Table of contents

After spending the entire day running around and searching high and low for clues in the Opera House, players must now face the Judge and the Hydro Archon in Genshin Impact. The latter will keep pushing Travelers for the truth rather aggressively, which is why staying calm and collected is a must before coming up with any conclusion.

While completing this particular part of the Archon Quest, the mechanic of Loopholes and Refute is introduced in Genshin Impact. Basically, Travelers are tasked with combining clues and identifying any problem that may or may not help Lyney in his trial.

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Lyney Fontaine Trial Answers In Genshin Impact

There are several parts in Lyney's Fontaine Trial in Genshin Impact, which are:

  1. Lyney's Actions In The Tunnel
  2. Opera House Switcheroo
  3. The True Culprit
  4. Cowell's Plan And The Situation Inside The Tunnel
  5. Reconstruct The Criminal's Plan
  6. Events In The Tunnel

Lyney’s Actions In The Tunnel

lyney attacked halsey loophole in genshin impact

The first game starts with Lyney’s actions in the Tunnel:

  • Identify Loopholes: Lyney attacked Halsey
  • Refute: Lyney’s statement
the right answer for lyney attacked halsey loophole in genshin impact

Refute the statement saying Lyney attacked Halsey using Lyney’s own statement which states that he wasn’t even present in the hidden route when the altercation took place.

lyney kidnapped halsey loophole in genshin impact
  • Identify Loopholes: Lyney Kidnapped Halsey
  • Refute: The voice in the Oratrice core chamber
the right answer for lyney kidnapped halsey loophole in genshin impact

Since Lyney was in the Oratrice Core Chamber, the next thing that happened to him was Lyney hearing a mysterious voice from the chamber.

lyney knocked cowell out loophole in genshin impact
  • Identify Loopholes: Lyney knocked Cowell out
  • Refute: The young lady’s clothes
right answer for lyney knocked cowell out loophole in genshin impact

Finally, instead of knocking Cowell out, the next occurrence for Lyney is him finding the aftermath of the fight.

Opera House Switcheroo

lyney was not in the tunnel evidence in genshin impact

The second game starts when the Hydro Archon asks the Traveler and Paimon to prove Lyney wasn’t in the tunnel when the crime took place.

  • Question: Which is the evidence that Lyney wasn’t in the tunnel when the crime took place?
  • Answer: Strange Sound During the Magic Show

The True Culprit

finding the true culprit in genshin impact

The third game starts when Furina asks who committed the crimes.

  • Question: Who was the only person who could possibly have committed the crime?
  • Answer: The Deceased’s Identity

Cowell’s Plan And The Situation Inside The Tunnel

finding out cowell plan in genshin impact

Of course, Furina will ask the reasoning behind the Traveler’s accusation. That will take players to the fourth game to interpret Cowell’s plan and the situation inside the tunnel. There are four questions that will come to the Traveler’s mind.

The first question is:

  • Question: How can we envisage Lyney as having been unable to interfere with the Crime?
  • Answer: Lyney's Statement

Next, players must figure out:

  • Question: How can I prove that there was an altercation in the Tunnel?
  • Answer: Strange Sound During the Magic Show

Repeat the fact that the prime suspect is Cowell.

  • Question: Who is the prime suspect currently?
  • Answer: The Deceased's Identity

Finally, try to figure out what happened with Halsey.

  • Question: Where did the missing Halsey go?
  • Answer: The Young Lady's Clothes

The fourth question may always be wrong so don’t be surprised by the Hypothesis being incorrect.

broken vase clue in genshin impact

Since the protagonist can’t figure out the final piece of evidence, it will lead to a small argument in the court. Eventually, the Traveler will enter the Logic Chain again and answer all the first three questions correctly. However, the fourth question will have a new clue, which is the correct answer:

  • Question: Where did the missing Halsey go?
  • Answer: Broken Flower Vase

Reconstruct The Criminal’s Plan

reconstruct the criminal plan in genshin impact

After choosing the Broken Flower Vase, Esmond, a member of Gardes will make an entrance to introduce a new clue to the case. He states that they discovered several test tubes of fluid within Cowell’s baggage called the Water from the Primordial Sea. Such clue leads the Traveler to some new questions and answers. First, repeat the suspect again.

  • Question: Who is the prime suspect currently?
  • Answer: The Deceased's Identity

Then, figure out how Cowell dropped the water on the victim.

  • Question: What item did the culprit use to control the timing of the dissolution?
  • Answer: Dropped Hook Rope

Next, players must know what’s being used to dissolve Halsey.

  • Question: What item did the culprit use to dissolve Halsey?
  • Answer: Water from the Primordial Sea

Finally, reveal how Cowell was able to stay out of sight.

  • Question: What item did the culprit use to hide the mechanism behind the crime?
  • Answer: Audience-Side Magic Box Structure

Events In The Tunnel

halsey dissolved loophole in genshin impact

Finally, after many arguments and revelations, Traveler is ready to refute the Hydro Archon’s final reasoning in Genshin Impact. Start by:

  • Identify Loopholes: Halsey Dissolved
  • Refute: Strange Sound During the Magic Show
the right answer for halsey dissolved loophole in genshin impact

Instead of Halsey/Liliane being dissolved, she was fighting Cowell, which led to the loud sound during the magic show.

infighting between lyney and cowell loophole in genshin impact
  • Identify Loopholes: Infighting between Lyney and Cowell
  • Refute: Broken Flower Vase
right answer for infighting between lyney and cowell loophole in genshin impact

What was once thought to be Cowell’s way of covering up the victim being dissolved turns out to be a mere aftermath of a fight.

lyney knocked cowell out second loophole in genshin impact
  • Identify Loopholes: Lyney knocked Cowell out
  • Refute: Young Lady’s Clothes
lyney knocked cowell out loophole solution in genshin impact

Finally, instead of Lyney knocking Cowell out, what happens next is simply Halsey/Liliane being scared of getting caught, so she changes her clothes, leaving the suspicious evidence behind.

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