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As Genshin Impact's Sumeru Arc nears its conclusion, players eagerly await the upcoming 3.8 and 4.0 version updates for more insight on what players can expect from the Fontaine region. While the 3.7 update brings some introduction to Fontaine with the inclusion of future playable characters like Charlotte being involved in the version's flagship event's storyline, the patch instead focuses on bringing other elements to the game, such as the addition of Kirara, a new Dendro character from Inazuma, and more. However, the most prominently, the patch focuses on the extensive expansion of the Genius Invokation TCG. While some fans may feel a slight disappointment with certain aspects of the update, TCG enthusiasts are delighted by the abundance of new cards. This influx of fresh cards has the potential to reshape the meta game, opening up new strategies and unleashing creative combinations while allowing players to experiment with their favorite characters.

Related: Genshin Impact: Every Playable Hydro User, Ranked

Tartaglia, commonly known as Childe among the Genshin Impact community, is one of the newly introduced playable character cards in this patch. Previously, the Ayato card was added, offering players the opportunity to focus on a Hydro DPS character and build combinations around them. However, with the inclusion of the Tartaglia card, players now have another option for incorporating Hydro DPS into their team compositions. It should be noted that Tartaglia's skill set, while closely mirroring his playstyle in the actual game, may be considered challenging in the TCG due to his ability to switch stances and unleash substantial damage based on his current form.

Tartaglia Card & Skills

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Tartaglia Skills

Obtaining Tartaglia's card is a straightforward process, similar to many other character cards in the game. Players can easily acquire it by inviting him to a Friendly Fracas duel at the Cat's Tail using a Match invitation letter. Additionally, to obtain his Talent card, players must complete specific additional objectives. Thanks to this accessibility, Tartaglia's card is readily available even to new players, allowing them to pair him with their favorite characters from the existing roster.

Normal Attack: Cutting Torrent

Primary Dice

1 Hydro

Secondary Dice

2 Unaligned


Deals 2 Physical DMG.

Elemental Skill: Foul Legacy: Raging Tide

Primary Dice

3 Hydro


Switches to Melee Stance and deals 2 Hydro DMG.

Special Effect

Melee Stance

Physical DMG dealt by character is converted to Hydro DMG. After the character uses Charged Attack: Apply Riptide to target character. Character deals +1 DMG to target characters with Riptide attached. After Skills are used against characters affected by Riptide: Deal 1 Piercing DMG to the next opposing off-field character. (Twice per Round) Duration (Rounds): 2

Elemental Burst: Havoc: Obliteration

Primary Dice

3 Hydro

Energy Cost

3 Energy


Performs different attacks based on the current stance that Tartaglia is in. Ranged Stance - Deal 4 Hydro DMG, reclaim 2 Energy, and apply Riptide to the target character. Melee Stance - Deal 7 Hydro DMG.

Special Effect


When the character to which this is attached is defeated: Apply Riptide to active character. (When Tartaglia is in Melee Stance, he will deal additional DMG when attacking the character to which this is attached) Duration (Rounds): 2

Passive Skill: Tide Withholder


(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Ranged Stance. Once the Melee Stance attached to the character ends, reapplies Ranged Stance. Ranged StanceAfter using a Charged Attack: Apply Riptide to target character.

Special Effect

Ranged Stance

After the character to which this is attached uses Charged Attack: Apply Riptide to target character.

Tartaglia's Talent Card: Abyssal Mayhem: Hydrospout

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Tartaglia Talent Card

Tartaglia's talent card requires players to ensure that all opponents are affected by Riptide in order to deal additional piercing DMG at its maximum extent. As such, it can serve as an additional way to chip away at HP points on a wide scale, even against opponents that prefer a defensive stance, since it deals piercing DMG, which also synergizes well with his Melee stance's additional effect. This is particularly useful as setting up Tartaglia for significant damage may take a while. Nevertheless, considering that applying Tartaglia's Riptide effect on all opponents may require some effort, it is recommended that players do not instantly use this card and instead wait to apply Riptide with a charged attack on either melee or ranged form before triggering it.

Best Tartaglia Decks

Tartaglia's kit requires a bit of understanding to fully grasp all of his specific uses, as his ranged and melee stances function slightly differently. His Melee stance is particularly valuable, as not only does it apply Hydro more consistently, but it also results in significantly higher damage when using the Elemental Burst. Nevertheless, in both stances, Tartaglia can apply Riptide, which offers its own benefits. Depending on the luck with the dice elements, players have the flexibility to choose which stance to utilize. To enhance Tartaglia's damage potential with elemental reactions and other advantages, players can consider teaming him up with various characters based on their preferences. It is essential to note that Tartaglia is best suited to be swapped in later after other characters have used their abilities to maximize the team's utility and create an optimal combo rotation.

