When a game shuts down a server, it's rather unfortunate, especially when the game is multiplayer. Players and their friends have shared exciting moments and created things they can now never go back to. Keeping servers open can be expensive for developers, which forces them to shut down sections of a game that don't seem viable anymore. Still, it's sad to see. Since players are in the midst of a newer generation of gaming, older games are shutting down their servers, based on factors like the number of players in the lobbies.

Shutting down servers for big games like Halo 2 leaves a void for players who have created memories, and playing those games one last time makes things more worthwhile. However, the good news is that while games do shut down, that doesn't mean they're entirely unplayable (unless they're completely multiplayer). It just means that players can't access the online features anymore. Every year games shut down, and 2022 is no different.

5 Forza Street

forza street players starting a race

This is the mobile variant of one of the most iconic and immersive sports games of all time. It was a feat to have a realistic racer that felt like a full-fledged game all in the player's hands, all while having the aesthetic of Need For Speed. Forza Street took the simulator aspect of the mainline Forza games, and made it accessible for the casual player as well. However, Forza Street did divide the community. Players either loved it or loathed it.

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So there were a number of reasons why the servers for this mobile game got shut down. Players didn't fully control the cars; in fact, the cars ran on their own. Players would tap the turns, the boots, and other interactive objects that helped players win the race. Forza Street had a pretty long life for a mobile game, being introduced in 2019 and going for three years, before shutting down in early 2022. If players bought anything 30 days before the game shut down, developers refunded them, making sure no one was left unsatisfied.

4 Army Of Two: 40th Day

army of two player shooting at enemies while the second player is in cover

Both Army Of Two games are great narrative-driven experiences, which makes them super immersive. However, the sequel, Army Of Two: 40th Day was even deeper, having a complex moral system that made this third-person shooter one of the best co-op adventures in gaming. Plus, both characters in Army Of Two: 40th Day were their own. Players didn't feel like the second player was an extension, but rather a part of the narrative.

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However, EA closed a bunch of online servers for their games in October 2022, including Army Of Two: 40th Day. Players can no longer play with friends online. But on the other hand, the local co-op is still running, meaning it's possible to play with friends in the same room. This isn't a bad thing — it makes the immersion even better, and allows both players to communicate and strategize more efficiently.

3 Assassin's Creed 3

assassins creed 3 player jumping on another player

Many would think the Assassin's Creed games don't have servers because they are story-driven games. The main meat of these games are single-player campaign, but multiplayer adds another element of replayability. In a time when multiplayer shooters like Call Of Duty and Battlefield were extremely popular, Assassin's Creed multiplayer added freshness to multiplayer gaming. Playing a cat-and-mouse type of game made for some fun and interesting sessions.

Assassin's Creed 3 introduced a new protagonist. While not as strong, he still moved the series along. Of all the new things, the multiplayer was overhauled, with new characters that have their own abilities, and new modes that showcased a bunch of them. So it's unfortunate that these types of games have shut down in September 2022. On top of that, Ubisoft has not focused on the multiplayer section of Assassin's Creed games since 2014's Assassin's Creed Unity.

2 Far Cry 3

far cry 3 multiplayer

Another Ubisoft game shut down in 2022, this is a sad one. The online element was fun, and was deep and rich on its own. As Far Cry 3 is still the best Far Cry game to date, players had a whole package. With a henchman that's still iconic to this day, the story was well crafted and surprised players with all the twists. It also had a multiplayer section that added a sense of community to Rook Island.

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Rather than having a typical team deathmatch, players would play in objective based co-op missions. It made gameplay fun and just as over-the-top as the single player, and what players leant in the story could be transferred over to the multiplayer. Plus, being separate from the main campaign allowed the multiplayer section to immersive. Sadly, with server shutting down, players can't relive this interesting experience.

1 Ghost Recon Future Solider

ghost recon player getting revived by an invisible teammate

The long-running tactical shooter was another victim of Ubisoft bringing the ax down on its servers. Ghost Recon Future Solider had the whole package, much like Far Cry 3, where it had a separate horde mode campaign that could be played with friends or alone, but was better with friends. On top of the PVE action, Ghost Recon Future Solider had PVP as well, where players fought against other players.

Ghost Recon Future Solider was made for everyone, because of how easily many players could adapt to its play style. The PVP element was good example. It took the easy-to-learn mechanics, and pitted players against one another, making the online matches pretty fun. However, after October 2022, the game's multiplayer section has shut off.

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