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  • Genshin Impact 's upcoming 4.0 update will introduce new characters, story content, and access to the France-inspired region of Fontaine, along with new gameplay features like the Arkhe system.
  • The Arkhe system is a form of renewable energy used by Fontaine's residents and consists of opposing energies, Ousia and Pneuma, which create an Annihilation reaction when combined.
  • The Arkhe system will impact combat, puzzle-solving, and exploration in Genshin Impact , with players being able to leverage Ousia and Pneuma energies to stun enemies, solve puzzles, and open chests in Fontaine.

Genshin Impact is set to receive a number of changes in the upcoming 4.0 update later this month. Like with previous updates to Genshin Impact, 4.0 will introduce new characters, story content, and perhaps most significantly, access to the France-inspired region of Fontaine. It looks like there will also be some new gameplay features, including the Arkhe system, which looks to expand and deepen the gameplay and world.

Much of the core gameplay of Genshin Impact centers on the use of different characters, and how these characters' unique abilities allow for different approaches to combat and exploration scenarios. As the game gets updated, more characters get added, alongside new aspects of the game world, enemies, and abilities. The upcoming 4.0 update is no different in this regard, and the Arkhe system plays a role in fleshing out Genshin Impact's gameplay and story.

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Arkhe's Role In Genshin Impact Lore

Genshin Impact Albedo demo

Elements of Genshin Impact's lore, like the Heavenly Principles, can be tough to understand, but it seems that Arkhe may be relatively straightforward. Existing exclusively in the region of Fontaine, Arkhe is used by the region's residents to power various mechanisms throughout their communities, essentially acting as a form of renewable energy. Arkhe is composed of two opposing energies: Ousia and Pneuma. In ancient Greek, the former can be translated to "substance" or "essence," while the latter means "breath." These two energies exist independently, but when they come together, they create something called an Annihilation reaction. Annihilation appears to have a high energy potential, making it useful in both civic and military endeavors.

It would appear that some residents of Fontaine can channel this energy as well. Genshin Impact characters from Fontaine have special abilities that can be used to invoke both Ousia and Pneuma in a variety of scenarios. This opens the doors to unique gameplay opportunities related to the Arkhe System, alongside storytelling potential.

How Arkhe Will Change Genshin Impact's Gameplay

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As Genshin Impact players make their way through Fontaine, they will regularly come across sources of Ousia and Pneuma, which can be used to achieve a variety of goals. The different energies can be identified by their appearance: Pneuma is blue, and Ousia is light yellow. When a player sees one of these energies in the environment, they can leverage the opposing energy to create the Annihilation reaction.

This will play a major role in combat scenarios. In addition to the new weapons coming to Genshin Impact, each new character, being of Fontaine origin, can make use of Ousia and Pneuma energies at will. Fontaine enemies will emit a blue or yellow glow, signaling either Pneuma or Ousia energy. Each new character has an innate Arkhe type, and if their innate Arkhe type is the opposite of a given enemy, they can leverage energy-infused attacks to stun the enemy and deal extra damage.

The Arkhe system will be involved with puzzle-solving as well. Many devices in Fontaine are made up of mechanisms powered by Arkhe. This means that players will have to use both Ousia and Pneuma to solve puzzles that implement these devices. The Arkhe system will affect exploration as well. Once Genshin Impact players finally access Fontaine, they may come across a number of chests that cannot be opened. These will require the use of the appropriate energy to open.

While all characters will be able to make use of Ousia and Pneuma via energy blocks scattered throughout Fontaine, the Arkhe system will surely encourage players to experiment with the newly-added characters. This incentive to make use of the new features will hopefully help keep Genshin Impact feeling fresh and exciting when it comes to combat, exploration, and puzzles. The arrival of the Arkhe system should also provide some intriguing lore content -- something that will hopefully combine with the gameplay changes to make Arkhe even more interesting.

Genshin Impact is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Nintendo Switch version is in development with no confirmed release date.

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