Ganryu 2: Hakuma Kojiro is a sequel but not in the way most gamers may think. It’s not a homage series that started as an indie game. The first Ganryu title was released by SNK in 1999. While it received some ports, the series has been ultimately dormant since then.

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Ganryu 2: Hakuma Kojiro is an indie release but one that is backed by a high-profile IP. It’s not the first time this has happened. Was the wait worth it? Reviews for the game, across every platform so far, are around the 60s and 70s. Why are they so low? Let’s dive in to see if the game is really that underwhelming and if there are any redeeming qualities.

8 Best: Crisp Arcade Visuals

Exploring a level in Ganryu 2 Hakuma Kojiro

Ganryu 2 is trying to emulate its predecessor with its arcade-inspired graphics. It’s one of the things this game excels at. The visuals are crisp. It’s a shame that there are no settings in the menu to help make the game look more authentic.

For example, Infernax is another inspired recent indie game that has different screens and filters to make it look more retro. Not every player will want to filter their game to look like something from the '90s. It would have been the cherry on top, so it’s not necessarily missed since the visuals look great without them.

7 Worst: No Tutorial

Fighting enemies in Ganryu 2 Hakuma Kojiro

Most titles, be they AAA or indie games, have tutorials. Ganryu 2 is missing one entirely. There are no controller settings either for players to peek at what each button does. For a retro game like this, it would have been great to see a fake manual in an Extras menu at the very least.

For example, Tunic does not have a tutorial either, but it does have a clever manual within it. It’s one of the best features in Tunic. Ganryu 2 not having a manual or tutorial is disappointing.

6 Best: Long-Awaited Sequels

Fighting a boss in Ganryu 2 Hakuma Kojiro

The very idea that Ganryu 2 gets to be made is astonishing. It’s a good reminder that it is never too late for a sequel. It may have been over two decades, but fans of this obscure title finally got what they wanted.

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This mirrors another arcade game from SNK’s past: Windjammers. The first game came out in 1994 for arcades, with the sequel launching in 2022. Getting that game and Ganryu 2 is like getting hope to never give up. That is a positive thing to credit the game for.

5 Worst: The Extra Lives And Checkpoints

Dying in in Ganryu 2 Hakuma Kojiro

Ganryu 2 is stuck in the past. Extra lives, for example, are in the game. Players have to attempt to beat every stage in order. For skilled players, they can wrap this thing up in a good hour or two at max. It depends on how much they die and if they have to restart. That’s how most arcade games were back in the day.

For example, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time, is one of the most celebrated brawler games of all time. However, it too can be finished in under an hour. Console ports did adjust difficulty and even gave players more extra life options in the menu. Ganryu 2 not having any of this is a bummer.

4 Best: The Music

Fighting enemies in Ganryu 2 Hakuma Kojiro

Like chiptune music like from the 16-bit and arcade era? Then you are surely going to like the soundtrack to Ganryu 2. The first stage sounds like a typical ninja/samurai game from the era. The chants in it are reminiscent of the Naruto soundtrack.

There’s not a lot of music in Ganryu 2, but that is because the game only has a handful of stages. The important thing to note is that the soundtrack is good despite there not being a lot of it. Variety is key and Ganryu 2 has that in spades

3 Worst: Item Glitches

Exploring a level in Ganryu 2 Hakuma Kojiro

It’s never a good thing to see a game launch with glitches. When it comes to a AAA budgeted title like Elden Ring, glitches are to be expected. That is an open-world game meaning that is seemingly impossible to account for everything.

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Ganryu 2 is a small game though. Levels can be completed in minutes if players dash through them. That’s why it is a bit more inexcusable to see glitches like items not working. This glitch seemed persistent mostly at checkpoints. The glitches didn’t completely damage the game, but they didn’t make it better either.

2 Best: Level Variety

Riding a mini kart in Ganryu 2 Hakuma Kojiro

While there may not be a lot of levels in Ganryu 2, the variety is good. The first is a typical level found in a ninja/samurai game. Players run around a forest filled with ninjas inside a secret set of temples. The second level is drastically different and finds players riding a mine kart.

It is a level straight out of Donkey Kong Country. It may not fit the feudal era theme of the overall game but it is a fun albeit frustrating level. The rest of the stages are great too but they won’t be spoiled here.

1 Worst: No Difficulties

The settings screen in Ganryu 2 Hakuma Kojiro

The lack of difficulties or options overall in Ganryu 2 is bad. Players can adjust the volume of the game. That is it. There is no controller layout as previously mentioned. There are no assist options or ways to increase the number of extra lives. There isn’t even an Extras gallery filled with concept art.

It is a short, barebones experience that is not going to entice players to come back for seconds, and that's assuming they even finish the game in the first place.

Ganryu 2: Hakuma Kojiro was released on April 22, 2022 and is available on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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