When gamers are asked what comes to mind when talking about video game maps, usually the large and innovative maps of Red Dead Redemption, Elder Scrolls, Grand Theft Auto, and Assassin's Creed are some of the names that may come to mind. Of course, early innovations such as The Legend of Zelda, Earthbound, Pokemon, and Final Fantasy are other obvious choices.

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A gaming map isn't just great in sheer size but in the detail that it provides a title. The game map itself is its own character. Its addition adds to the style and world-building of a gaming title.

15 Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver (1999)


Soul Reaver makes the list due to its unique use of its world map. Much like Zelda: A Link to the Past, there is an alternate reality of the regular world map. Players would have to go from material and spectral planes in order to maneuver throughout the world as the vampire turned reaver Raziel. This game has a cult following for a reason.

Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver utilizes its game map as an important part of the plot and gameplay, which is great for gamers who are looking for something unique.

14 Jet Force Gemini (1999)


A true hidden gem for the Nintendo 64 is this science-fiction masterpiece. Although it isn't a truly open map per se, there are several world maps, much like in Knights of the Old Republic, but on a much smaller scale. Not to mention players had to revisit these worlds as different characters to carry out different missions. The worlds and characters are truly memorable. The game has players playing as 3 different characters from a galactic law enforcement team in a shoot-em-up against giant insectoids who want to take over the galaxy.

13 Beyond Oasis (1994)

Prince Ali

Although Sega tried to do its fair share of Zelda knockoffs, this had to be one of the best. It managed to stand apart and had its own unique gameplay and setting going on. It used the better parts of the Sega Genesis graphics. The map and world in this title were rich and colorful. It used a similar camera dynamic to A Link to the Past, but it still managed to keep its own style.

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12 Pirates Of The Caribbean/Sea Dogs II (2003)

navel battle

Imagine a fairly large pirate sandbox game that drew a great deal of inspiration from Sid Meier's Pirates! Initially, this game was the second iteration of the Sea Dogs gaming series. Upon its release stateside, Disney seized on a marketing opportunity to rename it as part of their Pirates of the Caribbean brand, and added an incredibly short Keira Knightley opening narration, threw the Black Pearl and few skeletons in it, and voilà.

It wasn't the brief film nods that made this game a beloved gaming cult classic. It was the large access to the map. The ability to survive storms, naval battles, being a patsy in foreign espionage, or just straight-up pirating in an open map, was quite memorable for many gamers who were lucky enough to find and play this title.

11 Gun (2005)

Colton White

Despite much of this game's controversy and character depictions that truly made players wince, the game map cannot be overlooked. Before Red Dead Redemption, there was Gun.

A lot of the gameplay, such as the quick draw mechanic and map building, helped to inspire a lot of elements used in the Redemption games. It was one of the first modern Western maps to be truly open. This game also gave Rockstar inspiration on what NOT to do with a Western game as well.

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10 Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (2005)

thaw skate ranch

Exploring and skating the maps of the Tony Hawk series is always a fun experience. Yet, arguably the best title among fans is the most overlooked. It has sat in the shadow of Tony Hawk’s Underground for the longest time. But this was the first entirely open Hawk game. Not just entirely open but most immersive and most compelling.

A gritty Hollywood and beyond setting is what players of the Hawk games have been craving again since its release. Not something realistic like Ride, but something more personalized and immersive that still holds on to its arcade roots. This game had all that fans loved about the series and then some.

9 Willow (1989)

Willow gameplay

Yes, there was a Willow video game. Based on the 1988 film of the same name. Many kids of the early 90s and 80s may have hard feelings considering the difficulty of this title.

It managed to make the list, however, due to its HUGE world map. Now it wasn't too big of a deal considering other gaming maps of the time, but for a movie-based video game, the amount of detail to scale was quite impressive.

8 The Godfather (2006)

car chase

The Godfather video game hit shelves the same year as the Scarface video game. Scarface was a little more popular at the time and had a decent open world map in its own right. But something about The Godfather just felt a little more immersive. Maybe because the Scarface game played out more as a “what if” scenario (i.e., what if Tony Montana survived the massacre in his massive drug lair) and The Godfather made you a part of the actual story as one of the unsung members of the Corleone family’s crime syndicate.

