The Xbox One X released yesterday and one of its major perks is its library of Xbox One games that have been enhanced for the console. It's not just newer games getting the treatment, however. A small number of Xbox 360 games were recently announced to be enhanced on new console as well, and Microsoft has just added a few games to that list.

Major Nelson took to Twitter to announced three Xbox 360 titles that will be enhanced for the Xbox One X: Mirror's Edge, Skate 3, and Gears of War 3. These will join Assassin's Creed, The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Halo 3, for a total of seven Xbox 360 games that are getting Xbox One X enhancements.

What this means is they will run at higher resolution, have 9X the original pixel count, and have expanded color details. Basically, they will look nicer than they did on the Xbox 360.

As for Xbox One games that will be enhanced for the Xbox One X, the list is extensive. We've put together a list of enhanced titles that currently have Xbox One X updates, but more should be on the way. While older games will see a slight improvement, the update for Xbox One titles will deliver much more, through 4K resolution, support for HDR, or both. Out of all of the titles on the list, only around a third plan on producing 4K output, though.

Now that audiences know exactly what they're getting out of the Xbox One X, including the various enhanced games, it should be easier to know if it's worth a purchase. There are a lot of reasons to pick one up if you're in the market for a powerful console, but for those who already own an Xbox One might require more careful consideration. Those mulling it over can refer to our Xbox One X review for a comprehensive analysis of the console, which will make that decision a touch easier.