Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in viewing things in black and white, to point and label things as good or evil. It’s evident in political rhetoric and religion, or it becomes very apparent when our emotions take hold. In storytelling, there’s a clear distinction between our protagonists and antagonists. Heroes and villains.

Related: Best Heroes Turned Villains In Gaming History, Ranked

When we look through the lenses of our protagonists, audiences can be very willing to side with them. Yet human beings are complicated creatures and there’s never just one side to any story. In video games, players can be swept away by the protagonist’s perspective. When confronted or challenged by the antagonist, pivotal revelations can unravel and make players wonder, were they really that bad?

10 Robert De Sablé (Assassin’s Creed)

robert de sable assassins creed

Those who have played the first Assasin’s Creed will remember Robert de Sablé, the arrogant noble and master of the Templar Order who becomes Altair’s arch-rival. Players are given a list by Al Mualim to take down nine powerful and treacherous targets including Robert.

However, it is the revelation that Al Mualim had secretly collaborated with Templars to achieve further power that turns it all on its head. Perhaps he wanted the last laugh, perhaps he took pity on the assassin. Regardless, Robert acknowledges who he is and remarks that the only difference between him and Al Mualim was that Mualim didn't like the idea of sharing and wanted that sweet forbidden apple all to himself.

9 Alma (FEAR Series)

alma wade in fear 2 screenshot

A terrifying entity that makes an appearance and stalks the player throughout the game (especially the 2nd one), Alma is the last thing anyone would want as a romantic interest. Although dead, her psychic presence was so strong that she could manifest in the material world and interact with it.

Though looking back into her history, players will experience the sad existence and life she had. Tested on and impregnated on several occasions as a child, players will at least acknowledge the poor girls' behavior. Although it doesn’t take away how demented and horrifying she can be, it at least shines a light on why she is who she is.

8 Pagan Min (Far Cry 4)

far cry pagan min (1)

The eccentric and insane ruler of Kyrat, Pagan Min is one of the antagonists of Far Cry 4 and a playable protagonist in Pagan: Control, a Far Cry 6 DLC. Although ruthless, Pagan displays an affectionate tone and demeanor with Ajay despite both of them being in conflict.

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The game shows that Pagan is genuine about his concern and care for Ajay and that he does intend to deliver Kyrat into Ajay’s hands. If players wait for Pagan to return at the beginning of the game, Pagan does take Ajay to Lakshmana, his daughter, and Ajay’s half-sister. Pagan also remarks that the Golden Path isn’t what it paints itself to be and players later choosing between Amita or Sabal will see Pagan’s words ring true.

7 Letho (The Witcher 2)

Letho Of Gulet From The Witcher 2 Intro

In The Witcher 2, Geralt attempts to clear his name by hunting one of his own after being wrongfully accused of murdering King Foltest of Temeria. Letho continues his hunt for the other Northern monarchs and is considered the big baddy until players learn more about him.

It turns out that there aren’t many witchers left in the world and that most of the orders are either dead or slowly dying out. Letho was given a choice, murder the northern kings in exchange for the revival of the Witcher school of the viper under when Niilfgaardian flags take over the North. A hard thing to say no to.

6 The Illusive Man (Mass Effect Series)

illusive man

The secretive, know-it-all leader of Cerberus, The Illusive Man will stop at nothing to achieve his goal: by making humanity stand at the apex of the galaxy above all other races. Sure, the Illusive Man is a bigot and quite an asshole, but he did bring Shepard back from the dead.

However, with many other species jealous and wary of the sudden human ascendency, it can be understood from the Illusive Man’s perspective why protecting human interests and improving their standing is so important. Although his views are extreme, and he eventually becomes indoctrinated by the Reapers, the Illusive Man only had humanity’s interests at heart.

5 Arthas Menethil (Warcraft Series)

arthas menethil lich king shadowlands featured world of warcraft

The poster boy and golden child of the human race, Arthas’ story mirrors the archetype tragedy of fate. Initially kind and just, serving with the Knights of the Silver Hand, his desire to save his people lead him down a path of damnation. As the plague outbreak in Lordaeron grew worse, Arthas resorted to more desperate measures to curb it, even killing his people.

His quest drove him to the frozen wastes of Northrend in search of Frostmourne. An act that ultimately leads him to transform into the Lich King. Although he became a cold and twisted death knight, he did try though. Should’ve listened to Medivh bro.

4 343 Guilty Spark (Halo Series)

Though technically not a villain and more of an antagonist, 343 Guilty Spark was the AI custodian who was in charge of Installation 04 until it was destroyed by Master Chief and Cortana in the first game.

Related: Halo: Characters With The Best Back Stories, Ranked

Although eccentric after having been in existence for so many years, 343 Guilty Spark was faithful to its duties until the very end. As it was programmed to contain the Flood, Spark resorted to hostile means when the humans attempted to destroy its new installation. Perhaps driven to rage by guilt, it’s easy to see that Spark only wanted to serve its purpose and do what it was designed to do, even if that meant overlooking the greater good.

3 Logan (Fable 3)

Fable 3's Logan facing judgment with a gathered crowd

As the player’s ‘evil’ and terrible brother, Logan may seem like a vicious tyrant bent on exacting taxes to build an army and in the process present you with a horrible choice. Yet at the end of it all, Logan did it to protect the realm from the dark forces of the Crawler.

Do the ends justify the means? Could Logan have handled it better? Who knows, but it goes to show that running a kingdom isn’t an easy feat and players are given 1 year to prepare the realm’s defenses against this threat.

2 Loghain Mac Tir (Dragon Age Origins)

Loghain from Dragon Age: Origins

In Dragon Age Origins, Loghain’s actions (or lack of) lead to the deaths of the beloved Duncan and the king forcing players to unite Ferelden against the Darkspawn. However, in Loghain’s eyes, the king is young and obsessed with glory. Loghain was a man who was wary of Ferelden’s foreign threats, enemies who would strike at the first indication of weakness, enemies that he had personally fought in battle. Imagine filling those shoes and advising the king only to have one's counsel and pleas fall on deaf ears.

The Darkspawn have always been around but at the time, there was no overwhelming indication that an Archdemon was leading them. Although what Loghain did was terrible, he was trying to maintain his nation’s strength against threats he knew were ever-present.

1 Marlene And The Fireflies (The Last Of Us)

Imagine trying to find a cure for a disease that has ravaged the planet, that has turned friends and family into monsters, and after years and years of searching, there’s finally a cure. It’s not a done deal and there’s a chance of failure, but the opportunity is there. For most, it’s a chance too good to pass up.

That’s what Marlene and fireflies attempt to do. However, Joel can’t stand the idea of losing another daughter figure in his life and proceeds to murder everyone that stands in his way, including Marlene. It’s with a heavy heart that players can empathize with Joel despite knowing the selfish and horrid choice he’s making. The worst part is that he knows it’s the right thing to do, but he still can’t let Ellie die.

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