There just was something more to it. The game also provided a large number of businesses and turf to take over, and the majority of it was fairly optional. But it made the player feel like a bigger part of the story and environment. Even though the story missions were few and linear, the world and the map allowed for a good deal of exploration. Not to mention players felt a part of Francis Ford Coppola's 1945-55 New York.

7 Dead Rising (2006)

Frank West

The world map...is a mall! Just having a true Dawn of the Dead-inspired zombie experience with over-the-top parodies and depictions of consumer capitalism and zombies and having it be its own thing is quite impressive.

Players could interact with this map in the best ways. It provided time-restrained planning and killing zombies with whatever a player happened to come across in the mall. The game map was easily accessible yet provided unique obstacles that required strategy. It wasn't the largest map, but it was definitely well-thought-out.

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6 Lego The Lord Of The Rings (2012)

lego lotr

As far as The Lord of the Rings and open maps go, the Shadow of Mordor series immediately comes to mind. Players and fans are completely correct on the amazing representation and scope of experiencing Mordor. Even earlier games based on the films and the spin-off series, such as The Third Age, did a brilliant job at the time in immersing fans of the series into Middle Earth. However, one map that had it ALL kind of went a little under the radar. What about the rest of Middle Earth?

Lego game fans will go on to mention the amazing open world of Lego Marvel etc., and they are not wrong. Yet many do forget that Lego created a whole world map of Middle Earth; sure, it wasn’t Just Cause 3 in scope, but it was quite impressive for the time and for Lego. After finishing the game, there were still plenty of maps to explore and characters to collect, and it was easily one of their best maps. Fans of The Lord of the Rings or Lego should definitely add this one to their collection.

5 Ultimate Spider-Man (2005)

Venom & Spider-Man

Shortly after the beloved Spider-Man 2 video game was released, this excellent game followed in its shadow. Imagine Spider-Man 2, but with better graphics and action. The beautiful cell-colored visuals and playing as both Spidey and Venom around the streets of New York City was truly a treat.

The map was quite large and encouraged exploration, and for the time, it was one beautifully rendered game map that truly deserved more love.

4 Sunset Overdrive (2014)

sunset overdrive cover poster

This gem is if Mad Max, Tony Hawk's American Wasteland, Jet Set Radio, and an Edgar Wright film were thrown in a blender together. It is the best kind of madness, and it gives 100% punk rock apocalypse vibes. The map is fun and full of insanity.

Sunset Overdrive was only released on the PC and Xbox One, so many gamers missed out on it, and in doing so, only Microsoft users are really more aware of this wonderful title.

3 Outer Worlds (2019)

the unreliable

Outer Worlds is still kind of "new," but in the realm of modern gaming, it still manages to be a little overlooked due to many other notable titles coming out around the same time. What is great about the open-world game map is the dark humor and the wonderfully exaggerated retro and futuristic color palates.

To see nostalgic graphics inspired by 1950s retro-futurism and mid-century hypermodernism in a future dystopian setting feels quite appropriate, to say the least. It is an intriguing look at capitalism's past, present, and supposed future.

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2 Bully (2006)

Jimmy Hopkins

The world map, the music, the story, and poking fun at high school stereotypes are just only a few draws of this overlooked Rockstar classic. Even though its map wasn’t as large as Grand Theft Auto, the world map available is incredibly memorable. Imagine a New England town that one sees in college films with a trashy Ivy League high school, and there is just something so charming about it.

The game was beloved upon release, and it just never gets boring. In a sense, it is one of the most fun and yet relaxing open worlds that Rockstar has ever put out. The game and the map just have so many layers that are a joy to peel away.

1 Skies Of Arcadia (2000)

Vyse, Aika, Fina

JRPG's of the early 2000's had some of the best world maps. Legend of Dragoon is a beloved favorite and example, as well as Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy 7-10. Although these titles have had their own rebirths on next-gen consoles of varying types, Skies of Arcadia has remained a bit overlooked. Although it has its cult following, the last reboot it had was on the Nintendo Gamecube. The original Dreamcast title is already a rarity, but the reboot is an expensive item to come by.

The game managed to go a bit unnoticed during its initial release on the Sega Dreamcast, mainly because it was up against Sony's Playstation and Nintendo's N64. The game's whole concept was about map exploration. It was the entire premise. The map, too, was unforgettable.

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