For years, fans have been clamoring for Borderlands 3, and if Gearbox Software's Twitter page is any indication, it seems as though the game will finally be announced at PAX East on March 28. However, Gearbox's Twitter teases haven't stopped since the Borderlands 3 one, with the studio's continued use of the social media platform to hype its presence at PAX East suggesting that there will be at least four games announced at the event.

The first tease came on March 12, and featured a road sign marked "EXIT 3" clearly set on the planet of Pandora, where the majority of the Borderlands games take place. The next tease came on March 13, and showed a disassembled robot in a photo-realistic environment as opposed to the cel-shaded graphics used by the Borderlands games.

March 14 saw Gearbox release a pixelated image of what appears to be an area from Borderlands 2. Speculation has pointed to this being a tease for a Borderlands 2 Switch port, which has been hinted at in the past. In fact, it could be a sign that Borderlands: The Handsome Collection in its entirety could be making its way to Nintendo's handheld/home console hybrid. Considering the fact that Borderlands 2 is available on basically every other platform imaginable, a Switch port seems like just a matter of time, even if it's not at PAX East.

The most recent tease simply features a big red "&" symbol, giving fans very little to go on. One potential clue is Gearbox Software's Twitter bio, which lists its games as "BorderlandsBattleborn& Brothers in Arms," though that admittedly seems like a stretch.

So the question is, what could the four games be that Gearbox Software is potentially announcing at PAX East 2019? Borderlands 3 seems like a lock, but we're less certain about the other games. As previously suggested, Borderlands 2 could be getting a Switch port. Perhaps the robot image is a tease for Battleborn 2, despite the first game not being the biggest hit in Gearbox's library of games. Maybe one of the games is the rumored Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition for current-gen consoles, or maybe it's a new Brothers in Arms as some have speculated.

It's worth pointing out that Gearbox also owns the rights to the Duke Nukem and Homeworld franchises, so it's possible that the studio is preparing to announce a new entry in one of those franchises. Ultimately, fans will just have to wait and see what Gearbox Software has in store at its PAX East 2019 panel on March 28.