Everyone loves a good underdog. Seeing someone rise up from nothing to become exceptional is a tried-and-true formula for storytelling, and it's easy to see why. Audiences can easily identify with an Average Joe like themselves. If this protagonist succeeds, it can fill viewers with optimism that they were perhaps lacking before. Video games are a particularly effective way of portraying underdogs.

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As a game's story progresses, the characters naturally grow more powerful. This is due to both their stat increases and the player becoming more skilled. It's therefore no surprise that gaming has produced so many zeroes and molded them into heroes. After all, the format itself seems tailor-made for such a tale.

10 Henry of Skalitz – Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Henry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

History remembers many famous figures, but Henry of Skalitz isn't one of them. During Kingdom Come: Deliverance, this son of a blacksmith is simply swept up in greater conflicts between countries as the invading Cumans wipe out his town.

Amidst these terrible events, Henry gradually goes from town guard to agent and soldier for the local lord, finding himself in the process. He achieves this not because of any inherent gifts or destiny, but because of hard work and dedication. That's what makes his journey so satisfying.

9 Juan – Guacamelee!

Juan in Guacamelee

In this platformer, agave farmer Juan has a grand dream: become a powerful luchador. Sadly, when his childhood love is kidnapped by a skeletal demon, the humble nobody is killed. Against all logic, though, a mysterious luchadora gifts him a magical mask in the afterlife, enabling him to return to the living and rescue his love.

The mask is only the first step. Throughout his journey, Juan must master various wrestling moves to traverse the Metroidvania environments and overcome his demonic enemies. Upon doing so, he emerges as a champion of both is craft and his people.

8 Sora – Kingdom Hearts

Sora, Donald, and Goofy in Kingdom Hearts

Sora and his friends, tired of their tropical island home, dream of setting out to explore other worlds. Little did they know what they were about to step into. Chosen to wield a mystical weapon called the Keyblade, Sora must journey across countless Disney worlds to find his wayward friends.

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Protecting those he cares about is most important to Sora, and this fuels his constant battles against the forces of darkness. That sense of guardianship not only makes him physically stronger, but it also leads to a greater understanding of light versus darkness overall. The fact that he's still able to face the challenge with infectious enthusiasm speaks to his purehearted nature. Of all the Keyblade wielders that have emerged throughout the Kingdom Hearts saga, none have matched Sora's altruistic charm.

7 The Player Character – Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

The party in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Both Knights of the Old Republic titles feature amnesiac protagonists thrust into a galactic war. When they wake up, they have nothing but the clothes on their backs. However, that means they have an entire universe of possibility.

As they develop their abilities, inspire others to their cause, and strengthen their connection to the Force, they emerge as the two most pivotal figures in the Old Republic era. Whether they pivot the galaxy one way or another is entirely up to them. Players on the Light Side path could emerge as the greatest heroes in Star Wars history. The second game takes things further by waging war on the Force itself. From a certain point of view, this is arguably more admirable.

6 Ratchet – Ratchet & Clank

The title duo in Ratchet & Clank

A nobody mechanic on a backwater planet, Ratchet would naturally be drawn in by the commercialism rampant in this franchise. The little lombax doesn't care about the greater good; he just wants to get the latest high-tech gadgets and go hoverboarding.

What starts as a quest for toys soon reveals a sinister plot that threatens the galaxy. Faced with this horrifying reality, Ratchet gradually comes to realize how selfish he's been. This, combined with Clank's constant nagging, inspires the lombax to use his newfound arsenal to protect what's truly important. It's a lesson he's never forgotten in any of the games since.

5 Daxter – Daxter

Daxter in the Daxter PSP game

Despite the organce ottsel's bragging, it was always clear that Jak did most of the heavy lifting in the aptly named Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. That is, until he got locked up by a totalitarian dictator in the sequel. This gave Daxter the chance to shine in his own PSP spinoff.

Aimlessly kicking around Haven City, the riley rodent finds renewed purpose working for an over-the-hill exterminator and his dimwit son. He initially uses these guys for the cool stuff they give him, but he gradually comes to care about these overlooked everymen despite himself. Daxter uses this new drive and unorthodox gadgets to rescue his old friend from the slammer. He finally has a story all his own to tell.

4 Ezio – Assassin's Creed II

Ezio in Assassin's Creed II

Many wronged warriors have joined the Assassin's Creed for revenge. None, however, have been as poignant as Ezio. A rich man's son and irresponsible womanizer, he's ill-prepared when his family is betrayed and executed by the Templars. Thus, it's easy for him to join the Assassins and attain retribution.

Ezio's exploits across Italy equip him with the skills and tools needed to exact vengeance on his enemies, but he also gains a growing belief in the Assassins and what they stand for. Learning to fight for something more than himself forms the crux of Ezio's arc. While one wouldn't normally classify a shady killer as a hero, his sacrifices make him one of the most revered members of the Creed.

3 Senua – Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

Senua in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

The titular heroine of Hellblade starts as a victim. She was a victim of the invading Northmen, of the voices in her head, and of her failure to defend herself or her late lover. Nevertheless, she embarks on a grueling quest to save his soul from Helheim.

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What Senua finds instead is her own strength. Throughout her journey, she eventually learns to let go of her lost love and her past failings, fighting against her psychosis in the process. This conflict blends with her physical struggles (which may or may not be real themselves), allowing her emerge as a formidable warrior and challenge death itself.

2 Tak – Tak And The Power Of Juju

Tak and Jibolba in Tak and the Power of Juju

When his village comes under attack from an evil shaman, no one expects much from an unassuming kid like Tak. In fact, mentor Jibolba sends him to fetch the great champion, Lok, to be the prophesied warrior who will save the people from tyranny.

The only problem is that Lok isn't reliable. Not only was he turned into a sheep (before being trampled to death by the other sheep), but he's an utter buffoon completely wrapped up in his own image. Luckily, in trying to restore Lok to life, Tak also reinvigorates the Juju spirits and defeats the villainous shaman. He's fulfilled every part of the prophecy, so he's the hero by default.

1 Sir Dan – MediEvil

Sir Dan in MediEvil

Before Medievil even begins, Sir Daniel Fortesque was always credited as the hero of Gallowmere, having supposedly saved the kingdom from sorcerer Zarok. In reality, he was killed in the initial battle. When Zarok returns and raises an army of the dead, Dan also rises from the grave, giving him a chance to live up to his own legend.

That doesn't mean the other heroes of Gallowmere make it easy for him. Their spirits constantly ridicule the poor knight as a loser who got lucky. As Dan fights his way across the land, restoring peace and vanquishing the minions of Zarok, he begins to earn their respect. Not only does he get godlike weapons as rewards, but eventually carves out a place of his own in the Hall of Heroes. Sir Fortesque may not have amounted to much in life, but he more than makes up for it in the afterlife.

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