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Only a handful of names get mentioned as far as top-tier DPS characters in Genshin Impact go. One of those is Xiao. What's even more amazing is that Xiao doesn't rely on Elemental Reactions. He does all of that damage with raw Anemo supremacy in Genshin Impact.

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Xiao's gameplay is also pretty straightforward. It involves jumping around like a whirling pogo stick of destruction and murder — that is, until his energy or health runs out. By then, players will soon have to realize that Xiao needs a competent team if he's to actually match the top-tier DPS mains in Genshin Impact. Read on for some of the best examples.

Updated February 20, 2024, by Nahda Nabiilah: Xiao has been running with classic teams that consist of Bennett as the buffer plus healer and Zhongli as the shielder ever since his release in version 1.3, but that later change with Faruzan's release as a dedicated Anemo support. In Genshin Impact 4.4, Xianyun was release to be a buffer for units that works well with Plunge Attacks, which obviously includes Xiao. Considering he now has two characters that works brilliantly with his kits, this article is now updated to include new top-tier supports for Xiao team comp in Genshin Impact.

6 Xiao + Xianyun + Faruzan + Furina

Most Optimal Xiao Team

genshin impact xianyun-faruzan-furina-and xiao team composition

Xianyun's ability to significantly boost damage of Plunging Attacks make people ask whether she works nicely with Xiao or not. Fortunately, the answer is yes, Xianyun works with Xiao. Not only is Xianyun great for Xiao, but she also enables Furina to be added into this Xiao team. Furina's Elemental Skill continuously drains the team's HP, and Xiao's own Burst reduces his own HP; this alone is already great to stack Furina's Fanfare. With Xianyun's healing, players are basically guaranteed to get a massive buff from Furina's Elemental Burst.

For the final slot, players can bring C6 Faruzan, who brings essential supportive abilities like constant grouping, reducing enemy's Anemo RES, and boosting Xiao's Anemo Crit DMG by a massive 40%.

5 Xiao + Faruzan + Bennett + Zhongli

Almost The Classic

genshin impact faruzan-bennett-zhongli-and xiao team composition

Before Xianyun but after Faruzan, Xiao + Faruzan + Bennett + Zhongli was easily Xiao's best team composition in Genshin Impact. Bennett gives massive ATK buff and maintains Xiao's HP with his healing, Zhongli protects Xiao from damage and interruption with his shield, while C6 Faruzan closes the deal by significantly increasing Xiao's overall DPS with her abilities.

Genshin Impact: 6 Best Characters Who Work With Golden Troupe

Golden Troupe enhances Elemental Skill damage in Genshin Impact, so it's amazing for off-field DPS that rely on their Skill.

In this team, Bennett can run with Noblesse Oblige, while Tenacity of the Millelith can be wielded by either Zhongli or Faruzan. Faruzan at C6 constantly deals Elemental Skill damage, so Tenacity is excellent for her. It's likely more effective than using it on Zhongli as well, since Zhongli's Stone Stele isn't the most reliable at dealing damage.

4 Xiao + Faruzan + Bennett + Furina

Xianyun Is A Little Niche

genshin impact faruzan-bennett-furina-and xiao team composition

Xianyun is a niche and far less useful compared to Furina, so it's understandable if players skip Xianyun's banner despite having Xiao. But worry not, even without Xianyun, players can still play Xiao with Furina, Bennett, and C6 Faruzan. It'll be harder to stack Furina's Fanfare without Xianyun's healing, but Bennett can still do this job for her. Not to mention that Bennett is also one of the best buffers in Genshin Impact that can reliably grant ATK buff for Xiao.

In this team, you can give Tenacity of the Millelith to Faruzan, Noblesse Oblige to Bennett, and keep Golden Troupe on Furina so the pretend-Archon can work as a sub-DPS.

3 Xiao + Xianyun + Bennett + Furina

If Faruzan Is Not C6

genshin impact xianyun-bennett-furina-and xiao team composition

Another Xiao team composition variation in Genshin Impact is if Travelers don't have C6 Faruzan in their roster. Sadly, despite being usable before C6, Faruzan is not a must-have before her Constellation is complete. Therefore, players who don't yet own a C6 Faruzan can simply replace her with Xianyun, who's easier to obtain since getting 5-star characters are guaranteed after a certain number of pulls.

13 Best Battery In Genshin Impact

Players looking for a great Battery character in Genshin Impact need not look further than these ideal characters.

Of course, if Xianyun is unavailable, players can still use other characters, like Jean, Sucrose, or even Zhongli. Both Jean and Sucrose are excellent for generating Anemo particles for Xiao, while Zhongli is the best shielder in Genshin Impact. If players use Jean, she can also work to maximize Furina's Fanfare while creating a Pyro field with Bennett, which works well with Furina's Hydro and Xiao's Swirl.

2 Xiao + Jean + Bennett + Zhongli

Xiao Sunfire

genshin impact jean-bennett-zhongli-and xiao team composition

One thing to always consider about Xiao is his energy problems; he doesn't generate his own energy very well. That's why pairing him with Jean eliminates this issue. On top of that, Jean also acts as a healer, so she's a two-for-one. Bennett is there for backup and passive healing and buffing, also a two-for-one. Meanwhile, Zhongli takes care of Xiao by giving him a shield. Although, it should be noted that Zhongli does shine in any team.

Genshin Impact: 7 Best Characters Who Work With Tenacity Of The Millelith

Tenacity of the Millelith may look limited, but plenty of characters in Genshin Impact can actually utilize it well.

One of the top features in this team is the fact that Bennett + Jean can create a field of Pyro when their Burst is combined together. Within the community, this is known as a Sunfire combo, where Bennett's Pyro-applicating Burst causes Pyro Swirl when hit by Jean's Anemo-applicating Burst, creating more damage and chaos on the field.

1 Xiao + Jean + Albedo + Zhongli


genshin impact jean-albedo-zhongli-and xiao team composition

This team loses Benny boy's buff and awesome healing potential, but it makes up for it with Geo resonance. That Geo resonance can provide 15% more total damage. This should always be on, since Zhongli's shield is easy to maintain. Albedo also helps immensely with the damage dealt thanks to his Elemental Skill's passive damage.

Although it looks worse compared to the Bennett variation, the mono-Anemo-Geo Xiao team is actually one of the most popular Xiao team comp. It solely relies on raw damage and places all the weight on Xiao. For the team to work its best, you must ensure Xiao has enough battery by relying on Jean to create the much-needed Elemental Particles. Jean can wield Favonius or Sacrificial Sword to help with this. If Jean alone is not enough, Zhongli can also wield Favonius Lance to further help with the energy issue.

Afterward, you need to equip proper Artifacts to support Xiao, like Song of Days Past on Jean, and Noblesse Oblige and Tenacity of the Millelith on Albedo or Zhongli.

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