Genshin Impact players know him as. Before that, he was simply the mysterious wolf boy of Mondstadt. The knight also taught Razor how to fight with a claymore so that he could protect his friends. Razor, unable to understand most of the human language, didn’t know what “friend” meant.

After Varka left, Razor continued to live with the wolf pack, making use of his newfound ability. But one day, a terrible lightning storm fell over the region. In all the chaos, Razor was ambushed and taken away by an Abyss Mage, one of the main opponents in Genshin Impact. The Abyss Mage dragged him away from his wolf pack. Realizing that their lupical was gone, the wolves gave chase, but all of them were slaughtered by the remorseless Abyss Mage.

Razor, unable to fight back, had to watch as his family was put down one by one. Then, he felt energy surge through him, not unlike electricity. Razor let out a mighty roar and released the energy that was building up in him. He attacked the Abyss Mage with his claymore, uncontrolled bursts of Electro springing from his fingertips. The Abyss Mage was easily defeated, but Razor couldn’t bring back the wolves who had come to save him.

After the slaughter of his family members, Razor found that he still couldn’t control the elemental energy inside him. Only much later did he meet someone who could teach him how to — Lisa. Lisa took Razor in and instructed him on how to control his Vision. She also urged him to study humans and how they lived. Razor did all of this, but his primary goal was to grow stronger, so that he could protect his lupical.

During his time with Lisa, Razor expanded his human vocabulary and met other humans. He met a “bright-red, ‘burny’ girl” who joined him in his adventures and even rolled around the Wolfhook bushes with him. He learned that her name was Klee, and when they played together, he felt like a wolf pup again. Aside from Lisa and Klee, Razor also views Bennett as his friend. Though it’s unknown how the two met, they’re shown to be friendly with each other in Genshin Impact’s Windblume Festival event.

Soon, Razor mastered his Vision and left to once again live with the remaining wolves that roamed the forests. Though, now, he has a better relationship with the people of Mondstadt. It was then that Razor realized what the word “friend” meant. For him, friends were lupical.

‘The Meaning of Lupical’ Quest in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Andrius, Razor, Amber, The Traveler

When the Traveler arrives in Mondstadt, they’ll run into Razor in Wolvendom during the Genshin Impact story quest “The Meaning of Lupical.” In this quest, the player first meets Razor during their investigation of recent wolf attacks with Amber. Razor insists that his wolf pack is innocent and that it’s a different wolf pack that’s causing the disturbance. Eventually, the group comes across some villagers who accuse Razor of the attacks. This argument then awakens Andrius, who leads the local wolf tribe.

The angered wolf god attacks Razor and his newfound friends but later calms down. He then cautions Razor to stay away from the clashing wolf packs, declaring that it is a matter for wolves, not humans. Razor insists that he isn’t a human and that he doesn’t belong with them, but Andrius is firm in his stance: Razor is not a wolf and, thus, should steer clear of serious wolf matters.

This leads Razor to the same internal struggle he had long ago — was he human or wolf? This time, he has an answer. By the end of the quest, Razor acknowledges that he is human. And though it makes him sad, he comes to accept it. After all, he was still lupical to his wolf pack, and he found even more companionship from his friends in Mondstadt.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

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