Defeating enemies is a core aspect of video games. Players try to reach a goal; AI adversaries bar the way; players hit those adversaries until they stop moving. However, it's not always so simple.

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Some developers try to encourage more style in player kills. They include incentives to vary one's approach and show off one's skills. This prompts flashier combos on the heroes' part. Alternatively, it may cause players to approach each encounter more carefully in order to plan their strikes. This gimmick is not only satisfying in itself but extra gratifying thanks to the gifts it garners. Who knew you could get rewarded for showing off?

7 Devil May Cry

Dante in Devil May Cry 5

Dante and Nero may earn their living slaying demons, but they make sure to look cool while doing it. That's why Devil May Cry ranks battles based on style. Players vary between melee and ranged weapons to juggle foes and maintain a combo. After each encounter, they earn a letter grade. Higher grades yield more red orbs for upgrades.

Later in the series, this mechanic becomes more prevalent as the combat expands. Dante and Nero get more weapons, moves, and stances. It encourages experimentation, and finding the perfect rhythm leads to even more orbs. One has to admire a guy who loves his job.

6 God Of War

Kratos and a cyclops in God of War 3

This is less style and more creative brutality. When players whittle down enemies' health in God of War, they get a prompt. Pushing the right button reels them in for a personal death.

Kratos grapples the foe and performs a gruesome execution, often with his bare hands. He may rip out a cyclop's eye or snap a gorgon's neck, turning surrounding monsters to stone. The Spartan never runs out of ways to dismember his adversaries.

On top of looking gloriously gross, these finishers have additional benefits. In the first game, they yield green orbs to restore Kratos's health and help him stay in the fight. Later entries give him red orbs for these kills, letting him upgrade his weapons and magic. In the end, players have every reason to embrace his bloodlust.

5 Batman: Arkham

Batman in Batman: Arkham Knight

The Arkham games are famous for freeflow combat, which is obviously intended to flow. When fighting goons as Batman, players must keep the combo going, timing counters and dodges to maintain their momentum. If they mix in gadgets and takedowns, then all the better. It all factors into a performance review for each encounter.

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Longer combo lengths and varied methods give a greater score. These go toward the WayneTech points they attain. They then use these points to improve the Dark Knight's armor, learn new abilities, and unlock useful gadgets. In short, performing well in combat helps him become the best Batman he can be.

4 Sonic The Hedgehog

S Rank in Sonic Unleashed

The Blue Blur has always been satisfied with his own speedy antics. Sonic Adventure 2 translates that confidence into gameplay. To aid in achieving an "S" rank, each level allows bonus moments of flair. These include mid-air tricks and dancing on grind rails. It's not just platforming where this applies, though.

Sonic can also earn bonus points for combat. The most effective way is destroying enemies with his homing attack. If he bounces from robot to robot without touching the ground, it does wonders for his score. Level ranks may not seem like much on paper, but they make a valuable incentive for players who want to challenge their reflexes. That's why they've been in several Sonic games since.

3 Shadow Of Rome

Gladiator in Shadow of Rome

Gladiators had a reputation as warriors, but part of their job was entertainment. This Roman arena fighter encourages the same. Players could go for the standard kills, but that's no fun. If they perform superhuman feats and give their opponent a messy death, though, they make the match a real crowd-pleaser.

Shadow of Rome measures this in a satisfaction meter. Happier audiences want to support their favorite gladiators, tossing weapons into the arena. These make the fight easier and provide more chances for death and dismemberment. It's an endless cycle of violence. For once, that's a good thing.

2 League Of Legends

Samira in League of Legends

Countless characters make upLeague of Legends, but the one with the most flourish is Samira. She's built on stylish kills. Combining sword strikes and gunshots, she works to get good grades while slaughtering her enemies. The mechanic comes straight from Devil May Cry with one major difference.

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That difference lies in how Samira accesses her ultimate attack. Rather than a recharge meter, it depends on her style rank. She must achieve an "S" rank in combat. Only then can she pull off her ultimate. This makes it less of a desperation move and more of a grand finale.

1 Bayonetta

Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3

Like most games, Bayonetta ranks players at the end of each chapter. Their score depends on various factors, from damage taken to items used. Among these are combos. The hack-and-slash heroine must keep the pressure on enemies in an unbroken chain of strikes. These are instrumental in calculating the reward.

Said reward comes in the form of halos. Players can then use this holy currency to buy weapons, items, abilities, and extras. Granted, it's somewhat disconcerting that they exchange these halos at the Gates of Hell, but the rewards are enough to offset that contrast.

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