Many consider farming artifacts in Genshin Impact a hassle, to say the least. It is time-gated by the cruel resin system that forces players to play a maximum of 30 minutes per day. Not to mention the layers of RNG that keep good artifacts days or weeks away from players’ hands. This cycle is endless as when a new character joins the roster, players have to farm artifacts to maximize their potential.

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Therefore, to help ease this task, here are some tips people can consider when farming artifacts in Genshin Impact​​​​​​.

7 Lower Standards On Goblet And Headpiece

raiden shogun with ok genshin impact artifacts

Goblets and Headpieces with the right stats and subs are among the rarest items to drop in Genshin Impact. Taking into consideration how gate-locked the farming is, sometimes it takes months to get the right stats on Goblets or Headpieces.

The hardship comes from the number of attributes these two items hold. For example, other than ATK%, DEF%, HP%, and Elemental Mastery, Goblet also has Physical, Pyro, Electro, Hydro, Cryo, Anemo, and Geo DMG%. That’s a massive number of attributes for a player that is only looking for a Cryo DMG Goblet. To prevent having an inactive character until the perfect Goblet or Headpiece come along, players should settle for a mediocre artifact to complete that character's set. For example, it's completely normal to have a CRIT Rate% or CRIT DMG% Headpiece with two to three flat sub-stats.

6 Higher Standards On Flower And Feather

ganyu with great genshin impact artifacts

As for Flowers and Feathers, both items only have one attribute each: Flat HP and Flat ATK, respectively. It is absolutely necessary to have the perfect subs on them. Also, it is best not to use any of these items as off-pieces. Flowers and Feathers are always a good start to securing four pieces of one kind of artifact.

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By having perfect rolls on Flower and Feather, players can easily secure 30% CRIT Value from each piece. For those who aren't familiar with the term, CRIT Value = (CRIT Rate x 2) + CRIT DMG. That’s a tremendous addition to stats in Genshin Impact, especially considering this task is rather easy.

5 Timepiece Falls In Between

shenhe with acceptable genshin impact artifacts

Since they fall in between, players’ standards should also fall in between when collecting Timepieces. Having only Energy Recharge% as an addition to the typical ATK%, DEF%, HP%, and Elemental Mastery, it’s not that hard to have the right attribute alongside the right subs. So players can still take their chances and keep trying to get that perfect Timepiece.

However, if other artifacts are already great and give the character the stats needed, don’t sweat the Timepiece and settle for a mediocre one.

4 Take Chances On Bad Artifacts

leveling up bad artifacts in genshin impact

Having high Standards when farming artifacts in Genshin Impact will always put players in an endless loop of frustration. Usually, players would want two or three decent sub-stats before upgrading it, turning a blind eye to those who only have one good sub. However, it's not so bad to take chances on these low-potential artifacts. Players can always stop at +12 if the item is hitting on the wrong stats, and afterward, the upgraded item can be fed for another artifact.

Feeding an already-upgraded artifact will cause the EXP to decrease by 20%, while the Mora cost is greatly reduced. For example, to maximize a 5-star artifact, people will need 270,475 artifacts EXP and the same amount of Mora. But if Travelers use a +20 artifact as fodder, the Mora cost is lowered to a mere 3,780. While the EXP gained decreased from 270,475 to 239,093 (270,475 x 80% + 3780). This places an artifact at +18.

3 Characters Can Use Different Sets

emblem vs noblesse in genshin impact

Sometimes RNG hits hard and puts players in a position of not being able to complete their characters’ sets. In this scenario, it is better to switch to other sets that can still complement the character’s abilities. Even the best Genshin Impact characters can still do a decent job with different types of artifacts.

For example, a character like Raiden Shogun will get an extra 50%+ Elemental Burst damage with 4-Emblem of Severed Fate. Yet, if built with 2-Thundering Fury + 2-Noblesse Oblige, Raiden Shogun will still have an extra 35% damage on her Elemental Burst. It's not as good, of course, but it's better than keeping the character benched until players gain mercy from the RNG.

2 Noblesse And Gladiator Can Always Save the Day

gladiator vs noblesse in genshin impact

Now, changing a character’s best artifacts set isn’t that simple. In fact, it’s an entire process of collecting new artifacts and combining them into a set. Luckily, Gladiator exists to save every set until the desired artifacts are gathered. Most Support and DPS characters in Genshin Impact have their skills scaling with ATK, so equipping 2-Gladiator’s Finale is a good addition to any character. Not to mention Gladiator artifacts are gathered while doing world map activities, so most players should have a fair amount of Gladiator collection. Aside from Gladiator's Finale, there are other +18 ATK% sets that can be used instead, but they must be farmed.

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2-Noblesse Oblige is another option. Adding 20% damage to a character's Elemental Burst is a great start since most characters rely on their Bursts for damage.

1 Use The Artifact Strongbox

taking chances on the artifact strongbox in genshin impact

Ever since the Artifact Strongbox mechanic was added to Genshin Impact, most players deemed it a waste of materials. Yes, it feels unfair to trade three 5-star artifacts to obtain only one, but it can actually save some resin. For those who are worried about losing artifact EXP, then they can resolve to artifact farming instead. This resin-free activity can be done daily and is worth around 80 resin.

Artifact Strongbox has four artifacts options: Gladiator’s Finale, Wanderer’s Troupe, Noblesse Oblige, and Bloodstained Chivalry. These four choices are great since they cover all the general needs of characters, especially Gladiator and Noblesse in Genshin Impact. It's understandably painful to do, but it may end up being worth it once players hit the jackpot.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

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