It has long been known by many gamers and Gears of War fans that Guardians of the Galaxy star Dave Bautista really wants to play Marcus Fenix in the movie adaptation. While that won't necessarily be the case, Bautista did get to live out this fantasy to some degree when he recently dressed up as a Gear for his starring in Gears 5.

Dave Bautista, who saw his rise to fame in the WWE, will officially be a playable multiplayer character in Gears 5. While players will have to wait a short while, he will be able to meet his destiny by becoming a playable COG soldier. Moreover, a new behind-the-scenes video demonstrates what Bautista went through to become a COG soldier in-game.

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At the beginning of the video, The Coalition head Rod Fergusson states that the developer widely recognized Bautista's desire to be involved with the series, as well as fans' support behind that. As such, Fergusson and his team wanted Bautista to be involved with Gears 5 to honor the wish of Bautista and the wish of fans.

The video also shows Bautista suiting up in the trademark armor worn by COG soldiers in Gears 5. With lights and proper decals, Bautista and his physique manage to create a very authentic-looking character from Gears of War.

Fergusson adds in the video that Bautista's character will be very similar to Marcus Fenix in terms of gameplay characteristics and will incorporate references to Bautista's time in the WWE. This includes lines where Bautista shouts, "Smackdown!"

Fergusson states near the end of the video that players will have access to Bautista come September 15. If players participate between then and the end of the month, they will have access to Bautista permanently. It was not mentioned if players could obtain Bautista beyond that deadline.

Many will likely find it very endearing to be able to play as Bautista in the game. Ever since he said it was his destiny to play Marcus Fenix, fans have been eager for the former pro wrestler's involvement. As such, Gears fans have gotten a taste of what could lead to further involvement from Bautista in the franchise.

Gears 5 will launch September 10 on Xbox One and PC.

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