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Arlecchino, also known as the Father or the Knave, has had a prominent involvement in the Fontaine arc of Genshin Impact's story, increasing the anticipation among her fans for her arrival as a playable character. Joining as a Pyro polearm character, Arlecchino is intended as a Main DPS character that can enable a variety of Elemental Reactions such as Vaporize or Overloaded, relatively similar to Hu Tao. Nevertheless, between their playstyles, players will notice quite some difference due to the different mechanics involved in Arlecchino's kit.

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However, while at the start her kit might be confusing to master, Arlecchino's mechanic is quite simple once players understand the basic concepts of playing her and also optimize her build and rotation well for maximum DPS potential. Here are some tips to pay attention to in order to best utilize Arlecchino in Genshin Impact .

5 Not Knowing How Bond of Life Works for Arlecchino

Genshin Impact Arlecchino teaser

The Bond of Life mechanic, previously introduced as an enemy-only mechanic through Fatui Operatives, is a debuff that applies to the character, preventing them from healing until they are either overhealed or otherwise healed through a Statue of Seven. However, while for most characters this might be a debuff, this actually works in favor of Arlecchino since she is able to apply Bond of Life to herself at specific percentages through her own actions, such as utilizing Charged Attacks or her Elemental Burst (or through her signature weapon) after casting her Elemental Skill. Having over a certain threshold of Bond of Life allows Arlecchino to deal more damage through normal attacks, as well as infuse them with Pyro.

That means players should actually focus on maintaining Bond of Life on her instead of trying to remove it. Luckily, in her case, she cannot be healed by any other party members but only through her Elemental Burst, meaning that players can have easier control over the percentage of Bond of Life while it slowly drains through her normal attacks.

4 Not Understanding Her Rotation

Genshin Impact - Arlecchino

Keeping a good amount of Bond of Life heavily relies on Arlecchino having a long but specific rotation to make the best out of it. Players should start with her Elemental Skill, followed by a Charged Attack to gain Bond of Life, and then continue with Normal Attacks (about 4-6 times) until her Elemental Burst is available or not. After the Elemental Burst, players can perform some Normal Attacks again, and then continue with her Elemental Skill again, resulting in an order such as Elemental Skill > CA > NA > Elemental Burst > NA > Elemental Skill, and so on. This general rotation should allow Arlecchino to remain on the field for extended durations of time without losing the Pyro infusion or the required Bond of Life percentage.

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It is worth mentioning that the number of normal attacks done in between can heavily depend on aspects such as whether her 4th attack drains extra Bond of Life, or whether players have her constellation, her Elemental Burst available, or if they have Arlecchino's signature weapon, which also provides an extra Bond of Life Stack.

3 Not Paying Attention to Talent Priority

genshin impact arlecchino cutscene close up

For players who want to save up on resources while slowly leveling up this character, focusing on the right talent can be quite important, especially considering that she does require a new weekly Boss material to upgrade talents beyond level 6. As such, being a Normal attack-oriented main DPS character, Arlecchino's best talent scaling comes with her Normal Attack, and players should ideally focus on maximizing this stat to level 9 or 10 before starting to level her Elemental Skill or Elemental Burst above level 6.

As for her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst, their priority is relatively similar, since both do not have massive scaling for the added damage they provide as AoE Pyro damage. Additionally, leveling Elemental Burst does not contribute to her healing gained through this talent. In short, players should focus on NA > Elemental Skill = Elemental Burst when considering her talent priority.

2 Not Focusing on Right Stats in Her Build

Genshin Impact boss Arlecchino

Optimizing a character's build is one of the most crucial aspects of maximizing their effectiveness. When building Arlecchino, whether using the new artifact set, Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy, or other options like Gladiator's Finale, the optimal substats can often have a greater impact than the set effect itself. Therefore, players should prioritize ATK stats and Crit stats (Crit DMG and Crit Rate). As Crit DMG and Crit Rate are commonly emphasized for DPS-oriented characters, this shouldn't be surprising. However, the fact that Bond of Life is tied to her HP might lead some to believe that Arlecchino's DPS also scales with HP.

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Nevertheless, since Bond of Life is percentage-based rather than amount-related, stacking HP in her build isn't particularly important, except for adding some survivability. On the other hand, ATK is crucial as all her damage modifiers scale with it, and her last passive ability also grants Physical and Elemental Resistance with higher ATK, up to an additional 20%. Therefore, maintaining Arlecchino's ATK at around 3k could be beneficial, achieved through methods like utilizing buffers or other strategies. As for a fourth substat, Elemental Mastery can still be useful, especially in teams focused on the Vaporize reaction.

1 Not Pairing Her With other Pyro Characters

Fatui Harbinger Arlecchino as featured in Genshin Impact's Fontaine teaser.

Having synergistic team members is often crucial for optimal gameplay and enjoyable combat experiences. In Arlecchino's case, since she doesn't have niche limitations like Nilou does, she technically has good versatility in terms of team composition. However, to maximize her effectiveness, it's highly recommended to include at least one other Pyro member in the team, particularly to benefit from Pyro Resonance, which boosts ATK, a stat crucial for Arlecchino.

Additionally, certain Pyro support characters can significantly enhance her performance, such as Bennett for Mono Pyro or Vaporize teams, or Chevreuse for Overloaded teams. While these characters' healing abilities may not directly benefit Arlecchino, their buffs greatly enhance her damage output, making it worthwhile for players to invest in them to ensure Arlecchino performs at her best.

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Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is an open-world RPG made by MiHoYo. Focusing on the interactions between seven elements, Genshin Impact is a free-to-play gacha game with a host of characters, weapons, regions, and more.