The Genshin Impact 2.8 update comes with some new skins for Diluc and Fischl. In the 2.8 livestream, it was revealed that the Fischl skin would come free once players finished that version’s special event. Meanwhile, the Diluc skin will cost Genesis Crystals like any other character skin, and players can learn more about its origins through the “Hidden Strife” challenge event.

These new skins haven’t been officially released in Genshin Impact yet, but players are happy with the new designs. The Diluc skin, in particular, ties in nicely with his character backstory. It even has some elements that link back to the webtoon.

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How the New Genshin Impact Diluc Skin Ties to the Lore

In the Genshin Impact outfit teaser video, Diluc is shown in the new skin. It’s described as one of the outfits he wears during “covert actions.” Diluc even comments that it “reminds him of different times.” This has led many players to believe that he wore the outfit when he was still using a Delusion. Plus, it was confirmed during the 2.8 livestream that his Vision didn’t appear anywhere on the new skin, further supporting this theory.

Diluc’s lore in Genshin Impact reveals that he acquired the Delusion that once belonged to his father, Crepus Ragnvindr. Master Crepus used the Delusion to fight off a monster that attacked his caravan, only to have the device backfire and take his life. Diluc, who was the knight assigned to escort the caravan, watched his father die before his eyes and swore to learn the truth behind the Delusions.

The lack of a Vision isn’t the only notable thing about the new Diluc skin though. Contrary to his default outfit, this newer one features more elements that tie into his past. For instance, the emblem on his back looks like a variant of the Knights of Favonius insignia but with a long gash running across it. His boots also have a design similar to Fatui masks. Perhaps this is the outfit he wore after leaving the Knights of Favonius to hunt down the Fatui — an organization closely tied to the mysterious Delusions of Genshin Impact.

After the death of his father, Diluc left Mondstadt to investigate the nature of Delusions. He stormed Fatui strongholds in search of the information he needed, easily doing so by himself. However, this quickly earned him the ire of the Fatui Harbingers, who then attacked him. Despite Diluc’s combat skill in Genshin Impact, he narrowly escaped death with the help of a mysterious interloper, described as being part of a larger underground intelligence network. In the game, Diluc is now a part of the same unnamed organization.

Finally, the new Genshin Impact Diluc skin integrates chains into the outfit. This is reminiscent of what Diluc looked like in the later chapters of the Genshin Impact webtoon. There, he’s a shrouded figure who controls chains with what’s likely his father’s Delusion. Although it’s unclear whether these chains will come into play in the game, it’s still a nice touch to the new skin.

With Genshin Impact update 2.8 coming up, the community is excited to get their hands on the new skins. Hopefully, the “Hidden Strife” challenge event also reveals new information about Diluc’s past, as it’s one of the most interesting backstories in the game. It could tie in nicely to mid- and endgame content related to the Fatui and the Harbingers, whom Diluc has a long, turbulent history with. Though aside from lore-related matters, it’s just nice to see Mondstadt-based characters getting more love.

Genshin Impact is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and mobile devices. A Switch version is in development.

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