
  • The upcoming Gears of War: E-Day game will likely feature some form of multiplayer mode.
  • Gears of War: E-Day takes players back to the beginning of the Locust War with popular characters Marcus and Dom.

A Gears of War: E-Day dev has commented on whether the upcoming prequel is set to feature a multiplayer mode. Gears of War: E-Day is considered to be the next mainline game in the series, the rest of which have made multiplayer a mandatory part of the experience.

The announcement of Gears of War: E-Day came as a huge surprise. Many expected the next release to be one of two things: a continuation of Gears 5's story, or a Gears collection featuring the first three games. Neither came to fruition. Instead, players were shown Gears of War: E-Day, which takes the series back to the very beginning of the Locust War, featuring fan favorites Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago. In the time since, The Coalition has confirmed that Gears of War 6 isn't being abandoned, and its story will eventually be concluded despite E-Day coming first.

Creator of Gears of War Shares Thoughts on Gears of War: E-Day Trailer

Gears of War is finally back, and this time, we'll be taken back to where it all began with Marcus and Dom: E-Day.

In an interview with Windows Central, The Coalition's Creative Director Matt Searcy was asked about the possibility of multiplayer returning to Gears of War: E-Day. After all, it has been a staple of the franchise since its inception, but it wasn't featured at Gears of War: E-Day's reveal at the Xbox Games Showcase. "I would say, this is the next mainline Gears game. Gears has a pretty clear DNA for gameplay modes, so you can probably anticipate where we'll be going with E-Day," Searcy claimed.

Gears of War: E-Day Dev Talks Multiplayer

While not a direct answer, the implication is certainly that Gears of War: E-Day will feature some form of multiplayer, although what form that takes remains to be seen. It could be competitive Versus modes, which have been the backbone of the series since its inception. It will likely also include a Gears of War Horde mode, which sees players take on waves of enemies in high-octane action. With no release window currently locked for Gears of War: E-Day, there's plenty of time yet for The Coalition to discuss multiplayer in detail.

Gears has a pretty clear DNA for gameplay modes, so you can probably anticipate where we'll be going with E-Day .

Overall, Gears of War: E-Day is a really cool idea for a title. It was unexpected for sure, but it makes total sense in hindsight. Early comments from the developer are promising, too, with it claimed that Gears of War: E-Day is bringing horror back to the franchise. Slowly, this element of the franchise has been tuned down, but it was a huge part of the original game's tone. It'll be interesting to see if The Coalition can deliver on some big promises for the upcoming prequel.