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Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG is a strategic card game that requires players to build a deck and make strategic decisions that can give them the winning edge. With so many possible Action cards to choose from, it can be difficult to know which ones will be most effective in a given situation. With a required Action card amount of 30, it is important to select the right cards to maximize your chances of success.

RELATED: Genshin Impact Fan Makes Real Life Cards Based on Genius Invokation TCGSupport Action cards can provide powerful, multiple-round benefits to Genshin Impact players, but they can only have up to four of these cards active at the same time. Luckily, a lot of these support cards can be utilized in every deck. Balancing the right amount of Support cards and their duplicates is essential for ensuring an enjoyable and effective gameplay experience whether it might be against the NPC or other players.

7 Jade Chamber

jade chamber card in genshin impact tcg
  • Card Type: Support Card - Location
  • Cost: 1 Dice
  • Effect: Roll Phase: 2 of the starting Elemental Dice you roll are always guaranteed to match the Elemental Type of your active character.

Although the gameplay heavily relies on strategy, luck can also play a great factor. The Jade Chamber card allows players to have a better chance at the next round by rolling 2 of the same element of dice as the active character, potentially providing them with the dice they need. However, if players often end their turn on a character they are not planning to use in the next rounds, this card might end up being unnecessary. Since this card stays on the field indefinitely unless removed by the player, only one copy of this card is enough while building the deck.

6 Chang The Ninth

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Chang the Ninth Card
  • Card Type: Support Card - Companion
  • Cost: 0 Die
  • Effect: When either side uses a Skill: If Physical DMG or Piercing DMG was dealt, or an Elemental Reaction was triggered, this card gains 1 Inspiration. When this card gains 3 Inspiration, discard this card, then draw 2 cards

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Character Tier List For Genius Invokation TCGChang The Ninth is an invaluable driver card that allows players to quickly draw the cards they need. Its no-cost and easy-to-activate ability makes it ideal to use in the early rounds of the game since both physical DMG and elemental reactions are relatively easy to achieve. This can be especially consequential if a player starts the game with an unlucky hand. Having two copies of this card in the deck is highly recommended as that will allow players to go through their deck more quicker.

5 Liben

liben card in genshin impact tcg
  • Card Type: Support Card - Companion
  • Cost: 0 Die
  • Effect: End Phase: Collect your unused Elemental Dice (Max 1 of each Elemental Type). When Action Phase begins: If this card has collected 3 Elemental Dice, draw 2 cards and create Omni Element ×2, then discard this card.

Sometimes, players might end up not being able to use the last few dice in the rounds. In such cases, they can make sure these don't go to waste by utilizing a card like Liben. However, it is important to note that, setting two Liben cards on the field is not recommended as this will take up unnecessary space, and only one of them will gain stacks.

Despite having no cost, this card can allow players to have more dice in the next round once the stacks are complete, making it a great addition to any deck.

4 Parametric Transformer

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation Parametric Transformer Card
  • Card Type: Support Card - Item
  • Cost: 2 Any Element Dice
  • Effect: When either side uses a Skill: If Elemental DMG was dealt this card gains 1 Qualitative Progress. When this card gains 3 Qualitative Progress, discard this card, then create 3 different Basic Elemental Dice.

RELATED: Genshin Impact Hilarious Fan-made TCG Video Recreates Popular Yu-Gi-Oh! SceneGenshin Impact's Genius Invokation TCG heavily relies on Elemental Damage and Reactions to cause massive damage in a single turn. For this reason, Parametric Transformer is an easy-to-activate card that grants players one more die over the used amount once there are three stacks. Alternatively, players can opt to use the Paimon card for Omni-element dice instead, however, using three of the same element dice to activate can be more difficult than using two any-element dice.

3 Katheryne

katheryne card in genshin impact tcg
  • Card Type: Support Card - Companion
  • Cost: 2 random Dice
  • Effect: When you perform "Switch Character": The switch is considered a Fast Action instead of a Combat Action. (Once per Round)

Players can only have one active character at a time, so they may need to use switches to maximize the benefits of each character. Unfortunately, switching characters typically requires a turn, as it is considered a Combat Action. Katheryne allows players to perform their first switch in a Round as a Fast Action. This is a huge advantage that gives them the ability to react quickly to their opponent's moves and make the most of their turn. Katheryne remains on the field indefinitely until removed, eliminating the need for players to search for a similar card each turn. Only one copy of this card is enough in a deck. Alternatively, those who can spare some deck space but would prefer not to use dice to activate cards can also opt to use two of the Leave It To Me Event cards.

2 Dawn Winery

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Dawn Winery Card
  • Card Type: Support Card - Location
  • Cost: 2 random Dice
  • Effect: When you perform "Switch Character": Spend 1 less Elemental Die. (Once per Round)

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Best Scaramouche (Wanderer) Team Compositions GuideSimilarly to using a turn, switching to another Character card often requires players to use a die. However, the Dawn Winery card allows players to switch without any costs. This card is very similar to the Katheryne card in many ways and can be used in conjunction with it to enable players to do a fast and cost-free character switch once per round. An alternative to this card is the Changing Shifts Event card, for players who prefer to use more event cards than support cards.

1 Timmie

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation Timmie Card
  • Card Type: Support Card - Companion
  • Cost: 0 Die
  • Effect: Triggers automatically once per Round: This card gains 1 Pigeon.

When this card gains 3 Pigeons, discard this card, then draw 1 card and create Omni Element ×1.

Similarly to the Liben card, this no-cost Timmie card allows players to acquire an Omni Element die and also draw an extra card. This card requires some patience, as players will need to wait for three rounds before they can reap the rewards. Furthermore, it is possible to have two Timmie cards on the field at the same time, as they will both generate Pigeons for each run. Therefore, it is recommended that players run both cards simultaneously if they have enough space in their field.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

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