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Genshin Impact's Genius Invokation TCG is a tactical card game in which players construct a deck and make informed decisions to gain the upper hand. By carefully selecting cards and strategically playing them, players can outwit their opponents and gain an advantage. With a variety of Action cards to choose from, selecting the right ones for a given situation can be a challenge. To maximize your chances of success, it is essential to have a well-crafted deck that consists of 30 Action cards that are chosen wisely.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Best Equipment Cards In Genius Invokation TCG

Event Action cards provide an efficient and cost-effective way for Genshin Impact players to gain an advantage in battle, often only lasting for a single turn within the same round. Fortunately, a wide variety of these cards can be used in any deck, enabling players to create powerful synergies between their characters and granting them more options and actions per turn for an enjoyable, effective gameplay experience against both NPC and other players.

7 Strategize

strategize card in genshin impact tcg
  • Cost: 1 Die
  • Effect: Draw 2 cards

Beginning the rounds with the right cards and dice can give players an advantage over their opponents. Strategize is an excellent card to help players draw two cards instantly; however, it comes with a cost of one element die. Players must carefully consider if it is worth forfeiting one die in exchange for more cards or if they can convert the die into another element die for better results. Having only one copy of this card in the deck is sufficient.

6 I Haven't Lost Yet!Genshin Impact Genius Invokation I Havent Lost Yet Card

  • Cost: 0 Die
  • Effect: Only playable if one of your characters is defeated this Round: Create Omni Element ×1 and your current active character gains 1 Energy.

I Haven't Lost Yet is an invaluable card to have in mid-to-late game scenarios if one of your characters has been defeated. Providing an extra Omni Element die and energy, it can help to turn the tide of battle or allow for a powerful finishing blow with an elemental burst. For those decks that don't rely on defensive playstyle or healing, having one copy of this card in the deck can be the deciding factor in a close game.

5 Toss-Up

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Toss Up Card
  • Cost: 0 Die
  • Effect: Select any Elemental Dice to reroll. Can reroll 2 times.

Having the right element die is essential for players to effectively use their action cards or Character skills. The Toss-Up card is a great way to change an elemental die to another element that can be more beneficial for the round. Players can reroll the die up to two times; however, there is no guarantee that they will get the element they need. An alternative option is to discard the Toss-Up card and convert it to the same element as the active character on the field. If players are unsure how to fill the deck with more cards to reach 30, having up to two copies of this card is recommended.

4 When The Crane Returned

when the crane returned card in genshin impact tcg
  • Cost: 1 Die
  • Effect: The next time you use a Skill: Switch your next character in to be the active character.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: How To Get Character And Monster Cards In Genius Invokation TCG

When The Crane Returned gives players the ability to quickly switch to another character right after they have used a skill without having to wait for the next turn. This Fast Action allows players to set up elemental reactions or skill combinations more efficiently, as well as protect the character by allowing them to take an action and switch them out. However, it should be noted that the character to be swapped to is predetermined, as it will always be the character next in line from left to right.

3 Changing Shifts

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Changing Shifts Card
  • Cost: 0 Die
  • Effect: The next time you perform "Switch Character": Spend 1 less Elemental Die.

Switching to another Character card often requires players to expend a die; however, the Changing Shifts card offers players the ability to switch without any cost. This no-cost card is a great addition to any deck, as Elemental Dice is the most important resource for actions in each round. Alternatively, the Dawn Winery Support Card provides a more permanent card to use if players find themselves switching between characters often, but this card does come with an activation cost of 2 dice. If the players do not wish to expend resources such as field space or dice for switching characters, it is recommended to include two copies of this card in the deck in order to avoid any additional cost.

2 Leave It To Me!

leave it to me card in genshin impact tcg
  • Cost: 0 Die
  • Effect: The next time you perform "Switch Character": The switch will be considered a Fast Action instead of a Combat Action.

Players may need to utilize switches to take advantage of the skills that each character offers since only one character can be active at a time. Fortunately, the Leave it to Me! Event Card can grant the ability to switch the active character without any cost in terms of turns or dice expenditure. This card, although similar to the Katheryne Support Card, is instantaneous and has a single-use effect. Having two copies of this card and combining it with the Changing Shifts can create a fast-paced and robust gameplay strategy.

1 The Bestest Travel Companion!

the bestest travel companion card in genshin impact tcg
  • Cost: Any 2 Dice
  • Effect: Convert the 2 Elemental Dice spent to 2 Omni Element Dice

Genshin Impact's Genius Invokation TCG is incomplete without the must-have TheBestest Travel Companion! in the deck. It grants players the ability to convert any two dice into Omni Element Dice, making it incredibly useful when players have had an unlucky roll phase. This card essentially allows any Action to be played without the limitation of not having the right element dice to use, as long as the players have enough dice available. Two copies of this card are highly recommended for maximum effectiveness.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

MORE: Genshin Impact: All Character Hangout Event Guides