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A niche support like Mika is not a new occurrence in Genshin Impact. After having dedicated Cryo, Electro, Geo, Anemo, and Normal Attack DMG support, Mika is now here to specifically enhance Physical units. Other than providing Physical DMG Bonus and Physical Crit DMG, however, Mika also grants a large boost of ATK SPD, which can be handy in many circumstances.

However, although ATK SPD can be beneficial for any Normal Attack DPS, Mika’s best team composition in Genshin Impact clearly consist of Physical damage dealers. Here are some examples.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: The Best Team Compositions To Pair With Kazuha

C6 Mika + Eula + Raiden Shogun + Yun Jin

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The first Mika team comp obviously involves the Vengeance Queen, Eula. Mika, especially at C6, will insanely increase the damage of Eula’s Normal Attack and Elemental Burst at the same time. With Raiden Shogun’s assistance to increase Burst DMG, trigger Superconduct, and battery the entire team at the same time, Eula will surely be having a good time.

In this team, the final teammate is Yun Jin, who will support Eula to deal even larger Normal Attack damage thanks to Yun Jin’s damage bonus. This bonus will even be affected by Mika’s extra Physical DMG Bonus and Physical Crit DMG.

Team Roles

  • Mika: Healer, buffer
  • Eula: Main DPS
  • Raiden Shogun: Sub-DPS, buffer, battery
  • Yun Jin: Buffer

C6 Mika + Razor + Rosaria + Yun Jin

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For those who don’t have Eula and instead want to bring back Razor, the third teammate should be a Cryo enabler as Mika’s Cryo application is insufficient for frequency Superconduct. For this, players can use Rosaria, who can deal decent damage, apply Cryo, reduce the enemy’s Physical RES (at C6), and grant a Crit Rate bonus all at the same time.

Similar to the first team, Yun Jin will also enjoy the Physical DMG Bonus and Physical Crit DMG granted by Mika. Additionally, the Opera performer will also benefit from Rosaria’s RES reduction.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Best Weapons For Yun Jin

Team Roles

  • Mika: Healer, buffer
  • Razor: Main DPS
  • Rosaria: Sub-DPS, buffer, debuffer
  • Yun Jin: Buffer

C6 Mika + Eula + Raiden Shogun + C6 Kujou Sara

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Instead of putting it all on Eula, this Mika team comp will allow Raiden Shogun to shine with Kujou Sara. Sara can grant ATK buff for Eula, while for Raiden Shogun, she will bestow both ATK and 60% Electro Crit DMG (at C6). Kujou Sara also deals decent damage, on top of it all.

Team Roles

  • Mika: Healer, buffer
  • Eula: Main DPS
  • Raiden Shogun: Sub-DPS, buffer, battery
  • Kujou Sara: Buffer

C6 Mika + Eula + Beidou + Bennett

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Players who are looking for a more F2P-friendly team can settle with this one. Although both Beidou and Bennett are four-star characters, they’re both a part of the most meta characters in Genshin Impact, where their power is clearly adored by the community. Beidou can help reduce knock-backs on Eula while applying Electro and dealing large damage at the same time, while Bennett will increase Eula’s ATK. However, unlike Mika and Kujou Sara who allow Eula to wander freely, Bennett’s buff is limited to his small AoE circle.

Additionally, this team is also lacking a battery, so players must ensure each character has sufficient Energy Recharge.

Team Roles

  • Mika: Healer, buffer
  • Eula: Main DPS
  • Beidou: Sub-DPS
  • Bennett: Healer, buffer

C6 Mika + Razor + Ganyu + Zhongli

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If players have a spare Ganyu, they can totally use her as a Cryo enabler instead of Rosaria. Of course, it’d be better to just play Ganyu as the main DPS, but when it comes to Genshin Impact, sometimes, personal satisfaction is worth more than meta. With the Qilin’s assistance, Razor can wreak havoc all over the field as he’s now not limited to an AoE.

Now, add Zhongli to the equation, who will allow Razor to go berserk without worrying about hits and interruption. The Geo Archon will also increase the Wolf Boy’s damage thanks to his shield that reduces all types of RES on enemies.

Team Roles

  • Mika: Healer, buffer
  • Razor: Main DPS
  • Ganyu: Sub-DPS
  • Bennett: Healer, buffer

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.