
  • Marcus Fenix's witty dialogue adds humor to intense situations in Gears of War games, showcasing his unique way with words.
  • The iconic quote "Nice" after an active reload has become a signature line for Marcus, known for its loud and elongated delivery.
  • Marcus's final confrontation with the Locust queen in Gears of War 3 symbolizes payback for fallen comrades and marks a poignant end to his journey.

Marcus Fenix has become one of the most well-known and beloved video game protagonists in the industry, and even though he hasn't appeared in a mainline Gears of War game for quite some time, his larger-than-life persona has still made him a memorable character nonetheless. Though Marcus has proven on numerous occasions that he's more than capable of holding his own on the battlefield, he's also demonstrated he can be a pretty good speaker too, at least, when he's not swearing his head off like a sailor in the middle of combat, that is.

10 Best Cover Shooters If You Like Gears Of War

Gears of War is one of the most famous cover shooters, but these titles certainly give that franchise a run for its money thanks to fun mechanics.

In fact, Marcus has had quite a few impactful quotes throughout his adventures with the COG, and now Gears of War E-Day has finally been confirmed, it feels like the perfect time to reflect on Marcus, and specifically, his unique way with words. These are the Marcus Fenix quotes that have helped define the character over the years.

7 "Well, We're Not Here To Sell Cookies, So They Know Something's Up"

Marcus Warns Dom Of The Locusts' Intelligence In The Funniest Way Possible

Marcus And Dom Hiding From A Brumak
Gears of War 2

Xbox 360
November 7, 2008
Epic Games
Third-Person Shooter

No matter how dark and dangerous a situation can get, Marcus is always able to lighten up the mood with an out-of-the-blue quip or sarcastic remark, such as this one said near the beginning of Gears of War 2. After Dom questions whether the Locust has caught on to Delta Squad's plan, Marcus reminds his squadmates that they aren't just there to hand out "Cookies," meaning the Locust would definitely be getting suspicious as to what they're up to.

Though this is admittedly a pretty funny and unexpected reply, it also indicates just how smart the Locust really are as enemies and the fact they are always watching the COG from the shadows, and preparing in advance. It's a subtle line of dialogue that has stuck with many players because of how absurd yet intentional it is.

6 "Nice"

No Gears Fan Can Read This Quote Without Imagining Marcus Screaming It Out Loud

Marcus Fennix with a gun in Gears of War Mad World trailer
Gears of War

PC , Xbox 360
November 7, 2006
Epic Games
Third-Person Shooter

The active reload is a mechanic in the Gears of War games which allows players to fill up their gun with extra-powerful rounds if they can manage to press the reload button at the exact right time. When pulled off successfully, the player's character will make a quick comment, and for Marcus, this is none other than his now signature "Nice" quote.

6 Best Gears of War Villains, Ranked

While The Locust Swarm is the main threat in the Gear of War series, it's the villains behind the scenes who are truly evil.

What makes this line so funny is the fact Marcus elongates it for so long and will scream it at the top of his lungs, even if there are enemies nearby. It's also a quote that easily burrows its way into players' minds because of how often Marcus will be saying it, especially in the first game where there are far fewer voice lines.

5 "That's The One Nice Thing About Being Old. You Don't Have To Have An Opinion On Everything"

Marcus Learns To Find The Benefits Of Being An Older Man

Marcus Fenix from Gears of War
Gears of War 4

Xbox One , PC
October 11, 2016
The Coalition
Third-Person Shooter

Though Marcus does show up in the story of Gears of War 4, he's a lot older and quite disillusioned with the whole idea of going out and fighting on the frontlines for the sake of the COG. At first, it's not made clear whether Marcus actually enjoys his brief period of retirement, or if he secretly misses his life as a soldier, but one advantage he does cite about his age is the fact that, in his words "You don't have to have an opinion on everything."

For Marcus' standards, it's a pretty profound and thought-provoking quote that is emblematic of how Marcus has essentially passed the torch to his son, JD, and his friends, to continue the fight for humanity's survival. It's also a quote that shows Marcus is at least somewhat embracing his old age, rather than being bitter about it.

