Losing a pet is always a dreaded moment that everyone would love to avoid. Pets are such an important part of one's family that everyone would love to keep them around forever. Animal lovers hate seeing these cute furry creatures die whether it's in real life or pure fiction.

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One of the most loved pets next to the cat is the dog and fans just hate when a movie, TV series, or game kills off the fun and adorable pet. Whether the dog had to die to save the protagonist's life or not, it's always something fans would love to avoid. All dogs are precious and should be safe from any harm, but unfortunately, these are some games where they don't survive.

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5 Stray Dog (Days Gone)

Days Gone Tragic Moment Stray Dog

Days Gone is a survival zombie game about a former biker gang member named Deacon St. John, who tries to find his wife Sarah in a post-apocalypse world.

His journey takes the player all over the states, and he encounters many enemies and obstacles. One of the most heartbreaking moments is when he comes across an injured dog, and to save it from the pain, he must put him down. It's a short scene, but it is still a miserable moment as no one likes to witness a dog die, especially after learning about the events that led to this moment. The dog got hurt by people who kills dogs for sports, and gamers would encounter the lifeless dog bodies all over the map. If only all dogs and pets, in general, were immortal.

4 Pompidou (Life Is Strange)

Pompidou in Life is Strange Prequel and Life Is Strange

Pompidou first appears in Life is Strange and then as a puppy in the prequel, Life isStrange Before The Storm. He's a rescue that belongs to Frank Bowers, the local drug dealer of Arcadia Bay.

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Pompidou may be aggressive with strangers, but it is only because he is extremely protective of his owner. He also used to be quite affectionate with Rachel Amber. Depending on the player's choices in the first game, the dog can die at two different moments. The first is in Episode 3 when Chloe and Max distract him to enter the RV. They can either throw a bone in the streets where he gets hit by a car or tosses it in a safer area. The other choice that can either kill or save Pompidou is at the very end. If the players choose to save Chloe, Pompidou dies. If they save the residents and kill Chloe, the dog survives. It's all a question of preference, but most players struggled to kill the dog.

3 Lion (A Plague's Tale: Innocence)

Lion in a Plague's Tale

A Plague's Tale starts with a focus on Hugo's sister and the main protagonist of the game, Amicia. Lion was their family's French hunting dog, and although he was just a minor character in the game, his death was horrific.

As the player begins their journey with a tutorial, Lion hangs around, barks, and follows different scents that lead to wild animals. At some point, he runs off, chasing a lead, and Amicia tries to keep up with him until suddenly, she hears her dog emit a pained whimper and finds him injured. Upon closer examination, Lion is more than just hurt. Before the player can do anything to save him, he gets pulled into a dark hole by something. It is then clear that the dog had passed away violently, and his death traumatized a lot of dog lovers.

2 Alice: The Last Of Us Part 2

Alice The Dog in The Last Of Us 2

Alice resembled a German Shepherd in The Last of Us Part Two, and like many of her own kind, she got trained by the WLF as a guard and patrol dog. Handled by Mel, she often followed the team on their missions and fought against the infected and enemies.

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When gamers played as Abby, they could interact with Alice and form a bond, but that connection wouldn't last long. After playing as Ellie again and breaking into the aquarium, they had to kill Alice, who was just doing her job. The dog may have been a minor character in the story, but her death seemed unnecessary, and many fans wished it didn't happen.

1 Mushroom: Life Is Strange 2

Mushroom in Life Is Strange 2

Mushroom is probably one of the most tragic and traumatizing deaths to happen in games so far. In the first episode, she was a puppy waiting for adoption in Bear Station. After a series of events, Daniel stole her, and despite his brother's reluctance to have a dog, they kept her. Mushroom and Daniel's connection really deepened, and they were a cute pair.

In the second episode, she goes missing, and Daniel frantically searches for her in the woods with the help of his older brother. After finding her scarf and following a trail of blood, they found her lifeless and mauled by a cougar. Daniel had a choice to take: avenge his beloved dog or let the cougar flee. This decision would heavily impact the course of the story and had to happen, unfortunately. There isn't a way to save the cute little puppy, and seeing Daniel mourn his loss made the moment even more tragic and sad. Fans hated this moment and couldn't help but cry along with Daniel.

MORE: Stray Proves It's Time for a Remake of the 2003 Dog's Life Game