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Daily Commissions in Genshin Impact is one of the key features in the game where players can have a renewable source of Primogems. Other than for farming the wishing currency, lucking out with the RNG also allows people to obtain commissions-related achievements, like the notorious Reliable Helper or the mythical "Dear Daddy..." from Mondstadt.

In Fontaine, players may come across a Daily Commission that asks them to destroy the Bullet Barnacles in Genshin Impact. Although it seems confusing, players simply need to follow a few steps to complete this task.

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How To Destroy The Bullet Barnacles In Genshin Impact

destroy bullet barnacles vent genshin impact

To destroy the Bullet Barnacles in Genshin Impact, players must retaliate against the Barnacles’s attack using the underwater crab’s skill. Here’s what people must do in detail:

  1. Find an Armored Crab in the vicinity that Travelers can "borrow" skill from. These Fontemer Aberrants are blue-ish and rather transparent compared to the normal Armored Crab
  2. Stand a few steps away from the Bullet Barnacles, hold the attack button while aiming at the Barnacles, then wait until the Bullet Barnacles’ bullet hits the character
  3. Release the attack button after the bullet hits to retaliate against the attack and destroy the Bullet Barnacles in Genshin Impact
  4. Repeat the steps for all the Barnacles that appear for the Daily Commission

For comparison, the “normal” hold hit only has the normal crosshair (left picture), while the “retaliation” hit has a circle around the crosshair (right picture).

Armored Crab In Genshin Impact

destroy bullet barnacles armored crab genshin impact

Armored Crab in Genshin Impact is one of the three underwater creatures in Fontaine that players can borrow skills from. The other two are Hunter’s Ray and Blubberbeast. As expected, each of the creatures can lend different skills for various puzzles.

For instance, in terms of damage, Hunter’s Ray slash has the best DPS, but they don’t offer many puzzles to solve with their ability; Blubberbeast's sonar has the lowest damage count per hit, but they don’t have a cooldown, so players can use it for tasks that require them to hit multiple things; Armored Crab allows retaliation, which can be a little complicated, but the damage will significantly increase if done right. This creature also allows the destruction of important objects like breakable rocks or even underwater ore veins.

Daily Commission In Fontaine


When a new region appears, players will have the option from their Adventurer Handbook to move where they’d like to do their Daily Commissions. After performing the required steps to change the region, the next daily reset will place all the Commissions in the selected area.

In Genshin Impact Fontaine, players will be completing Daily Commissions in both land and underwater. One of the underwater tasks is destroying the Bullet Barnacles, but other types also exist, like destroying objects or retrieving items from the sea floor.

Meanwhile, the overground missions can be the typical fighting task, or an interaction with Fontaine citizens, which potentially grants some Genshin Impact achievements.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

MORE: Genshin Impact: How To Unlock Fontaine Forgeable Weapons