4 "Scratch One Grub"

Marcus Says This Line So Often That It Might As Well Be His Catchphrase

Gears of War 2 Trailer Marcus Fenix holding Locust Drone as Meatshield

Probably the one quote that most Gears players have heard more than any other is the now iconic line "Scratch one grub." For context, "Grubs" is the nickname given to the Locust by the Cog, so it's a word that gets thrown around a lot, but by far the person to say it more than every other character combined is Marcus. This specific quote has a chance of randomly triggering after Marcus kills a Locust, but since it doesn't matter how he kills them, it means there's always a good chance Marcus will yell this line after taking down an enemy.

However, despite it being one of the most common lines of dialogue in the first three games, Marcus' enthusiastic vocal delivery ensures that it never gets annoying, and has become somewhat of a catchphrase for the character. Unless Marcus only picked up the line later in his life, players can probably expect to hear this classic quote more than a few times in Gears of War E-Day.

3 "What Do I Look Like? A F****** Botanist?"

Marcus Has Had His Fair Share Of Sarcastic Comments, But This Might Just Be The Best One Yet

Carmine asking Marcus what the red glowing plants are

Gears of War 2 retains the same cover-based gameplay as the first game, but it also throws in a few unique gimmicks to help keep encounters fresh. One of these gimmicks comes early on in the game when Marcus and the squad meet a herd of rockworms - harmless yet sturdy creatures who can be lured out and used as cover by feeding them plants known as Glowbes.

Gears of War: Hardest Insane Campaigns, Ranked

Gears of War campaigns are known for being difficult, but once players turn the difficulty up to Insane they can expect an ordeal.

Understandably confused by all of this, Carmine asks Marcus what exactly these pieces of fruit are, only for his mentor to come back with one of his most sarcastic responses. What makes this specific quote even more hilarious is the fact that Marcus's big and bulky militaristic appearance probably couldn't be any more different from what a botanist would wear, and it's a line that is so random, it's become a real highlight of its respective game.

2 "It's A Giant Worm! They're Sinking Cities With A Giant Worm!"

The Shock In Marcus' Voice Perfectly Captures The Feeling Players Had When Seeing The Giant Worm Up-Close

Marcus wanring Anya of the existence of a giant worm

At the beginning of Gears of War 2, it's revealed the Locust have acquired a new superweapon that is powerful enough to sink entire cities. As a result, Marcus and the gang are tasked with seeking out what this weapon is and putting a stop to it once and for all. After venturing deep into the underground, they eventually discover this "superweapon" is actually an enormous worm that is digging through the ground and snacking on any cities that lie in its path of destruction.

This is already a shocking revelation, but the way Marcus announces this surprise to Anya over the telecom makes this scene so much more memorable. At the top of his lungs, Marcus begins screaming to Anya about the existence of the worm, and when paired with the grandiose music in the background, and the visual of the worm moving at a blistering pace, it does an excellent job of presenting the enemy as a pretty big deal.

1 "That's From Dom, And Everyone Else You Killed You B****"

A Heroic End To Marcus' Long And Arduous Journey

Marcus stabbing Queen Mayya
Gears of War 3

Xbox 360
September 20, 2011
Epic Games
Third-Person Shooter

The Locust and Lambent may be the ones fighting the COG on the frontlines, but the real mastermind who had secretly been pulling the strings behind the scenes was none other than the Locust queen herself, Myrrah. After the tragic loss of his best friend Dom, along with countless other comrades who fell in battle to the Locust, Marcus finally comes face to face with Myrrah at the very end of Gears of War 3 and manages to plunge a dagger deep into her heart as soon as he gets the chance.

As Myrrah begins bleeding out, Marcus assures her that this fatal blow was payback, not just for Dom, but for all the humans that she had gotten killed because of the war. Myrrah first shows up in Gears of War 2, but she manages to barely escape with her life intact in that game. Therefore, it makes this death scene all the more satisfying, while also being a heartfelt farewell to Dom in the process.

6 Great Settings For A Gears Of War Spin-Off

The Gears of War franchise has been able to create a wonderful history, where some of those moments would work perfectly in a spin-off