For the most part, any game with a leveling system pretty much compels players to try and get the highest stats possible to make the most of what the title has to offer. This is a pretty logical conclusion for most people to come to, especially since the main aim in most games is to reach as high a level as possible to take down most threats with ease and attain a natural sense of progression.

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However, there are times when games actually function better on lower levels for a whole host of reasons. After all, the very nature of leveled progression means that players might overpower their opposition to the point where the combat can become downright trivial at times. Then, there are many other times when leveling might be against what the player wants to do. Regardless, players who end up playing through the following titles will definitely enjoy a run where attaining the highest level isn't a priority.

7 Undertale

sans undertale

Undertale is one of the most clever games made, with this anti-RPG actually dissuading players from fighting in a bid to help them realize the more charming facets of gaming instead. Players who ignore the themes of the game and kill everything in sight will go down a path of anarchy that will doom the entire world.

Undertale is a game that is absolutely adorable, making it clear that sparing every enemy and going through the entire game without hurting a soul is the best way to play this game. Staying at Level 1 isn't just possible — it's recommended!

6 Final Fantasy 7

Cloud, Aeris, and Tifa fighting the Turks in Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 7 is a game that needs no introduction, which is what makes its inclusion on this list so odd. After all, it's common knowledge that players need to gain certain levels to make fights easier in this game.

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However, the real kicker comes while fighting the final boss of this game. Safer Sephiroth actually gets a bonus in HP based on how many Level 99 party members are on the team. This is a pretty great way to swerve expectations while also making the fight more challenging for players who went the extra mile to get as powerful as possible.

5 Dark Souls

dark souls artorias

Dark Souls is a legendary action-adventure game that has changed the entire landscape of gaming by showing the industry that gamers love titles where they are challenged at every step of the way instead of getting their hand held for the most minor things. It's this focus on treating gamers like adults and forcing them to learn from their mistakes that makes Dark Souls such an amazing title.

While most people feel like getting as many Souls as possible to level up is the intended way to play Dark Souls, there's another way players can maximize the enjoyment of the combat system and up the difficulty even more. Players can do a low-level run in the game and only upgrade their weapons, which forces them to learn enemy patterns and choose their attack windows wisely.

4 Final Fantasy 8

Seifer (Final Fantasy 8)

Final Fantasy 8 is a game that many people consider to be a mixed bag. It's true that the game suffers from balancing issues and a messy story, but the visuals were groundbreaking for the time and the combat had a level of flair that had never been seen before in a video game.

Final Fantasy 8 is a game where enemies level up along with the player. So, by keeping levels as low as possible and using Junctions properly, players can easily blast through the game without any issues.

3 The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

Elder Scrolls 4_ Oblivion (1)

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion is a great game that adds to the amazing legacy of the Elder Scrolls series. The massive open world and a great main quest formed the two central pillars of this game that made it so satisfying to play through.

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Oblivion is another game where enemies leveled up along with the player. This compelled players to stay on top of their gear whenever they leveled up, making for a rather puzzling mechanic where being a lower level would actually make the game easier!

2 The World Ends With You

Neku in pain, grabbing his headphones

The World Ends With You is one of the most unique role-playing games on this list. It uses a unique mix of action role-playing and a modern-day Tokyo setting to let players experience a rather unique masterpiece.

The game has a mechanic where players can reduce their level all the way to 1 to get a chance of obtaining rare pins. Thankfully, levels only reduce a player's hit points, meaning that they can still get through most encounters without any problems as long as they avoid any unnecessary damage.

1 Dragon Age: Inquisition

Corypheus looking very angry at the player in Dragon Age Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition is a great continuation of the series that has slowly warmed up to people over time. The quest design could use a bit of work in some places, but there's no denying that the game's a blast to get through regardless.

Dragon Age: Inquisition actually gives players an achievement if they reach Skyhold below level 5, which can be done by activating the trial "Take It Slow." This trial, among many others, is added as a part of the Trespasser DLC.

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