Tartaglia + Xiangling + Bennett

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Tartaglia Xiangling Bennett

Players seeking to consistently deal significant damage with the Vaporize reaction, and potentially even one-shot enemies, can rely on a team composition that combines Tartaglia with Xiangling and Bennett. Xiangling excels at providing off-field Pyro application through her Elemental Skill, which summons Guoba, as well as her Elemental Burst, which triggers after the active character uses a skill to deal additional Pyro damage. Meanwhile, Bennett can assist by applying more Pyro and, more importantly, healing the active character or increasing their damage output through his Elemental Burst.

Related: Genshin Impact TCG: How To Beat Electro Hypostasis (Tavern Challenge)

This synergy between Xiangling and Bennett allows Tartaglia to focus on dealing substantial damage with his Elemental Skill alone. In this gameplay style, it is advisable for Tartaglia to use his skill as frequently as possible, while also utilizing charged attacks on opponents in between if they have not yet been affected by Riptide, in order to inflict additional piercing damage. This team composition greatly benefits from Tartaglia's talent card, enabling him to effortlessly defeat enemies even before accumulating enough energy to unleash his Burst, in some lucky instances. It is worth noting that starting the turns with Xiangling and Bennett proves advantageous for setting up the battlefield in preparation for Tartaglia's onslaught.

Tartaglia + Raiden Shogun + Beidou

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Tartaglia Raiden Shogun Beidou

Another exceptional team composition for Tartaglia involves pairing him with Raiden Shogun and Beidou, creating a playstyle centered around steadily reducing the enemies' HP through the combination of Electro-charged reactions and Riptide effects. The goal is to maximize the usage of character bursts while continuously applying Electro and Riptide. Beidou's Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst play a crucial role in this strategy. Not only do they provide a defensive stance for the team, but they also allow for additional off-field Electro application while the round is still in progress, unlike many other characters whose elemental effects only activate at the end of the turn through their summons. When Tartaglia's Melee Stance is activated following Beidou's Elemental Burst, players can expect consistent Electro-charged reactions whenever Tartaglia uses his Normal attack.

Related: Genshin Impact: Genius Invokation TCG - How To Use Raiden Shogun Card And Best Decks

Compared to the previous team composition, this setup relies more on utilizing normal attacks rather than skills, which offers an advantage in dice management. Although the initial damage may not appear as significant, players will notice the cumulative effect over time. Another critical aspect of this composition is the inclusion of Raiden Shogun, whose Elemental Burst significantly aids in energy generation for both Beidou and Tartaglia, allowing them to access their high damage potential as early as possible. Coincidentally, players should aim to initiate their combo with Raiden Shogun, activating her Burst as soon as feasible. Then, they can switch to Beidou to activate her burst and finally unleash Tartaglia's Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst.

Tartaglia + Fatui Pyro Agent + Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Tartaglia Fatui Pyro Agent Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage

For players seeking another enjoyable and more experimental playstyle, a team composition comprised solely of Fatui characters can be a viable option. While acquiring these Fatui characters may prove more challenging, as they must be defeated in Tavern Challenges rather than obtained through Friendly Fracas matches like typical playable character cards, it presents a unique and uncommon choice that opponents may not often encounter in PvP matches. In this team composition, players have ample versatility in choosing which characters to prioritize, considering the potential to apply various elements and enabling Freeze, Vaporize, and Melt compositions all at once. Furthermore, the team composition features two primary DPS characters: the Fatui Pyro Agent and Tartaglia, ensuring that the team can maintain high damage output even if one of them is defeated.

Regarding the combo initiation, summoning the Cicin summons of the Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage can be an effective starting point, as these summons contribute to the team through the off-field Cryo application. It's worth noting that the Fatui Pyro Agent heavily relies on his Talent Card, which allows him to consistently deal Pyro damage. If the starting hand does not permit the use of this Talent Card, players can opt to immediately utilize Tartaglia and save the Fatui Pyro Agent for later in the battle.

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Best Action Cards 2

Generally speaking, Tartaglia decks focus on an offense-is-the-best-defense playstyle, and consequently may lack some defensive capabilities that could cause the team to lose a member early before effectively utilizing the combo. As such, characters like Beidou and Bennett can be helpful in countering this, but in general, players are recommended to incorporate healing or shielding cards to ensure they are not unexpectedly knocked down.

More importantly, a significant aspect of Tartaglia's playstyle involves utilizing charged attacks, which necessitates having an even number of dice when executing a normal attack. Therefore, Tartaglia's team compositions can greatly benefit from employing a variety of dice management cards, whether they are event or equipment cards, to increase consistency. For instance, utilizing Elemental Resonance cards to generate additional dice can prove significantly advantageous when used at the right moment. Other cards that may aid in generating extra dice include "Timmie" and "Varanara," although their controllability may vary in different instances.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

More: Genshin Impact TCG: How To Beat Master Lu (NPC Adventure Challenge)