One of the bigger surprises from Microsoft's E3 2018 press conference was the reveal of Gears Tactics, a new turn-based strategy game based on the Gears of War franchise that looked to be borrowing heavily from XCOM. While some hardcore Gears of War fans may not have been sold on the concept initially, anyone that gives it a chance will quickly discover that the Gears of War franchise lends itself quite well to a turn-based tactics game.

Set prior to the events of the first Gears of WarGears Tactics follows the exploits of COG soldiers Gabe Diaz, father of Kait Diaz from Gears of War 4 and 5, as well as a grizzled veteran named Sid Redburn. The two of them are tasked with collecting information on a powerful Locust scientist named Ukkon, who is the creator of some of the Gears of War series' most memorable and dangerous monsters.

The first act of Gears Tactics will be very compelling for fans of the franchise. Not only does it give them a chance to meet Gabe Diaz, and therefore learn a bit more about Kait's history, but it also shines more light on the origins of the Locust creatures. There are some pretty interesting twists and turns, and the story of each mission bleeds into the next in a way that gives it a lot of momentum. And while Gabe and Sid aren't exactly the most complex or deep characters, they're a nice change of pace from games constantly revolving around Marcus Fenix.

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In Act 2, Gears Tactics loses its momentum in terms of story, as it pads things out with side missions, and even some of the main story missions lack cut-scenes to provide more context for the tasks at hand. Padding the campaign by forcing players to complete side missions causes some pacing issues with the story, and players may find themselves losing interest in the plot until things inevitably start ramping up again later on.

Even though Gears Tactics struggles with delivering a consistently engaging story, it never fails in delivering entertaining gameplay. Each Gears Tactics mission plays like an XCOM level with a Gears of War skin, with players selecting their squad and then completing a variety of objectives while having to account for enemies, status effects, and environmental hazards. Anyone expecting to just run head-first into encounters will have a hard time, as the game does require a genuine strategy for players to make it through most of the levels and enemy encounters.

Gears Tactics is able to mimic the visceral combat in the core Gears of War games by focusing on cover-shooting and bloody, over-the-top executions. Players are able to rush enemy Locusts and chainsaw them in half, just like they can in the other games, and they're rewarded with an intense, close-up view of the action. Gears Tactics doesn't shy away from the blood and gore that helped establish the main series' identity, and players will find themselves demolishing countless Locusts throughout the course of Gears Tactics' lengthy campaign.

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One of the big reasons Gears Tactics is able to make the combat feel so intense is due to the game's incredible sound design. Every gunshot is delivered with booming authority, and explosions literally rock the battlefield. Squad chatter often offers helpful hints in the midst of battle, and all the classic Gears of War series sound effects are there and accounted for as well. Gears Tactics' incredible sound design is combined with better than average visuals that occasionally suffer from texture pop-in, but otherwise look just as great as the core series.

Something that may be disappointing to players as they play through Gears Tactics, though, is the repetitive level design. There are some levels that almost feel like replicas of one another, and there isn't a ton of visual variety in the stages, either - an issue that is exacerbated by the forced side missions.

Even so, Gears Tactics players will likely be having enough fun with the gameplay that the repetitive missions may not bother them that much. Plus, the side missions do give players the chance to collect more loot and level up their characters. And this is where Gears Tactics becomes especially difficult to put down. The game is generous with its loot, meaning players are always finding new armor and weapon attachments to improve their soldiers. Each class also has its own skill tree with no wasted space. Each new skill opens up a multitude of new strategic opportunities on the battlefield, and this progression is hugely rewarding.

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Since the playable characters in Gears Tactics are constantly becoming stronger, the game has to do a couple of things to stay challenging. For one, there are many missions that restrict who can be used, and when players are doing side missions, they can only use each character in a mission once until the main story advances. This forces players to use some of their lower-leveled soldiers instead of their most powerful allies. Secondly, Gears Tactics is always adding new enemies to the mix that will make players change up their combat strategies.

Combat encounters in Gears Tactics start out simple enough, with players going head-to-head with standard Locust soldiers. However, they soon have to deal with Boomers, who are armed with deadly explosives that can wipe out an entire squad in one fell swoop, and Snipers that can pin soldiers in place. But regardless of if players are fighting Boomers or Wretches, every enemy in the game can be a headache if players don't approach each combat encounter with a plan in mind.

Speaking of enemies, a highlight of the Gears Tactics experience is definitely its boss fights, which play out like sort of puzzles and feel a little different than the standard combat encounters. Some players may find initial boss fights in Gears Tactics frustrating, but there are often ways that players can make the battle much easier. It's just a matter of figuring out the appropriate squad composition and where they need to send the characters on the battlefield.

gears tactics review

Gears Tactics proves that there's a lot more that can be done with the Gears of War IP besides just third-person shooters. The game has some pacing issues and some repetitive missions, but it's otherwise a very engaging turn-based strategy game that should please both fans of the genre and Gears of War enthusiasts alike.

Gears Tactics launches on April 28 for PC, with an Xbox One versions also in development. Game ZXC was provided a PC Steam code for this review.

gears tactics
Gears Tactics