It has been more than a year since the launch of popular gacha game Genshin Impact, and the title's player base is constantly growing. MiHoYo continues to expand the Genshin Impact roster of playable 5-star characters, likely making it difficult for its community to resist spending money to purchase Primogems for pulls. However, some players can be incredibly lucky with their rolls, with one Genshin Impact player pulling a rare 5-star with a single unit of Intertwined Fate. What's interesting about this specific pull is that the player actually used their dog's paw to press on the prompt for the single pull.

There were a lot of popular gacha games before Genshin Impact came along. However, this is the first time that a title was available in several platforms, making it possible to reach a wider market. What's more, miHoYo was able to create a compelling combination of good plot, action-packed gameplay, and a variety of attractive characters. With so many of the Genshin Impact playable characters now obtainable through their specific banners, it is not surprising that players would do whatever it takes to have their favorites in their battle party.

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One such Genshin Impact player such as Redditor LostWings7 seemed to think that they would be luckier if they used their puppy's paw to pull on the recent banner of Cryo character Eula. And their hunch was right, as they shared a funny video clip of them pulling the 5-star character on the game's subReddit. In the footage they shared, it showed the Redditor grabbing their dog's paw to press on the prompt to use one Intertwined Fate to make a wish on the Eula banner, and luckily enough, they were actually able to obtain the Claymore-wielding ice lady.

Many of the replies on the thread expressed their envy and wanted to borrow LostWings7's "lucky puppy." Likely in hopes that they would be able to roll the much-wanted 5-star character as well. However, others were quite skeptic about the situation, thinking that the Redditor likely recorded the video when they were close to their Genshin Impact pity roll. No matter what, the Redditor was still able to obtain Eula, which cannot be said for other players who have been dying to add her to their collection.

With more Genshin Impact characters being introduced to the game, the number of unique and funny clips like LostWings7's would likely show up on community platforms. Hopefully the game's fanbase will look at these types of content with good fun, and learn to be happy for their fellow players.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

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